The Trump Indictment Thread

Verdict: Guilty on all 34 counts!!!!!! YESSSSSS!!!!!!!! At last this long-time criminal is formally nailed as what he actually is and has been for much of his life: a felon. Can you tell I'm excited about this? Best news the US has had in a long, long time...... Break out the champagne or whatever happens to be one's celebratory beverage of choice!

I was right in the middle of working on something when I got the notification that the jury had made their decision and that a verdict announcement was coming soon. I hurriedly and somewhat distractedly finished what I was doing as of course my attention had abruptly shifted to what that verdict would include.

Smiling here, a broad, wide, joyful grin.....
An NBC legal analyst said now that trump has a history of being a convicted criminal (assuming today's guilty verdicts are not overturned on appeal), any future federal convictions will take his being a convicted criminal into account during sentencing should he be found guilty and can enhance his federal sentences.
An NBC legal analyst said now that trump has a history of being a convicted criminal (assuming today's guilty verdicts are not overturned on appeal), any future federal convictions will take his being a convicted criminal into account during sentencing should he be found guilty and can enhance his federal sentences.
can he get a top secret clearance now?
Well, to the cult, this is just more evidence that everyone except for Trump is just corrupt and out to get him. Random jurors who Trump has never met are in on it. The judge’s daughter. And the judge. And Bragg. And Biden. And I guess everyone else. And not just in this case, but all of them. So are all the conservative judges who don’t rule in his favor. And Hillary and Obama. And Pelosi and Schumer and Jeffries. Schiff and Swalwell. And Garland, and Jack Smith. All the AG’s and Governors in democrat states as well.

The liberal newspapers and all the major networks too, including Fox - but only when they aren’t verbally fellating Trump on-air, which ain’t often. Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen too.

Yep, what more proof do you need? This innocent leader, a great man of strength and wisdom, is always targeted and hounded by the left.
Any chance he'll get jailed?
As much as I'd like to see him in jail, I doubt it, but what sentence Judge Merchan will impose remains to be seen. IDK what his other options are. Maybe requiring Trump to walk around wearing a sandwich board saying "I had sex with a porn star while my wife was home with the baby and I fantasized about my daughter the whole time!"
For people inclined to vote for Trump, I‘d have one question.

Would you leave your daughter alone with Donald Trump?

If you can answer yes to that, I’ve got no further questions.
Trump campaigning in 2016 - "We're gonna win so much you're gonna get tired of winning." This only makes sense now that we know MAGA is upside down world. By those standards he really is the biggest winner. Keep winning!
This verdict may result in SCotUS expediting their immunity ruling: he was president while he was committing this crime, so he was above the law. Then Joe the President can sign an executive order remanding Individual-ONE to federal custody, because, as President, he is above the law and can do anything.
Well, to the cult, this is just more evidence that everyone except for Trump is just corrupt and out to get him. Random jurors who Trump has never met are in on it. The judge’s daughter. And the judge. And Bragg. And Biden. And I guess everyone else. And not just in this case, but all of them. So are all the conservative judges who don’t rule in his favor. And Hillary and Obama. And Pelosi and Schumer and Jeffries. Schiff and Swalwell. And Garland, and Jack Smith. All the AG’s and Governors in democrat states as well.

The liberal newspapers and all the major networks too, including Fox - but only when they aren’t verbally fellating Trump on-air, which ain’t often. Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen too.

Yep, what more proof do you need? This innocent leader, a great man of strength and wisdom, is always targeted and hounded by the left.

I stole your first paragraph.
As much as I'd like to see him in jail, I doubt it, but what sentence Judge Merchan will impose remains to be seen. IDK what his other options are. Maybe requiring Trump to walk around wearing a sandwich board saying "I had sex with a porn star while my wife was home with the baby and I fantasized about my daughter the whole time!"
If that's the case he simply gets a "felon" tag and his base worked up for him. I know I'm cynical but I would argue we all have a right to be, nothing seems to change his support and I'll be surprised if this doesn't make his poll numbers go up TBH.