The Republican Agenda 2021 and Forward

It’s kind of an odd strategy. Democrats believe Biden can truly beat Trump, but it seems that those concerned about his age as the deciding factor would rather give voters Nikki than a Democrat runner up candidate. Harris and Democrats’ meritocracy is probably the biggest roadblock to this. Whole lotta "It’s their turn!" driving the Democrats and not enough nutters to derail that plan.

Part of me believes Newsom is a shadow candidate who won’t make it known until Biden’s age related behavior becomes an issue to even the biggest holdouts.
I don't think many Democrats are supporting Haley for any purpose other than to have her stay in the race and rattle Trump.

As for an alternative to Biden, I suspect a healthy percentage of Democrats would be pleased if Newsom or someone like him became the nominee, which would make a Trump defeat even more likely. But Biden's not about to step aside, and regardless of any shortcomings, he's head and shoulders above Trump based on his record and his lack of Trump's innumerable disqualifying faults.

Today, I read an account of the multiple instances where Trump has shown how unsuitable he is to serve as Commander-in-Chief, including the time he chided Milley for bringing a wounded solder to an event and his characterization of POWs as "suckers." It's remarkable that Republican politicians ignore all this and line up to kiss his whatever.

“On Monday morning, the organizers of the Take Our Border Back convoykicked off their road trip to the Texas–Mexico border in Virginia Beach. Though they claimed that up to 40,000 trucks would be joining, only 20 vehicles made up the convoy as it rolled into Jacksonville, Florida, 14 hours later. The promised support had not materialized—not a single truck showed up, tires were reportedly slashed, participants got lost, and paranoia struck the group. In short, the convoy was a complete mess.”

I don't think many Democrats are supporting Haley for any purpose other than to have her stay in the race and rattle Trump.

As for an alternative to Biden, I suspect a healthy percentage of Democrats would be pleased if Newsom or someone like him became the nominee, which would make a Trump defeat even more likely. But Biden's not about to step aside, and regardless of any shortcomings, he's head and shoulders above Trump based on his record and his lack of Trump's innumerable disqualifying faults.

Today, I read an account of the multiple instances where Trump has shown how unsuitable he is to serve as Commander-in-Chief, including the time he chided Milley for bringing a wounded solder to an event and his characterization of POWs as "suckers." It's remarkable that Republican politicians ignore all this and line up to kiss his whatever.

Republican politicians ignore it because they a get a new MAGA death threat every five minutes if they ever remove their lips from Trump’s ass.
WTF. These people.. Someone needs to tell Mike no-Johnson that Trump is not president of the USA in this particular universe that we inhabit.

Johnson added, “The president of course, President Trump, wants to secure the country. President Trump is the one that talked about border security before anyone else did. He ran on, as you remember, building the wall. Why? Because he saw this catastrophe coming. He knew that if we did not get control of it, we would be in this situation.”


Senior House Republicans on Tuesday attacked the Senate’s immigration compromise, despite not having final text, and vowed that it will not pass the House.

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan told CNN, “I haven’t seen it, but based on what I’ve heard, I think that’s a nonstarter.”

Again... not serious people. He hasn't read it, but he knows its a non-starter. That's because he doesn't need to read it, because it doesn't matter what's in it, because he takes his marching orders from Donald Trump. It's that simple. No mystery, no debate, no policy discussion... Trump says "No wins for Biden" so the rest of the country and this national emergency they've been pushing for a decade has to wait.

It's a good thing republicans don't base their opinion on Gym "based on what they've heard". Otherwise, he'd be a nonstarter.

Seems as though "president" is a sticky title. Even that 99-y/o guy still gets called President Jimmy. It is accepted practice to prefix it with a silent "former-."

Oh, absolutely. It's not simply referring to him as "President Trump". It's the whole context of what he's saying and how he's saying it. They clearly pretend the man is still president and much more than just a party leader. They pretend he never lost, and that his win is a foregone conclusion. Elections are indoctrination formalities.
Here’s an irony. The Godless left hate Trump for the same reasons Jesus would disapprove of him but hand that list of reasons to the Christian right and you get “I don’t care.” Good luck squaring that with your God. And that’s just round one. As soon as you’re done defending shitting all over his son’s teachings you’ll get to move on to defending what you do value that appears to be off Satan’s checklist …Seeking power in man’s kingdom instead of preparing for God’s kingdom, attacking the poor and powerless, worshipping false idols, etc. You’re fucked.
As soon as you’re done defending shitting all over his son’s teachings you’ll get to move on to defending what you do value that appears to be off Satan’s checklist …

For some while, I have opined that religious leaders are all criminals and should be warehoused in dank cellars where they can contrive to redeem the stonework. If you are making a living at religion, you are doing it wrong (never mind "tradition": they have always been doing it wrong).
Never missing an opportunity to brag about being culturally out of touch and irrelevant I heard a rightwing pundit say it was ok that the left has Taylor Swift because the right has Kid Rock, Ted Nugent, and John Voight. John motherfucking Voight. Somewhere Vince Vaughn is losing his shit for being excluded from this list of right-wing celebrity king makers.
Never missing an opportunity to brag about being culturally out of touch and irrelevant I heard a rightwing pundit say it was ok that the left has Taylor Swift because the right has Kid Rock, Ted Nugent, and John Voight. John motherfucking Voight. Somewhere Vince Vaughn is losing his shit for being excluded from this list of right-wing celebrity king makers.

Don't forget Kelsey Grammer and James Woods. ;)
Don't forget Kelsey Grammer and James Woods. ;)

I’ve heard some discussion wondering why Hollywood gives Kelsey Grammer a pass. I think it’s because they look at him and see his likable acting characters. Also AFAIK he hasn’t been regularly over the top with his politics. I think with celebrities and the ultra-wealthy it comes down to how thin-skinned they are and how they handle criticism. Do they blow it off or thoughtfully back up their views or do they go full spite and lean hard into whatever the criticism was.
Eric Clapton and Van Morrison have gone a bit goofy in their dotage, but they got nothing on Randy Quaid. Also, AIUI, Owen Wilson is no hippie.
Spotted in an Arby's parking lot.

After James Woods went MAGA, I view him as his character in Casino all the time. Lester. Good name for a MAGA cultist.

Trump's people better tell him "Hey dude, you may want to think twice before making a Taylor Swift shit-post."

Spotted in an Arby's parking lot.


Their park-job is a perfect sign of their intellect.

As much as I dislike Trump, I have no anti-Trump or republican decals. It's a cult of low-IQ rednecks.
After James Woods went MAGA, I view him as his character in Casino all the time. Lester. Good name for a MAGA cultist.

Trump's people better tell him "Hey dude, you may want to think twice before making a Taylor Swift shit-post."

Their park-job is a perfect sign of their intellect.
And blatant lack of respect for anyone but themselves.
That decal speaks to someone being really sick in the head. Wish I could say I'm shocked.
It makes me wonder if you own a pickup truck in the south, is it mandatory to be a MAGA?

Also note that the license plate is a disabled plate. Maybe they claimed "selfish pr**ck" as a disability? 🤷‍♂️
Also note the bumper sticker: "Are you American or a Democrat?"

In simpler days, that would be more funny. In today's political climate, too many people take that literally. Given the rest of the photo, it's easy to imagine that they might believe that literally.
That decal speaks to someone being really sick in the head. Wish I could say I'm shocked.


I like dark humor. I'm not opposed to the image in and of itself. It would be a cool hot wheel model to put with your MAGA collection of cheap hats and other overpriced, worthless Trump memorabilia.

Putting it in on you actual car and driving all over town? My first instinct when I see that is not "How stupid" or "How evil", but "People broadcasting their low-IQ".
Putting it in on you actual car and driving all over town? My first instinct when I see that is not "How stupid" or "How evil", but "People broadcasting their low-IQ".

Yeah, that too. Grade school stuff. Sure are a lot of people out there that are really f'd up as adults.

I'd gladly trade them for any immigrants working the fields so that their families and kids can have a better life, without being threatened by cartels/gangs where they're living now.