The Republican Agenda 2021 and Forward

Then there's this (from New Republic):

North Dakota lawmakers voted to prevent giving free school lunches to low-income students. Then, on Thursday, they voted to increase the amount of money they get to spend on their own lunch.

On March 27, the Senate narrowly rejected a bill, which had passed the House, guaranteeing free school lunches to K-12 students in families at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level.

On Thursday, the Senate voted 26–21 to pass a bill to raise per diem meal reimbursements for state employees traveling within the state, from $35 to $45.
If part or all the point of the 2nd amendment is to defend against a tyrannical government I find it ironic that a good part of the reason the far right with their authoritarian leanings has so much sway is because they have guns and the fear of what they might use those for. They want to install a type of government the 2nd amendment is supposed to defend against.

DL;DW. When right wing media reports high crime rates in liberal cities it’s a usual practice to set a population minimum. Large cities generally lean liberal. When you lower the population minimum you start getting into Republican run cities and rural areas and their crime rate is actually higher.

McCarthy is planing a hearing on liberal city crime and this reporting practice will most likely come out ultimately making him look like an idiot and invalidating this common right wing talking farce. So bring it.
They have been tilting at their made up windmill in 49 States. Talk about creating your own boogeyman to keep the sheep marching down your shoot. That said, this is just more of the same Right Wing misdirection. CRT has a purpose and no, it’s not about the poor white race being unfairly picked on by minorities, but to snuff any discussion about racism in the US, “just don’t think about it“ is their motto. Itis completely despicable that Right White don’t want to hear anything about racism in this country, to acknowledge that people have been mistreated based on color of their skin. How adult of them. The concept of facing our collective past* with eyes open Is nauseating to them.

*And significantly, our past is not our past. Racism is alive and thriving in the USA. That is no theory.

The topic has taken many titles.

From banned “divisive concepts” in former President Donald Trump’s executive order, to notions that "the United States is fundamentally racist,” many opponents ultimately landed on critical race theory. It’s a name belonging to an area of study meant to explain how race and law have been used to produce systemic racism in the U.S. It quickly made its way to discussions of K-12 education.
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So Trump, DeSantis and others continually refer to D.A. Bragg as being "Soros-backed," implying that it's wrong for a wealthy donor to back someone in the judicial area because, you know, that would automatically prove the recipient was acting for the benefit of the donor. Of course, there was no direct contact between Soros and Bragg and we know why the particular name Soros is so often evoked.

But now we have all the revelations about Supreme Court justice Thomas receiving massive, unreported gifts for years from a wealthy GOP donor. So one would think the GOP outrage would be orders of magnitude greater. Has any GOP leader addressed this?
So Trump, DeSantis and others continually refer to D.A. Bragg as being "Soros-backed," implying that it's wrong for a wealthy donor to back someone in the judicial area because, you know, that would automatically prove the recipient was acting for the benefit of the donor. Of course, there was no direct contact between Soros and Bragg and we know why the particular name Soros is so often evoked.

But now we have all the revelations about Supreme Court justice Thomas receiving massive, unreported gifts for years from a wealthy GOP donor. So one would think the GOP outrage would be orders of magnitude greater. Has any GOP leader addressed this?

Calling Bragg “Soros-backed” is an attempt to find an attack avenue where there isn’t one. They have no real dirt, so now it’s just move onto sweeping, generalized conspiracies.

Why is it ok for Trump to have taken in millions DIRECTLY from Sheldon Adelson, but anyone who receives funds from a third party which Soros gives to must be a puppet?

These people constantly amaze me, and not in a good way.
But now we have all the revelations about Supreme Court justice Thomas receiving massive, unreported gifts for years from a wealthy GOP donor. So one would think the GOP outrage would be orders of magnitude greater. Has any GOP leader addressed this?
And who the hell paid off all Kavanaugh’s debts?!
Anybody who thinks somebody wants to change their gender and go through all the trauma physically, medically, and socially because it’s trendy is a fucking moron.

But you don't have to do all those things. You simply need to say "I identify" and no one can question you.
people continually refer to D.A. Bragg as being "Soros-backed," implying that it's wrong for a wealthy donor to back someone in the judicial area because, you know, that would automatically prove the recipient was acting for the benefit of the donor. Of course, there was no direct contact between Soros and Bragg and we know why the particular name Soros is so often evoked.

I think you are going the wrong way here.

It's not that the recipient will act for the benefit of the donor simply because of the donation. It is that the donor searches out candidates that certainly think like him and helps them get elected.

I will admit, I don't have a dog in this hunt. I do not live in an area where criminals are let go without bail, where felonies are pleaded down to misdemeanors and let off with no jail time, where businesses are closing due to crime. And I will not. But if it keeps up and the cities become a place where people with money don't want to live, then those who remain will have to deal with the consequences. And everyone here can think I'm full of :poop:, but thinking what you want about me won't change anything. What is going to happen is going to happen regardless.
I do not live in an area where criminals are let go without bail, where felonies are pleaded down to misdemeanors and let off with no jail time, where businesses are closing due to crime.
Yeah, you live in an area where thousands of tons of toxic waste get dumped into the rivers and when the dumpers get caught, it is all you did an oopsie, I guess we better give you a subsidy so that you can "clean it up". But awful behavior that hurts hundreds of thousands of people is OK, because there is no hitting or shooting or spilled blood to look at. We can just pretend that it will all be fine and executroids are not criminals because the never got their hands dirty.
It's not that the recipient will act for the benefit of the donor simply because of the donation. It is that the donor searches out candidates that certainly think like him and helps them get elected.
So that they will benefit the donor.
I will admit, I don't have a dog in this hunt. I do not live in an area where criminals are let go without bail, where felonies are pleaded down to misdemeanors and let off with no jail time, where businesses are closing due to crime.
The description of crime in places like NY are no doubt exaggerated for political purposes, like the claims of an "open" border. Republicans keep harping on crime in NY and elsewhere but don't come up with any legislative proposals to address it. Solving it would take away their talking point. But If you look up the states with the highest per capita crime rates, those controlled by Republicans are well represented at the top of the list. So maybe Jim Jordan should hold investigative sessions in some of those places.
But you don't have to do all those things. You simply need to say "I identify" and no one can question you.
I think you are missing the point. You probably don’t have a dog in this hunt either. :) In our extended family we have 2 people who are trans, one of them plans on a physical transition that I know about.

The point is if you feel like you are a man in a woman’s body or vice a versa, you may feel strongly enough about it, to physically correct the situation, as much as today’s technology can, so you can feel as good about the situation as possible, even if it is not a 100% correction. I can also imagine some people saying it’s too much trouble.