The Trump Indictment Thread


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knee deep in the road apples of the 4 horsemen


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Go watch your guy try to explain his charges, happening as we speak. He sounds like a brain damaged lunatic.

At least he was competent to actually stand trial vs. “at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” In Hur’s view, “it would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him—by then a former president well into his eighties—of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.”
Well, I presume the Trumpers were very much looking forward to a Trump legal victory because Newsmax and the rest hammer the message that the legal case was a sham, blah blah. They’re disappointed, their team lost. The article’s point that their media diet has them living in a non-reality, I can understand.

How about when CNN's Legal Analyst says it?

The article was in National Review, but he is CNN's Legal Analyst and has said similar on air


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At least he was competent to actually stand trial vs. “at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” In Hur’s view, “it would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him—by then a former president well into his eighties—of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.”
If you think Trump is more mentally competent than Biden based on how they present themselves in public, I don't know what to say. Biden is old. Trump is demented. And Hur's characterization has been discredited.

The article was in National Review, but he is CNN's Legal Analyst and has said similar on air
And I've read many analyses by other respected legal experts who think differently. The prosecution's case, while unusual (we've never had to deal with anyone like Trump) passed the sniff test with the grand jury and the trial jury, and it did with me as well. That's what the American people should be thinking about in deciding whether Trump should be elected or run at all. Yes, the argument against Trump would be even stronger had the other cases against him, especially the documents one, been allowed to move forward, but sadly, they've been held up by the SCOTUS and others.


Mama's lil stinker
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If you think Trump is more mentally competent than Biden based on how they present themselves in public, I don't know what to say. Biden is old. Trump is demented. And Hur's characterization has been discredited.
To be fair he, like many other Republicans, live in a bubble of right wing media where all they do is hate and propagate the same old tropes over and over. To them, anything other than Fox News is the liberal media and as a result they're just the most ignorant people you'll ever meet, their lives are loaded with unchallenged misinformation. So they run stuff like "Biden is mentally unfit" 24/7 while doing nothing but defending Trump. Truly fair and balanced. :ROFLMAO:

At least with ABC, CBS and NBC standard nightly news you'll get a neutral look at what's going on in the world but they flat out refuse to look at anything objective.


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At least he was competent to actually stand trial vs. “at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” In Hur’s view, “it would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him—by then a former president well into his eighties—of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.”

How about when CNN's Legal Analyst says it?

The article was in National Review, but he is CNN's Legal Analyst and has said similar on air

Are we discussing the interview that Joe Biden provided voluntarily, vs. Trump - who always says he will testify, but never does?

You never seem to want to address your guy. I just watched Biden all this week, perfectly fine. I watched Trump too - not fine.

Let’s just give you that Biden is dementia-riddled and has handlers. Ok, fine, you win. Are you saying Trump is brighter, more rational and more mentally accute?

If you were being honest, you would just admit no - he is not. He’s worse off, more demented, more of a lunatic, more dishonest, does more gaslighting. It’s not even in the realm of being close.

Also, while I don’t discredit Hur - he exonerated Biden after all - if we were using Trump’s standards, then Hur is a partisan hack engaged in a witch hunt and should be discredited. I base that on the same things Trump bases his conspiracies on - NOTHING.

*By the way, Hur’s comments have nothing to do with Biden’s mental acuity and more to do with proving intent. The insinuation he “couldn’t” stand trial is a joke, Hur is saying he’s old and forgetful and that could cause doubt on intent, not that he’s too dementia-riddled to stand trial.


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knee deep in the road apples of the 4 horsemen
How about when CNN's Legal Analyst says it?

He said
… that I am against this behavior is why I often call myself a “liberal” or a “classical liberal” or an “old-style liberal.” This is not how I think the government should behave …

"Classical Liberal" is a von Mises like right-wing position. I just about all of the rest of the world, "liberal" occupies what we call the right-wing side of the spectrum, just on this premise. That CNN employs him is not really all that meaningful.
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trump cost himself 87 million dollars because he could not control his mouth. he got 34 guilty charges because he insisted on running his own case. just that alone makes him pretty much incapable of controlling himself. have we seen Biden do anything like that?


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I watched Todd Blanche give an interview where he - carefully and well-worded - threw Trump under the bus for his failed defense. He framed it as Trump being in control, “very smart” and 100% involved in every decision.

aka “we would have had a better defense but I had to take my orders from 💩-for-brains.”

I have almost no doubt his defense starting opening arguments by denying Trump slept with Daniels was Trump’s decision. The affair itself was irrelevant, and denying it was a joke. From all reports, Blanche is a serious and professional attorney. There’s no way opening that unnecessary can of worms was his idea. Defense lawyer Joe Tacopina had a similar situation in another case where he pretty much had to say to the judge “look, you see who I’m working with here, right?”

Also, word is Fox won’t go live with Trump anymore because he’s a liability, so they tape everything involving him now. Does he do call-ins anymore?
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I have almost no doubt his defense starting opening arguments by denying Trump slept with Daniels was Trump’s decision. The affair itself was irrelevant, and denying it was a joke. From all reports, Blanche is a serious and professional attorney. There’s no way opening that unnecessary can of worms was his idea. Defense lawyer Joe Tacopina had a similar situation in another case where he pretty much had to say to the judge “look, you see who I’m working with here, right?”
but he should have walked when trump insisted he was in charge. but he chose to stay and did the whole argeeing with trump about testifying in front of the world. totally made himself a crap lawyer in that instant.


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As Herdfan eludes, I think you are all missing the 4-d chess the shatstaiin is mounting...

There is no mystery to the outsider. It’s a cult. Logic points to people enjoying his overt racism, coupled with group-think cultism to the point they’ve dug in their heels and ain’t moving. The more Trump proves he’s a criminal demented freak, the more they prop him as a great and intelligent man. The more makeup and hairspray he wears, the more Rambo MAGA flags they make.

He’s a talentless cretin who struck the lotto in life before getting high off of his own diaper odors, and the fuel he needs to keep going are those people with their heels dug in. It’s a toddler throwing a tantrum and getting everything he wants, so he will keep lying, crying and scheming until those people go away. It doesn’t seem they are anytime soon, which fine, I guess. It’s a free country, no thanks to him.

But I do have a serious problem with the blind and bizarre subservience to a guy who’s stayed afloat for his entire life by taking advantage of flaws in the system - more numerous and easier access to access for him because of his race, sex and inherited wealth - and then derides all the pillars of those same institutions he exposed.
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