The Republican Agenda 2021 and Forward

Wow. Just when I think MTG can't get any nuttier. 🤡

Screenshot 2024-10-04 MTG.png
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Who is "they"? There's too many conspiracies this lady seems to believe in, I need to know which conspiratorial "they" she's alluding to here. (Actually, I don't, please don't respond to this rhetorical venting with a serious answer)

I mean, is it impossible to control the weather? Probably not. Are we capable of exerting that much control over an extremely chaotic system? Nah. I find it hilarious that someone like her suggests there's weather control, but doesn't seem to buy that us dumping unholy amounts of stuff into the atmosphere can have an effect? Make it make sense lady.
This seems to be the recurring type of Trump supporter I come across. It’s clear this guy has a low grasp on issues and wades in stereotypes and generalities. No judgement on him, they’re his opinions which he has a right to and by all accounts there’s nothing negative for me to say about this fella here, but it’s the same damn garbage and lies. He doesn’t understand how people can dislike Trump; I don’t understand how you can. The difference is, if I listed off the negatives, I would be correct, and this guy is clearly wrong on a good chunk of the positives. I keep hearing republicans talking about Harris and “why hasn’t she done it?”

Because she’s VP - wasn’t Trump president for four years with control of congress for half of that time? This guy is crediting things to Trump he never did, and using Trump’s own talking points against Harris. Your typical conservative voter. 😞

This seems to be the recurring type of Trump supporter I come across. It’s clear this guy has a low grasp on issues and wades in stereotypes and generalities. No judgement on him, they’re his opinions which he has a right to and by all accounts there’s nothing negative for me to say about this fella here, but it’s the same damn garbage and lies. He doesn’t understand how people can dislike Trump; I don’t understand how you can. The difference is, if I listed off the negatives, I would be correct, and this guy is clearly wrong on a good chunk of the positives. I keep hearing republicans talking about Harris and “why hasn’t she done it?”

Because she’s VP - wasn’t Trump president for four years with control of congress for half of that time? This guy is crediting things to Trump he never did, and using Trump’s own talking points against Harris. Your typical conservative voter. 😞

I wish we could stop referring to these people as conservatives… they aren't, at least not in the traditional political meaning of the word. I'd say stupid, but many of them are not unintelligent. Maybe "willfully ignorant" would be more accurate.
Scott refers to Vice President Kamala Harris as “this lady we got running against” Trump.

“We don’t even know what she stands for,” he said. “She’s gonna give $25,000 to people to start a house. Where’s that money going to come from? It’s going to come from me. She’s going to raise taxes.”

Scott also worries about “climate-control stuff.”

“I don’t buy this climate change. The good Lord, he made this Earth, and what little bit we’d save here in America is not going to have an effect on the world as a whole,” he said.

Scott calls himself a proud Christian, a law-and-order man. He doesn’t concern himself with Trump’s bluster.

He’s not worried about the bluster (which is putting it mildly) from Trump, yet he’s a Christian who’s more worried about another woman’s body. He’s against abortion but is probably perfectly fine with separating families, refusing to help people seeking refuge or shipping dreamers back to countries they come from as young children and maybe have no memory or concept of.

And he doesn’t want anyone getting any of “his” tax money for $25K to help build a home. Well, some people don’t like their money going to overseas wars. Some don’t like it going to our own military. I personally don’t like that taxpayer dollars are spent protecting a sexual assaulting felon. Tough shit Billy bob.

John Q. Trump supporters- “they’re bringing in illegals to vote, Trump is a great businessman, climate change is a hoax”… The sad part is, even these rubes are smarter than the guy they’re cheerleading.

I don’t know, I wish I hadn’t read the article. It’s depressing, man.
Oddly specific. No requirement for the inclusion of Lee Greenwood lyrics,


but, apart from the underlying issue of flooding schools with bibles, there is the odd distinction of "… U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights …" – the Constitution, by definition, includes the Bill of Rights, as well as 17 other Amendments.
Oddly specific. No requirement for the inclusion of Lee Greenwood lyrics,


but, apart from the underlying issue of flooding schools with bibles, there is the odd distinction of "… U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights …" – the Constitution, by definition, includes the Bill of Rights, as well as 17 other Amendments.
looks like Trump is making buck. this is so wrong.
Oddly specific. No requirement for the inclusion of Lee Greenwood lyrics,


but, apart from the underlying issue of flooding schools with bibles, there is the odd distinction of "… U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights …" – the Constitution, by definition, includes the Bill of Rights, as well as 17 other Amendments.

This is a great way to end liberal indoctrination, pairing the Bible literally with something it’s figuratively and constitutionally supposed to be separate from.

Islam is a pretty big religion, shouldn’t we learn about that too? It’s reshaped America since 9/11 - why not hand out Qurans inscribed with the pledge of allegiance - which also has nothing to do with indoctrination.

And why the King James Version? This probably won’t end up how they think it will. I can see this causing a huge backlash which will further erode the standing of the religious in this country, which is a great disservice to the many people of faith who aren’t trying to force their fairy tales and, worse - it’s mandates - into schools, government and law.

And no matter how much they try to pretend, telling kids “hey, there are gay and transgender or other types of people out there, with other religions or no religions, treat them with respect regardless of your views” is not indoctrination, it’s teaching them how to function in a world with other people.

Also, this is being done under the guise of “the Bible is an important part of American history”. So what? Lots of things are important. I learned a lot about Christianity in school and its influence here and elsewhere over time. We didn’t need a bible to learn about American history, Christianity or the constitution.