The Republican Agenda 2021 and Forward

I’ve been trying to figure out what an equivalent stunt from the left would be in response to red states sending planes or buses of immigrants to blue state cities and I think I’ve figured it out. A Democrat governor should send trucks of confiscated guns to Texas to dump in random schoolyards since guns aren’t the problem and the only solution to gun violence is more guns. So here you go.

Smells like a win-win to me!
What a redneck. “The voters will speak, but if they speak wrong, I will ask for “Marshall” (Mathers?) law.”

His only regret is misspelling what he was asking for. But her questioning is so good, he sort of softens his stance by saying “well, I texted Mark Meadows, he didn’t have the power.”

So if he really thought it was ok, he wouldn’t have qualified it with saying Meadows (the f******g chief of staff as the anchor points out) didn’t have the power.

Might makes right redneck morons. Not serious people.

Well, I admire Romney for his consistency and his decency, but he needs to be talking to his colleagues in congress who are listening to lardo.

Trump has no power. None, he's a mental midget, he needs to be rebuking the house freaks who are literally in office to represent Trump, not their constituents, state or America.

Romney is just as cowardly as the other republicans who only find a backbone once they announce their retirement.
Tucker Carlson replacement Jesse Watters is speculating the deep state is using Taylor Swift as a psyops asset to “combat misinformation.” The quoted part is important but probably went way over the heads of the viewers who love to marinade in fear. Basically he’s admitting his side is a minefield of bullshit. Seems like a possible future legal defense. “Look at this segment. I said Taylor Swift is being used to combat misinformation and by extension we should be mad about that because that’s exactly what we sell to our viewers. That’s a disclaimer that they shouldn’t believe us.”
This is really wrong but can't stop laughing.

Maybe this year will see a challenge to the MAGA wing of the GOP - maybe it can be an actual make America great faction; moderate, sane republicans who want to get rid of the never ending obstruction. Haley has ground to stand on why she should lead that portion of the base, but she has to begin speaking in certain terms and ways about Trump and what he stands (and doesn’t stand) for.
Maybe this year will see a challenge to the MAGA wing of the GOP - maybe it can be an actual make America great faction; moderate, sane republicans who want to get rid of the never ending obstruction. Haley has ground to stand on why she should lead that portion of the base, but she has to begin speaking in certain terms and ways about Trump and what he stands (and doesn’t stand) for.
I used to think Haley was going to be on the ticket, but the chance of that happening now is near zero as Stefanik is now the chief Trump "I wanna be VP" sycophant. Barring a major development, I doubt Haley has any chance at the nomination. But she can damage Trump by staying in the race, which will irk him no end. Her statements about the Civil War and racism were reprehensible, but if she wants to be remembered as someone with more than a modicum of backbone and care for the country, she can become the new Chris Christie and speak truth to idiocy.
I got several texts from Nikki Haley this weekend asking for support with links. First I thought I had no idea how her campaign got my phone number since I’m not a registered Republican, but then I realized its probably something more insidious than that. It’s probably just a random scammer fishing and this made me realize something. People might be less suspicious of random texts claiming to be people in or running for office when an election is on the horizon. I wonder how many people got conned out of money in support of Trump when the entity it was sent from was in no way associated with Trump. I guess as long as the deep state still exists you should send money to anybody and everybody who asks for it.
I got several texts from Nikki Haley this weekend asking for support with links. First I thought I had no idea how her campaign got my phone number since I’m not a registered Republican, but then I realized its probably something more insidious than that. It’s probably just a random scammer fishing and this made me realize something. People might be less suspicious of random texts claiming to be people in or running for office when an election is on the horizon. I wonder how many people got conned out of money in support of Trump when the entity it was sent from was in no way associated with Trump. I guess as long as the deep state still exists you should send money to anybody and everybody who asks for it.

There is a concerted Dem effort to promote her over Trump. Probably why you got the texts.
There is a concerted Dem effort to promote her over Trump. Probably why you got the texts.

It’s kind of an odd strategy. Democrats believe Biden can truly beat Trump, but it seems that those concerned about his age as the deciding factor would rather give voters Nikki than a Democrat runner up candidate. Harris and Democrats’ meritocracy is probably the biggest roadblock to this. Whole lotta "It’s their turn!" driving the Democrats and not enough nutters to derail that plan.

Part of me believes Newsom is a shadow candidate who won’t make it known until Biden’s age related behavior becomes an issue to even the biggest holdouts.
It’s kind of an odd strategy. Democrats believe Biden can truly beat Trump, but it seems that those concerned about his age as the deciding factor would rather give voters Nikki than a Democrat runner up candidate. Harris and Democrats’ meritocracy is probably the biggest roadblock to this. Whole lotta "It’s their turn!" driving the Democrats and not enough nutters to derail that plan.

Part of me believes Newsom is a shadow candidate who won’t make it known until Biden’s age related behavior becomes an issue to even the biggest holdouts.

I'm still hoping that *somehow* Newsom would be the Plan B that can quickly be deployed should Biden's health and optics degrade even further (while trump's numbers are getting better). Though I'm doubtful that could be orchestrated with so little time left.

Newsom has a lot going for him, including being governor of California. If California were a country it would rank having the fifth largest economy in the world. A good campaign message.
@Herdfan How is right wing media covering Biden saying he’ll close down the border if Congress signs the bill that has a majority of Republican’s wish list but thus far they refuse to do it because Trump and MAGA don’t want to give Biden a win? And this isn’t closed door whistleblower information. They are admitting to it in the open.