The Trump Indictment Thread


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But, now you're guilty until you actually win your appeal?!

I'm thinking being white and infamous has something to do with why he's still walking around?
From what I've read, the chances of getting a jury verdict overturned on appeal are generally low. The appeals court would have to find that, for example, the law was improperly applied, exculpatory evidence was plainly disregarded, the jury instructions were incorrect, and so on. In this instance, it seems that Judge Merchan did an excellent job, protestations by Trump and his sycophants notwithstanding. That's why the rhetoric from his supporters, especially elected officials who know better, is so reprehensible. It's one thing to say you think the evidence doesn't support the jury's conclusion, but their bombastic condemnation of the verdict just undermines the justice system further.

As for incarceration prior to sentencing, I don't see that being requested or happening. As reprehensible as Trump is, he's not a flight risk, though TBH I wish he'd leave the country for Russia, Hungary, or some other place and never return.


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As for incarceration prior to sentencing, I don't see that being requested or happening. As reprehensible as Trump is, he's not a flight risk, though TBH I wish he'd leave the country for Russia, Hungary, or some other place and never return.
but he is a danger to the community, which is another important factor


Mama's lil stinker
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It sounds like under normal circumstances bashing the judge and continuing to violate your gag order would land you in jail but this judge will likely never go down that path due to Trump's status. He just has to sit back and take it which is a shame, he seemed pretty fair all along.

There is absolutely no question that Trump receives special treatment on all levels. It's a slap in the face of everyone else who has had to face justice.


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His stupid followers are posting threats all over the place, probably mostly keyboard warriors but you can never disregard the threat.

Every journalist should be hammering republican congress members about what the threats of violence coming from their side.

This rallies Trump supporters around him, I do not see it gaining him additional support, or Biden would be falling in the polls.


Mama's lil stinker
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His stupid followers are posting threats all over the place, probably mostly keyboard warriors but you can never disregard the threat.

Every journalist should be hammering republican congress members about what the threats of violence coming from their side.

This rallies Trump supporters around him, I do not see it gaining him additional support, or Biden would be falling in the polls.
At some point someone is going to get killed.


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At some point someone is going to get killed.

I don’t say this lightly, but it’s likely to be one of their own first. When one of these conservative asshats gets one of their colleagues or family members killed by some demented Trump supporters who misinterprets their “coded language” (lies), they will deserve to be ridiculed to add to the guilt.

Looking at Donalds, Cruz, Vance and Rubio especially.

Speaker Johnson is saying the Supreme Court should get involved and bragging about his friendships with some of the justices, and how he thinks they won’t stand for this.

This is a cult.


Mama's lil stinker
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Some early polling numbers, there are probably a few ways to read this but losing any support from the middle or your own party cannot be a good sign. It will be interesting to see what this looks like in a few weeks when it all really sets in.

Poll: 49% of Independents think Trump should drop out post-guilty verdict​

  • 49% of Independents and 15% of Republicans said Trump should end his campaign because of the conviction.
  • The polls found the race effectively tied nationally in a 1-on-1 with Biden at 45% and Trump at 44%.


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This needs to be revisited... going back to December 2016, after the election and before trump's inauguration.

Jared Kushner and Michael Flynn met with Russian Ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak at trump Tower to discuss setting up a secret communications back-channel with the Kremlin using a Russian diplomatic facility in the US and Russian encryption and communications equipment. The purpose was to exchange sensitive information with the Kremlin without NSA/CIA interception.

What's funny was when Kislyak reported that meeting back to the Kremlin from the Russian embassy, it was intercepted by US intelligence and caused quite a stir. Though it was all swept under the rug and acting Attorney General Sally Yates (a former US Attorney) being fired by trump, ostensibly having to do with immigration enforcement, but likely because she was pressing that Michael Flynn was compromised by the Russians.



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Encouraging. And could make a difference.

I'll take the mentioned 15% of Republicans believing he should drop out, too.

Even if you cut the numbers by 75%, it’s not good for Trump. Meaning, if a poll says one in ten Trump supporters won’t for him with a conviction, even if you take that conservatively and say one in forty won’t vote for him, that’s not good. 2 or 3 percent fewer voters than last time won’t help him. This could offset suppressed democratic turnout.

It’s going to be close, I’m just not particularly convinced it will be as close as republicans constantly sell it as. They do this every time, then act stunned when it doesn’t turn their way. Remember, the 2022 “red wave” was also based on polling, and Trump-aligned candidates and a shit Supreme Court seriously ate into their gains, to the point they’ve had three speakers and a paralyzed house due to their meager win.

One encouraging thing is how many people being interviewed weren’t aware of these charges. I can see someone who’s tuned out that much - even a conservative or independent - just voting for someone else besides Trump if they give him the benefit of just being a “rogue politician”, but don’t give him the same for being a convicted felon.
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Mama's lil stinker
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Even if you cut the numbers by 75%, it’s not good for Trump. Meaning, if a poll says one in ten Trump supporters won’t for him with a conviction, even if you take that conservatively and say one in forty won’t vote for him, that’s not good. 2 or 3 percent fewer voters than last time won’t help him. This could offset suppressed democratic turnout.

It’s going to be close, I’m just not particularly convinced it will be as close as republicans constantly sell it as. They do this every time, then act stunned when it doesn’t turn their way. Remember, the 2022 “red wave” was also based on polling, and Trump-aligned candidates and a shit Supreme Court seriously are into their gains, to the point they’ve had three speakers and a paralyzed house due to their meager win.

One encouraging thing is how many people being interviewed weren’t aware of these charges. I can see someone who’s tuned out that much - even a conservative or independent - just voting for someone else besides Trump if they give him the benefit of just being a “rogue politician”, but don’t give him the same for being a convicted felon.
Exactly, in a game of inches every fraction counts, no matter how small.


Resident Redneck
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What do you think is the likelihood of that happening? I just can't imagine any circumstance where he'd do that, short of some major medical event.

No I don’t think he would.

But he isn’t in control of everything. The convention could replace him. It would be messy, but it could be done.


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No I don’t think he would.

But he isn’t in control of everything. The convention could replace him. It would be messy, but it could be done.
it would be a miracle if they could all could grow enough backbone for one of them to stand up to trump. they have sold way too much of their souls to back out now. they have to keep on supporting him or resign they have committed everything to trump. Thats why we so them totally debasing themselves they are so desperate it is pathetic. but it sure shows us their true colors.
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Elite Member
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No I don’t think he would.

But he isn’t in control of everything. The convention could replace him. It would be messy, but it could be done.
Messy is an understatement. Among other things, they'd also have to get rid of Lara as the co-chair of the RNC. And I'm sure Trump and the MAGAs who won't desert him come hell or high water would retaliate ferociously. I think most Republicans, even the ones who don't like Trump, feel he's their best chance to retake the White House, hoping he doesn't last long after that.
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