The Republican Agenda 2021 and Forward

Oh snap. MAGA is going to need a diaper change.

They can still lean hard on proudly not doing a damn thing about the border situation that they claim is the most important dire issue. So dire that we can wait a minimum of 10 months to do anything legislatively about it because real American patriot Trump said so.

Holy shit. This is actually worse for the Republican Congressional children’s table.

In short the Republicans killed the border bill that largely had what they wanted. Part of that bill also had military aid for the multiple global conflicts and the children didn’t want that. Now the Senate came along to pass the one part of the bill they didn’t want after killing the part they did. They’re trolling themselves now. 🤣
NBC News mentioning the house may consider a runaround behind Speaker Johnson and use some measure to force a vote on the aid package for Israel/Ukraine.

Lost in all the MAGA madness is that most Americans want this, and so do many republicans. The border deal as well.

Johnson is saying "We need a border deal before this", when he turned down the damn bipartisan bill on the border last week.

Getting really tired of this emasculated little MAGA worm.
Democrats sound very optimistic about the pickup in NY state for Santos’ house seat. Too early to call, but all leftist socials sounds like early celebrating.

*Some media outlets calling it already.
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Democrats sound very optimistic about the pickup in NY state for Santos’ house seat. Too early to call, but all leftist socials sounds like early celebrating.

*Some media outlets calling it already.
Yup, all the media are calling it for Suozzi. And the House margin narrows.
Not a good sign for republicans come November. This was a place Biden won in 2020, but went for Santos in 2022. Now, a Democrat wins his old seat back in decisive fashion.

Lots of republicans around those parts should fear for their seat. Their Mayorkas impeachment, done for who knows what reason, is not going to help them, at all. Will probably hurt them. Most Americans don’t know who Mayorkas is, and of the ones that do, I doubt this what they want or expect. He’s not going anywhere, and even if he did, you know who would replace him? Another hand-picked Biden democrat. So why don’t they stop playing these games and pass some legislation? Axios is already reporting their next game is to “investigate” Biden’s mental fitness, using the Hur report as a basis.

Is this what they want to do? Because Trump will reclaim oldest president to take office from Biden, and his brain left the station quite some time ago. Do they really want to bang that drum? Is Biden still being impeached, or is that dead? What the actual f*** are these people doing?

Also, Kari Lake was booed by Republicans in Arizona. Not pertinent, but it made me smile.

Oh nos! Let me spin it for the right. It’s all due to the razor wire gauntlet and God’s Army monster truck brigade, certainly not because of anything the Biden administration and our allies have done.

They might want to dial it back though. Continued news like this isn’t going to help their single issue platform. Well, that, and "Satan’s everywhere!"

Not familiar with the source and can’t quite figure out the tone. Building an indoor tennis facility is a cornerstone of totalitarianism? Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between hyperbole and sarcasm.

At any rate, this made me realize when it comes to hunting the right is all about wildlife and environmentalism. But on oil drilling and pipelines? Fuck wildlife and the environment. Wait, is there also something I can hunt and kill on that land? No? Ok, fuck wildlife and the environment!

Not familiar with the source and can’t quite figure out the tone. Building an indoor tennis facility is a cornerstone of totalitarianism? Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between hyperbole and sarcasm.

At any rate, this made me realize when it comes to hunting the right is all about wildlife and environmentalism. But on oil drilling and pipelines? Fuck wildlife and the environment. Wait, is there also something I can hunt and kill on that land? No? Ok, fuck wildlife and the environment!

Allow hunters to hunt on oil fields, with the caveat they are also the prey. Problem solved.

Not saying I'll run for office, but I expect your vote if I do.
After all the damage they have done, Republicans are about to face their own fate as a result at what could be record losses in November. Still, in their world they got a lot of what they wanted to accomplish across the finish line so it's a double edged sword.

Republicans amass a record of loss under Trump: "Democrats have been winning at an impressive clip"​

So we all know the play if Trump wins the election, and if the right gets the Majority in the House and Senate.

What happens, if Biden wins and we lose the House and Senate?
Immediate Impeachment? Obstructionism to the levels we have never seen before? Could the Courts become a ghost town?

What happens if Biden wins and we gain the House back?
Will MAGA just claim voter fraud, and riot again? Will Texas continue to ignore orders from the SCOTUS? What level of discourse will we see from the Right?
So we all know the play if Trump wins the election, and if the right gets the Majority in the House and Senate.

What happens, if Biden wins and we lose the House and Senate?
Immediate Impeachment? Obstructionism to the levels we have never seen before? Could the Courts become a ghost town?

What happens if Biden wins and we gain the House back?
Will MAGA just claim voter fraud, and riot again? Will Texas continue to ignore orders from the SCOTUS? What level of discourse will we see from the Right?
Not sure that it will happen again in my lifetime but the ideal scenario would be for both sides to agree to disagree where applicable but work together for the better of the country, not their party. The border bill seemed to do that and while it had parts both sides didn't like, they came to a consensus before it got yanked out by extremists. Still, it's a good start and I would like to see more of it.
Not sure that it will happen again in my lifetime but the ideal scenario would be for both sides to agree to disagree where applicable but work together for the better of the country, not their party. The border bill seemed to do that and while it had parts both sides didn't like, they came to a consensus before it got yanked out by extremists. Still, it's a good start and I would like to see more of it.
In my opinion, the Democrats seem to be willing to reach across the isle, but the Right has dug in their heels and won't budge.
cross-posting from Cesspool

Lara ShitGibboness wants to be RNC chair to insure that all their efforts are focussed on getting Individual-ONE into the WH. Which, I guess, would be good if it means money that was not spent down-ballot leaves Congress in blue hands.

(And if you look at that video, what is with those space-alien eyebrows?)
So we all know the play if Trump wins the election, and if the right gets the Majority in the House and Senate.

What happens, if Biden wins and we lose the House and Senate?
Immediate Impeachment? Obstructionism to the levels we have never seen before? Could the Courts become a ghost town?

What happens if Biden wins and we gain the House back?
Will MAGA just claim voter fraud, and riot again? Will Texas continue to ignore orders from the SCOTUS? What level of discourse will we see from the Right?

Trump is going to lose and take others down-ballot with him. Republicans do well when turnout is dampened, and that only happens when people are unbothered by both sides, for the most part. Biden bothers the right, but Trump bothers the left, right and center. He's angling for control of the RNC, and he doesn't have a good track record of endorsements or spending in statewide races. He's going to spend more on himself, endorse those friendly to him, and probably cost republicans both chambers (again).

I think your last scenario is the most likely. Let them pout and moan. Law enforcement will be ready, and we've already heard this song before. It's Trump's greatest hit. It won't sound the same next year, after hearing about it for the last five (Trump started his election lies in early 2020, or even longer if you count the Iowa caucus and 2016 popular vote lies).

Instead of republicans worrying about whether or not Biden is going to be replaced last minute - that's not going to happen short of death or incapacitation - they ought to worry about their own candidate, slipping off the cliff into insanity and tons of court cases ahead of him.

Anything is possible, its just hard for me to envision a guy who lost the popular vote twice somehow doing better a third time. Is Biden truly any more hated by the right than anyone else on the left? I don't see it. He's just old and without Obama's appeal. That's not harmful enough to hurt his chances, imo.

Remember, we heard a lot of similar things about Obama - "Blacks don't like him as much as it appears. He hasn't really done much for black people." And every once in a while, they'd trot a black person out on Fox News to echo those statements. He still won reelection. And Biden will too.

I think republican infighting is too big of a problem to make them a serious threat to America as a whole, though they'll certainly try. That infighting isn't going to decrease with Trump's hand-picked family members at the head of the table.
cross-posting from Cesspool

Lara ShitGibboness wants to be RNC chair to insure that all their efforts are focussed on getting Individual-ONE into the WH. Which, I guess, would be good if it means money that was not spent down-ballot leaves Congress in blue hands.

(And if you look at that video, what is with those space-alien eyebrows?)
more like all the money going to his legal defense.
Not sure that it will happen again in my lifetime but the ideal scenario would be for both sides to agree to disagree where applicable but work together for the better of the country, not their party. The border bill seemed to do that and while it had parts both sides didn't like, they came to a consensus before it got yanked out by extremists. Still, it's a good start and I would like to see more of it.
Republicans have completely lost it and are going for the golden ring, Helter skelter driving into the Highwater, the play of their lifetimes. But I think they’re having a hard time recognizing the lay of land.
Republicans have completely lost it and are going for the golden ring, Helter skelter driving into the Highwater, the play of their lifetimes. But I think they’re having a hard time recognizing the lay of land.
I know it's not a popular opinion around here but I don't agree that it's all Republicans, after all it was their own immigration legislation that they ended up killing and there are a lot of disenfranchised members in the party as a result, but to their credit they worked hard on it and brought Democrats to the table. At this point they're more like hostages, if they try to work with the other side or go against Trump they'll be eviscerated. In the end the only ones it truly hurts are the American people.
I know it's not a popular opinion around here but I don't agree that it's all Republicans, after all it was their own immigration legislation that they ended up killing and there are a lot of disenfranchised members in the party as a result, but to their credit they worked hard on it and brought Democrats to the table. At this point they're more like hostages, if they try to work with the other side or go against Trump they'll be eviscerated. In the end the only ones it truly hurts are the American people.

I agree not everybody on the right is an idiot or psychopath, but I think it’s going to take a long time before they aren’t reflexively associated with the stench of Trump and MAGA. How would you even know how deep down that rabbit hole they were/are? Maybe we should use the same scientific method they use to detect illegal tax sponge immigrants. Just look at them. That’s all you need to know.