The Republican Agenda 2021 and Forward

The description of crime in places like NY are no doubt exaggerated for political purposes, like the claims of an "open" border. Republicans keep harping on crime in NY and elsewhere but don't come up with any legislative proposals to address it. Solving it would take away their talking point. But If you look up the states with the highest per capita crime rates, those controlled by Republicans are well represented at the top of the list. So maybe Jim Jordan should hold investigative sessions in some of those places.
Not only do they harp on crime in NYC, they are wrong about it. Since Jordan's stunt, it's shown that crime rates are higher in his constituent area of Ohio than NY. Crime rates are higher in Gaetz' area of FL. The property crime rate of Pensacola, FL is twice that of NYC!
This has turned into more than just a war on abortion, it's a also a war on women and Republicans are losing them on this front.

This has turned into more than just a war on abortion, it's a also a war on women and Republicans are losing them on this front.

I do think it is a bit funny calling it a War on Women when Women oppose abortion about the same percentage as Men. Can they be at war with themselves?
I do think it is a bit funny calling it a War on Women when Women oppose abortion about the same percentage as Men. Can they be at war with themselves?
A majority of both genders support a woman's right to choose but women are the only one's truly impacted so yes, I could say they're the most objectified here. In fact, what business to men have regulating what and how women choose to do anything with their bodies whatsoever?
I do think it is a bit funny calling it a War on Women when Women oppose abortion about the same percentage as Men. Can they be at war with themselves?

Bill Burr has a bit where explains why women can’t get equality despite outnumbering men and studies showing them as being smarter. It’s because they rather tear each other apart than banned together for a common cause. He bases this on the fact that they don’t show up to support female supports and instead make women who trash each other on TV (Kardashians, Real House Wives) billionaires. There’s also the old joke/fact that when women get all dressed up and go out it’s less about attracting a man and more about competing with other women. So yes, women can and are at war with each other. I’m sure there’s no shortage of women in the evangelical community who aren’t happy with women having sex out of marriage or aren’t having sex specifically to have children.
Bill Burr has a bit where explains why women can’t get equality despite outnumbering men and studies showing them as being smarter.

Here is approximately what the US population looks like:
Notice where it is darker on the one edge or the other. That is the excess of the gender. Males outnumber females in the range of up to about age 37 or so. There are more women in the post-child-bearing range than men. Perhaps older women are somewhat less forgiving about bodily autonomy than are those of breeding age.
I think I've always been more attracted to women who dress low-key and casual and not go overboard with makeup to the point that you don't recognize them when they don't have it on. OK, maybe not during my Goth days but that was a very specific kind of hot mess.

It's called Low Maintenance. And I'm a fan. :D

I really don't find today's supermodels all that attractive. The ones from the 80 into the 90's, absolutely. But today's not so much.
A majority of both genders support a woman's right to choose

I think the biggest obstacle in finding a solution is we let the outer 10% dictate what the policy will be. On the Right, you have the "never for any reason crowd" and on the Left you have "no restrictions ever crowd". As long as these are the people trying to shape the policy, it will never get done.

I say we make the fringes unhappy (we really should make the fringes unhappy a lot more than we do) and do something most people can get behind which would be a 16-20 week limit, after which it would need to be for the life/physical health of the mother.
I think the biggest obstacle in finding a solution is we let the outer 10% dictate what the policy will be. On the Right, you have the "never for any reason crowd" and on the Left you have "no restrictions ever crowd". As long as these are the people trying to shape the policy, it will never get done.

I say we make the fringes unhappy (we really should make the fringes unhappy a lot more than we do) and do something most people can get behind which would be a 16-20 week limit, after which it would need to be for the life/physical health of the mother.
If both parties could agree that birth control and prevention should be free and easily accessible that would be great. Frankly, as much as Republicans think abortions are as evil as they are (and nobody denies it's a terrible decision for any mother to have to make) they would be 100% behind this idea.
Start with the pill we all know and love, make it freely available to all women who want it. It prevents the pregnancy in the first place, win win.
Or better yet, offer free vasectomies to any male over the age of 12, with a free reversal when he’s ready to be a father.
More proof Trump has no guiding principles (beyond what works best for him at any particular given moment).
From "women should be punished" to states should decide, he's all over the map because he doesn't care one way or the other about abortion. He just says what he thinks is the most politically expedient in the given moment.
