The Trump Indictment Thread

Ridiculous that they can't simply take a written copy after the judge gave them verbally.

Apparently it the way the courts work in NY. The judge provided them only with the report form. Instructions were not provided in written form because that court does not allow it. Typically, the jury room can have physical evidence (excluding transcripts of anything from court), jurors notes, the verdict report form and jurors. No one else can be in the room, and if one of the jurors steps into the toilet that opens into the jury room, the other jurors have to stop deliberating. But, there will be donuts when they get there in the morning.
GUILTY on the first five charges.



Twenty Five.

All thirty four counts… guilty.

Officially criminal asshole Donald Trump found UNANIMOUSLY guilty on 34 counts.

He looks miserable. 😂

“Soros-backed DA.”

They just never get tired of that one. What a sleaze, utterly miserable specimen of a human. Sounds like a demented half-wit Hitler ginning up blind hatred.