The Trump Indictment Thread

They like him because of these issues. It’s not a bug. It’s a feature.
This is what I find scary AF. Especially if the orange man somehow gets back in office. He will reign holy terror on the law of the land and his dingbat followers will 150% support him. I don't think this country will survive. At least not as we know it. This is a fissure that will have far reaching ramifications.
This is what I find scary AF. Especially if the orange man somehow gets back in office. He will reign holy terror on the law of the land and his dingbat followers will 150% support him. I don't think this country will survive. At least not as we know it. This is a fissure that will have far reaching ramifications.

People like a good car wreck until they’re in one. That’s the only way I can make sense of Trump. I guess they’ve stuck with him so long that now they’re just like “**** it.”
The whole indictment reads like people trying to rob a bank vault “legally”. Just do things that have never been done, break the law, send in fake electoral votes, and let it play out.

No matter how much you try to find a way, its not legal to rob a bank, and its not legal to steal an election.

So the question now, is who has already flipped and who will flip as things move forward?

Most of these people aren’t young. The co-conspirators haven’t been charged (yet), and most of them probably don’t want to give up their freedom.

Rudy is facing a lengthy prison term for sure. All of these folks are scumbags, its going to be entertaining.
Rudy is facing a lengthy prison term for sure. All of these folks are scumbags, its going to be entertaining.

I'm assuming Rudy was one of the unindicted coconspirators. I'm wondering if he cut a deal. Or, could be indicted in the future, separately.
I'm assuming Rudy was one of the unindicted coconspirators. I'm wondering if he cut a deal. Or, could be indicted in the future, separately.
He is conspirator 1. Eastman is 2. Sidney Powell is conspirator 3. I doubt Rudy cut a deal. I expect future indictments, maybe as a separate case to avoid bogging down this one with more fights about attorney-client privilege (though the DC court and circuit seem to have already resolved those issues as part of the secret grand jury fights).
He is conspirator 1. Eastman is 2. Sidney Powell is conspirator 3. I doubt Rudy cut a deal. I expect future indictments, maybe as a separate case to avoid bogging down this one with more fights about attorney-client privilege (though the DC court and circuit seem to have already resolved those issues as part of the secret grand jury fights).
Co-conspirator 4 is pretty clearly Jeff Clark.


Unequivocally stating that the plan of the post coup regime was to use the US Army and the Insurrection Act to suppress protests once they had seized power.
For their view to be right, you'd need:

  • Hundreds if not thousands of people involved.
  • There would have needed to be a coordinated effort in multiple states to pull off the election fraud
  • They would need multiple election officials and others like Bill Barr to say all went well to cover up the fraud
  • So far, not a single person has come forward to blow the whistle and provide evidence of how this was all pulled off.
  • Multiple judges, appointed by the man himself, would have needed to be in on this. They need to block all the evidence and claim there was none.
  • The vice president would have been in on it or dumb enough to believe the he lost.
  • The list of unlikely things goes on.
And all this would have to be going on during Trump's administration, when "all the best people" were running things.
All this is nice, unfortunately I do believe Trump told the truth once.

"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" Trump remarked at a campaign stop at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. "It's, like, incredible."
Yes, DC. It’s a judge appointed by Obama. She is consistently one of the harshest sentencers for Jan 6 defendants.

Same judge…

"But presidents are not kings, and plaintiff is not president."

She’s an Obama-appointed woman of color. So I’m sure the Trump base will approve of her immediately.

His defenders are gaslighting the public. This is not a free speech issue, Smith says so in the indictment. Not to mention, it was more than talk - steps were taken and discussed to subvert the lawful election. And just like robbing a bank, plotting and planning isn’t “free speech”, it’s conspiracy. Especially if you’ve gone to the store and bought ski masks and guns.
That’s if Fox viewers have even heard any of this news.
To be fair they broke in on my local Fox TV affiliate from Fox News to report it. What they actually covered on the channel, however, I have no real idea. Maybe the bear that looks like it's a human in a suit? 🤷‍♂️
