The Republican Agenda 2021 and Forward

Kandiss Taylor, failed Trump backed candidate for GA Governor in 2022, with recent hits like "we shouldn't be electing anyone in government...who isn't Christian." Posted this just a few days ago. How long does this wrong take on 5th grade US government class, end up coming out of Trump's mouth?

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Birtherism, going back to the well that helped give us Trump. More of the greatest hits.

Prove to me Trump wasn’t born in a zoo or a lab. Having standards of your own, as racist or misinformed as they are, doesn’t make it law, or else she’d have to eat my ass before being allowed to run for office again.
Good old Heritage Foundation

Except for the slaves and the tradesmen and the women and the native Americans, the US was not divided by class in the 18th century. It was an egalitarian utopia – for well-to-do white male landowners.

Though, what I think he means by "divided" is that there was not this big kerfuffle over the issue. People knew their place and the upper class were really good at keeping the lesser people under control. There was resentment and frustration in the lower classes, but they kept quiet about it because speaking out was just asking for trouble.
Good old Heritage Foundation

Except for the slaves and the tradesmen and the women and the native Americans, the US was not divided by class in the 18th century. It was an egalitarian utopia – for well-to-do white male landowners.

Though, what I think he means by "divided" is that there was not this big kerfuffle over the issue. People knew their place and the upper class were really good at keeping the lesser people under control. There was resentment and frustration in the lower classes, but they kept quiet about it because speaking out was just asking for trouble.
Even that's not true, we almost had the civil war right then and there, over multiple issues, and social class conflict was common, even rebellions (Shay's rebellion). And some of the Revolutionary War divides were definitely class based (a number of working class American sided with the Crown especially in the Carolinas believing that the rhetoric of prosperity and freedom didn't really apply to them and this was just the local elites wanting to grab even more power for themselves).
Good old Heritage Foundation

Except for the slaves and the tradesmen and the women and the native Americans, the US was not divided by class in the 18th century. It was an egalitarian utopia – for well-to-do white male landowners.

Though, what I think he means by "divided" is that there was not this big kerfuffle over the issue. People knew their place and the upper class were really good at keeping the lesser people under control. There was resentment and frustration in the lower classes, but they kept quiet about it because speaking out was just asking for trouble.

When people say things like this, they're speaking to the stupid. Nobody of average intellect would tell you that this country wasn't - or isn't currently - divided by class, among other things.
Even that's not true, we almost had the civil war right then and there, over multiple issues, and social class conflict was common, even rebellions (Shay's rebellion). And some of the Revolutionary War divides were definitely class based (a number of working class American sided with the Crown especially in the Carolinas believing that the rhetoric of prosperity and freedom didn't really apply to them and this was just the local elites wanting to grab even more power for themselves).

And today we call those people the Republican party. Right-wing politics is always about protecting the wealth and power of those at the top propped up by the poor who believe those people at the top are better, smarter, and more deserving than everybody else.

Media start-up from Benny Johnson, Tim Pool, and Dave Rubin was secret Russian influence campaign, indictment alleges

“unwittingly duped” - witless they may be, but if duped, duped by choice

While this could’ve equally fit in the Russian-Ukraine War thread, in some sense it fits better here. This is who has much of the clout in the Republican Party. Even the ones who try to support Ukraine will support Trump, and by extension these assholes, first.

“unwittingly duped” - witless they may be, but if duped, duped by choice

While this could’ve equally fit in the Russian-Ukraine War thread, in some sense it fits better here. This is who has much of the clout in the Republican Party. Even the ones who try to support Ukraine will support Trump, and by extension these assholes, first.

"This is like the Avengers of online grifters" :ROFLMAO:
"This is like the Avengers of online grifters" :ROFLMAO:
Yup and further than that no doubt


Case in point, Sacks (not Illia) who spoke at the RNC:

At least they are admitting it was a scheme instead of going right to blasting law enforcement or defending Russia.

Proof once again that nothing good comes from aligning yourself with fraudsters and criminals. Wrestling with a pig and trying to stay clean is hard.
Yup and further than that no doubt

View attachment 31171

Case in point, Sacks (not Illia) who spoke at the RNC:

View attachment 31172

They should issue a joint statement “We’ve been on the bigot side of the culture wars ever since we discovered it’s a lot easier to get people on the right to part with their money than people on the left. This has nothing to do with Russia. This is about minimum effort for greatest financial gain capitalism.”

“unwittingly duped” - witless they may be, but if duped, duped by choice

While this could’ve equally fit in the Russian-Ukraine War thread, in some sense it fits better here. This is who has much of the clout in the Republican Party. Even the ones who try to support Ukraine will support Trump, and by extension these assholes, first.

There’s a bunch of clips being put out there now with Tim Pool passionately saying Ukraine is our enemy and the biggest danger to the world. We should rescind our support and apologize to Russia. Somehow this guy ended up on Russia’s payroll? Fascinating. Please tell us again how you are a duped victim in all this. Even Russia controlled state media probably thinks this guy should dial it back.
There’s a bunch of clips being put out there now with Tim Pool passionately saying Ukraine is our enemy and the biggest danger to the world. We should rescind our support and apologize to Russia. Somehow this guy ended up on Russia’s payroll? Fascinating. Please tell us again how you are a duped victim in all this. Even Russia controlled state media probably thinks this guy should dial it back.

He should find a new profession at this point. If you weren't a fan of his, this latest news isn't likely to make you a fan. And if you were a fan, are you still going to follow someone stupid enough to spread Russian propaganda? Someone who was feeding you lies that you were falling for? I don't see how he doesn't lose all but the dumbest people out there and he might just lose them too. His credibility is shot. He's either a traitor or a fool. My gut says fool.
So who am I going to listen to on the issue of the Ukraine/Russia war? People who actually know what they’re talking about, or people who prop up Russia or - even worse - are dumb enough to be tricked into working with them?

Here’s the funny thing, the BS they willingly push isn’t all that different from they allegedly were “duped” into posting. They say it themselves, “how can we be fooled into saying things we have complete control over”? Because they’re one and the same, you Kremlin stooges.
He should find a new profession at this point. If you weren't a fan of his, this latest news isn't likely to make you a fan. And if you were a fan, are you still going to follow someone stupid enough to spread Russian propaganda? Someone who was feeding you lies that you were falling for? I don't see how he doesn't lose all but the dumbest people out there and he might just lose them too. His credibility is shot. He's either a traitor or a fool. My gut says fool.
That's what his audience *wants* though ... remember when Fox News temporarily vacillated on Trump post Jan 6th, they lost viewers to OANN and the other one whose name escapes me. Pool and the others in TENET are giving their audience exactly what they crave and the more he gives it to them, the more they want of it and the more extreme they want it. They don't care and neither does he. He may even believe it himself and probably does to some extent.

So who am I going to listen to on the issue of the Ukraine/Russia war? People who actually know what they’re talking about, or people who prop up Russia or - even worse - are dumb enough to be tricked into working with them?

Here’s the funny thing, the BS they willingly push isn’t all that different from they allegedly were “duped” into posting. They say it themselves, “how can we be fooled into saying things we have complete control over”? Because they’re one and the same, you Kremlin stooges.
Yeah exactly, it's not really a question of being "tricked". Not in the classic sense. The RW influencer sphere is filled with dark money that no one knows where it comes from. It isn't that they are fooled into taking the money. They just don't care and in fact it is worse to check, that could stop the money flowing in. The Russians simply took advantage of an ecosystem that is already highly corrupt to let them do more of what they already doing. That's not really duping anyone. Not to me.
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“unwittingly duped” - witless they may be, but if duped, duped by choice

While this could’ve equally fit in the Russian-Ukraine War thread, in some sense it fits better here. This is who has much of the clout in the Republican Party. Even the ones who try to support Ukraine will support Trump, and by extension these assholes, first.

Wired does a deeper dive into the extensive Russian influence campaign to support Trump and peel support from Biden (now Harris). I’m reminded a bit of the Jugurthine War in which the titular King of Numantia staved off defeat from the Roman Republic through corruption and bribery. He is said to have remarked: “City for sale and doomed to quick destruction, if it should find a buyer!” He eventually lost. But still, his analysis of the corruption and rot were accurate enough in time as Republic transitioned to Empire.

Putin appears to be betting on the same thing: that the conservatives if not being able to be turned towards Russia en masse, for now, can be manipulated into at least abandoning Ukraine. They are targeting other groups as well all designed to heighten "Me first". They know us well, but hopefully as with Jugurtha it won't be enough.

Wired does a deeper dive into the extensive Russian influence campaign to support Trump and peel support from Biden (now Harris). I’m reminded a bit of the Jugurthine War in which the titular King of Numantia staved off defeat from the Roman Republic through corruption and bribery. He is said to have remarked: “City for sale and doomed to quick destruction, if it should find a buyer!” He eventually lost. But still, his analysis of the corruption and rot were accurate enough in time as Republic transitioned to Empire.

Putin appears to be betting on the same thing: that the conservatives if not being able to be turned towards Russia en masse, for now, can be manipulated into at least abandoning Ukraine. They are targeting other groups as well all designed to heighten "Me first". They know us well, but hopefully as with Jugurtha it won't be enough.

Let’s say they were completely duped and unguided in their commentary. That doesn’t change the fact that Russia supports their views and wants whatever result is the most destructive to the US both internally and on the world stage. Ukraine is only a tiny part of that calculation. I doubt they’ll step back from the glass to consider that, but they are also part of the right that is all about personal greed. Their only allegiance is to their bank account.

Wouldn’t say this is part of the agenda but if the accusations are true then the fact that she switched from a Democrat to a Republican is pretty on brand. If found guilty she might even get elevated in the party. The party of family values has an extremely high threshold for sexual abuse and misconduct. Future VP pick right there.
There’s a funding/govt shutdown deadline coming soon, can’t wait to see how Speaker Johnson herds his cats this time. Trump, of course, is rooting for failure and a government shutdown, I guess he thinks that helps him.
Several X-posty things honored the 2,996 lives lost on 9/11. Curious thing, that: 2,977 people were not expecting their lives to end that calm Tuesday morning – these RW-source comments appear to be making the number as big as they can by including 19 hijackers in the total.