This situation exists Imo because we are teetering on a ball with basically halves of the country pulling in opposite directions. The democrats do not have a comfortable majority at all, barely have a majority, and with the hard core corrupt Republican inspired gerrymandering going on that will most likely eliminate that Democratic majority in 2022, which btw is kind of making me lose my mind, (I think we are going to Hell literally), the democrats in Congress don’t have carte blanche to do anything including 2 sinister DINOS fucking up their agenda, so it’s absolutely NO SURPRISE they are having difficulty getting their agenda passed.
There is a feeling that
if we all get ourselves voted out, there will be no progressive agenda period which is also mixed in with political survival instincts, but that does not make the sentiment any less true.
How can anyone be mad at the democrats if you see the situation clearly? If you want to be mad, there are a great number of citizens who are just too stupid, too selfish, not engaged or don’t give a damn to recognize the dire straights Democracy is in within the United States In 2021. That’s on the collective us.
And there is an angry philosophical part of me that says if we are too stupid, then fuck us, we deserve the shit headed our way, what better way to learn a lesson, after the fact, finally recognizing your country has turned into a fascist state. There will be plenty of time for boo hoos and self reflection afterwards.
And there is hardcore shit going on such as the law passed in Georgia allowing a board of elections to be replaced by the legislature is the kind of shit that will cause this country to unravel.
How do you deal with a political party that has broken bad? The only way out is to elect more democrats or start a revolution.