The Democrat agenda 2022 and going forward

That's not the point.
I guess I'm misunderstanding, I thought you've been trying to relentlessly hammer a point that we need to listen to and learn the errors of our ways from the same Republicans who basically shit on everything we've ever stood for.

"but he got 77 million votes"
Fine, I still don't believe we should be separating families and mass deporting immigrants.

"but he got 77 million votes"
I still don't believe Republicans or Democrats are solely responsible for the economy, there are a lot of moving parts.

"but he got 77 million votes"
Cool, but I don't think Government has any place in legislating women's bodies.

"but he got 77 million votes"
Neato, looking forward to gay marriage being overturned (feel free to reference this post in years when it actually happens).

"but he got 77 million votes"
Who needs the affordable healthcare act anyway?

I'll keep my soul and what I believe in, which will always be applicable regardless of who wins any election. They were that way when Obama and Biden won, they're the same when Trump won.
I guess I'm misunderstanding, I thought you've been trying to relentlessly hammer a point that we need to listen to and learn the errors of our ways from the same Republicans who basically shit on everything we've ever stood for.

The Democratic Party needs to learn (via a post mortem) why so many voters in critical swing states are voting R (40% Latino in Yuma County, Arizona, for example) and adjust Dem strategy going forward to get them back. That county used to be heavily Democratic.

Not learning from mistakes, and doing same thing over and over again, will not result in a positive outcome. That's true with life in general.
The Democratic Party needs to learn (via a post mortem) why so many voters in critical swing states are voting R (40% in Yuma County, Arizona, for example), and adjust Dem strategy going forward to get them back.

Not learning from mistakes, and doing same thing over and over again, will not result in a positive outcome. That's true with life in general.
And what did Republicans learn from us after their loss in 2020?
And what did Republicans learn from us after their loss in 2020?

Don't really know not being aligned with that party.

I can only speculate. How about bullshitting that he'll instantly fix the economy of those adversely impacted in critical swing states?

Though that's not learning "from us." That's just common sense; reaching out and connecting with people who are truly suffering.
Don't really know not being aligned with that party.
Thank you for making my point.

Here's a shortlist of the Republican agenda:
  • Stacked the SCOTUS
  • Reversed Roe v Wade
  • Pushed through every agenda Trump pushed for (during a Biden presidency)
  • Tripled down on hatred of women, minorities, and LGBTQ people
Yet they still won in 2024, that's what the people wanted and it's what they'll get. If there's anything to take away from them it's not to give a rats ass about what people think and do whatever you have to in order to win. Democrats have no spine.
Thank you for making my point.

Here's a shortlist of the Republican agenda:
  • Stacked the SCOTUS
  • Reversed Roe v Wade
  • Pushed through every agenda Trump pushed for (during a Biden presidency)
  • Tripled down on hatred of women, minorities, and LGBTQ people
Yet they still won in 2024, that's what the people wanted and it's what they'll get. If there's anything to take away from them it's not to give a rats ass about what people think and do whatever you have to in order to win. Democrats have no spine.

Still not following you. And not making any point for you.

trump bullshitted that he'll instantly fix the economy. Voters in critical states bought it.

It's not a matter of Dems learning from the other party. I'm not saying that, and dont know why you keep saying that. It's about doing a post mortem as to why they lost, and adjusting strategy for 2028. Full stop.
The Democratic Party needs to learn (via a post mortem) why so many voters in critical swing states are voting R (40% Latino in Yuma County, Arizona, for example) and adjust Dem strategy going forward to get them back. That county used to be heavily Democratic.

Not learning from mistakes, and doing same thing over and over again, will not result in a positive outcome. That's true with life in general.

Part of this is voter behavior though. Feeling good? Vote for the incumbent. Feeling bad? Vote for the other guy. For this sort of voter, it works for/against each party.

While you can speak to that to some extent, it’s been a bit of a conundrum of how you deal with it politically in our system. Ideally you’d have a multi-party system such that you could pick from more alternatives, but we don’t have that. It’s also a bit of a question of how you fight empty populism without resorting to it yourself.
Still not following you. And not making any point for you.
You are, just not realizing it. Glad you're learning something from Republicans if that works for you. Let's just agree to disagree here.
You are, just not realizing it. Glad you're learning something from Republicans if that works for you.

More smarmy sideways slams. Why? Is that really necessary?

The only thing I've learned from the Rs is if you have someone like trump who lies as effortlessly and convincingly as people breath, you can win an election.
Thank you for making my point.

Here's a shortlist of the Republican agenda:
  • Stacked the SCOTUS

Be fair. That is the agenda of both parties.

In fact I think there are many prominent Dems who advocated expanding it so THEY could stack it.

As for listening to me or any Republicans, maybe instead listen to some of the respected Dem pundits and analysts and see what they have to say.
As for listening to me or any Republicans, maybe instead listen to some of the respected Dem pundits and analysts and see what they have to say.

Spot-on! They've essentially done the post mortem that the Dem leadership should be doing. And adjusting their strategy, accordingly.

It has nothing to do with what the Rs are doing. It's about reaching out and connecting with voters that are looking for a better life (currently the economy), and coming up with solutions to address that.
Be fair. That is the agenda of both parties.

In fact I think there are many prominent Dems who advocated expanding it so THEY could stack it.
Dems don't have the spine, Republicans would throw their own mother under a bus to do so.

As for listening to me or any Republicans, maybe instead listen to some of the respected Dem pundits and analysts and see what they have to say.
Let's go back to this same timeline in 2020, just weeks after Republicans lost. Do you recall seeking feedback from Democrats on what went wrong with your party? I'll be happy to see any posts you care to share on that matter, I'll go ahead and wait.
Fascinating. Why?

I know why it's routinely done at the other place. But here? Everyone else I've encountered here is respectful. As I try to be as well.
Mostly because I like being called smarmy, it makes me want to sit on the davenport in my little house on the prairie and reflect.
Mostly because I like being called smarmy, it makes me want to sit on the davenport in my little house on the prairie and reflect.

What I'm curious about is why the need resort to sideways slams (ad hominems) to begin with, rather than just debate the topic at hand, and keep it respectful?
What I'm curious about is why the need resort to sideways slams (ad hominems) to begin with, rather than just debate the topic at hand, and keep it respectful?
Your need to always have the last word is annoying. We disagree, I've asked you to agree to disagree several times but you just can't seem to do it. Let's give it a shot.
Your need to always have the last word is annoying. We disagree, I've asked you to agree to disagree several times but you just can't seem to do it. Let's give it a shot.

If that's how it's perceived, I sincerely apologize.

For me it's not about having the last word. It's about clarifying what I'm saying, believing what I said earlier may have been misunderstood. That's all.

Having "the last word" is something I don't need. I always love learning something new.