The Trump Cesspool Thread- a place to drop misc Trump turds

He did a softball fluff “town hall” with Sean Hannity tonight. It was pretty pathetic but he was mostly on his game, which means he sounded like a slightly-crazed, animated drunk uncle but mostly behaved himself as he soaked up the pro-Trump audience and Hannity ass-kissing. He answered no voter questions, which is odd for an event referred to as a “town hall”. It was really just your typical Hannity softball interview in a live format.

He’s mentally shot, you ask him a question about inflation and the next thing you know he’s talking about how great Victor Orban is.

Adam Kinzinger's Way-Too-Specific Description Of Trump Body Odor Might Make You Gag​

“That’s the Trump formula?” Kimmel said.

“A little bit of a pungent odor, I would say,” he said. “You definitely wouldn’t want to bottle it up and wear Trump cologne.”
Kinzinger said people around Trump are scared to talk about it, but he added that it was obvious ― and that he got a whiff himself more than once.

She also said that the nation must "ascend above the hate, the vitriol, and the simple-minded ideas that ignite violence."

You mean like “I win or it was rigged and stolen”? Her husband is literally a walking stereotype of simple-minded “ideas”. Build a wall, can we inject disinfectant or send a tremendous light up your arse to eradicate COVID? My healthcare plan is to cover many more people for much cheaper, etc.

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OK, this one hurts my head
  • FuckFace von ClownStick calls for the 25th Amendment to be modified
  • yes, he is running for President, with not the slightest clue how shit works
  • so that the VP can be removed for covering up Presidential incapacity
  • thus, CouchBoy, to protect himself, would have to depose FFvCS because he is so clearly deranged
  • as evidenced by the utter absurd ignorance of this blort

I am pretty pathetic, as people go, but FuckFace von ClownStick makes me look like a genius.
Twuth Social stock lately:


(slightly lower than it has been all year)
I saw that on the news yesterday, very apt.

They did him favors by having animals in the back, I’d have a freak show featuring Trump’s cast of real-life freaks -

“Largest Chrome Dome on Earth”
“The man who bleeds black.”
“World’s Dumbest Brothers”
“The man with a pillow for a brain”
“The man who married a couch”
“The man who coughs glass”
“The Gummiest Smile on Earth”
“Worlds most lady-like Gentleman”
“The sleepy surgeon”
“The most flexible woman on Earth”
He was on his favorite call-in show, Fox and Friends, when they offered one of three debate dates in October with Baier and Martha MacCallum - Trump said he’d rather have “Sean or Jesse or Laura”.

He thinks all the networks are biased when he’s on a call-in at will, first-name basis with the prime time lineup.

This has been only one week - imagine how much crap he’s going to pack in the next seven weeks.
Someone is dumping a lot of DJT stock today in large blocks. 👀

The disgusting thing is that there are buyers for these blocks so it isn't hurting the price, in fact after it initially dropped to $11.84, it is currently up +5.5% or there about.
Someone is dumping a lot of DJT stock today in large blocks. 👀

The disgusting thing is that there are buyers for these blocks so it isn't hurting the price, in fact after it initially dropped to $11.84, it is currently up +5.5% or there about.
man trump can fleece them over and over again and they still keep on giving.
With the lockup period expired on DJT stock for the Executives and Trump, and provided they wait until the 5th day to report their stock sales. When will that information become public? I imagine tomorrow or Monday, not sure about the specific laws around reporting.