They had the balls when they removed the Filibuster for Judicial Appointments. I don't think there is any way the GOP removed it for SCOTUS had the Dems not done it first.
So some balls.
Part of the problem with me not responding is you hit me with what? 17 or 18 things all at once. Many I don't recall the details of.
But here are some of them. As for his tax returns, I don't think it will be as revealing as many of you do because I know how the very wealthy hide income and its sources. So seeing will just be a number and you still won't know much more about his finances.
After Clinton, we were told sex didn't matter.
As for Bannon, Stone and Kushner's pardons, I can say they were for specific acts and not a blanket 10 year for anything you have done. Do you realize that from the time Joe signed that pardon until midnight,, Hunter could have robbed multiple banks and would not have been able to be touched,
Trump hired people he could trust. And yes, that meant family members. You say "hired". They weren't paid.
Kushner is no longer a convicted felon. Same as Hunter.
I think my views on the classified docs thing are well known. You might have to go back and look them up.
If the fact of the case of E. Jean Carroll were against a Dem, you would probably have the same views as I do. She couldn't remember the date, didn't tell anyone, got the store wrong, etc.
As for the Hunter pardon. I don't really care as I never believed him when he said he wasn't going to do it. Didn't believe him the first time he said all the way through the many other times he said it. It's on you if you did.
As for him no longer being able to plead the 5th, you don't have to respond, it won't matter. I predict at some point it will have its own thread.