The Republican Agenda 2021 and Forward

I do think it is a bit funny calling it a War on Women when Women oppose abortion about the same percentage as Men. Can they be at war with themselves?
It is definitely a war on Women’s rights, dominion over your body, and that is regardless if the woman is a Koolaid drinker or not. :) That term may not be fair for this circumstance, but it is one thing to plan a pregnancy and be able to afford it, versus unplanned, and unaffordable. All these people who cite the Bible, life does not start until first breath, when you become viably independent without reliance on technology to sustain you. These same Christians are gun ho for the kid to be born but then who cares what happens to them afterwards. :unsure:
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Of course Republicans are already working on trying to steal the 2024 election:

Jeeeez, what a whopper: And we need to build strong election integrity task forces in all these counties.

Glad I wasn't drinking milk when I heard that. Wouldn't have been pretty.

Maybe start by asking people to guess how many jelly beans are in a jar on the counter before being allowed to register to vote? A crowd pleaser from the past.
Some Common Clay went down to root out migrants way down south and ended up getting dengue fever. Which the rant blames on the Chinese Communist Party, because they are working to weaponize it, using trained mosquitos as a delivery system.

Or something.

These people were searching for migrants in a place called the Darien Gap. If you do not know what that is, it lies in southern Panama/northern Colombia, a tropical roadless swamp about 40 miles across that prevents you from being able to drive your car from northern Alaska to southern Tierra del Fuego without some sort of intervening boat or plane trip. The perfect place for migrants to sneak through. Or vigilantes to get sick.

The best line from the rant is "I don't take chances when I take risks." Seems like some Americans clearly need to take some ESL courses.
Read an article about a transgender woman legislator in Montana getting chastised by other members for her saying they will have blood on their hands for their anti-trans legislation. I think the story kind of buried the lead. I can’t think of another state that I would assume is more “Men are men and women are women” than Montana and yet a transgender woman got voted into office. That says a lot right there.
Unconstitutional. These people are completely off the rails. :mad:
Read an article about a transgender woman legislator in Montana getting chastised by other members for her saying they will have blood on their hands for their anti-trans legislation. I think the story kind of buried the lead. I can’t think of another state that I would assume is more “Men are men and women are women” than Montana and yet a transgender woman got voted into office. That says a lot right there.
Representative Zooey Zephyr is being treated the same as the Tennessee Three. Her so-called colleagues don’t like the fact that she’s trans so they have basically kicked her out. Yesterday, they went so far as to cancel any committees she was on (yes, the entire committee!), just so she couldn’t have a committee assignment. This leaves the constituents who fairly elected her without representation to their state.
Representative Zooey Zephyr is being treated the same as the Tennessee Three. Her so-called colleagues don’t like the fact that she’s trans so they have basically kicked her out. Yesterday, they went so far as to cancel any committees she was on (yes, the entire committee!), just so she couldn’t have a committee assignment. This leaves the constituents who fairly elected her without representation to their state.

Yeah, I saw she is getting more center stage national coverage. Just as shocking to me that she got elected in Montana in the first place is she is being accused in egging on protesters and her supporters in the house. It’s one thing to support her/not care that she’s transgender in a vote. Quiet another to show up in protest and support. Again, in Montana.

But hey, I guess repressing "others" is solving people’s problems because that’s all Republicans seem to be doing. My life gets better when other’s gets worse. It’s in the Bible.
And this is why they'll lose their asses in 2024. None of these issues are viewed positively by the American people.
