The Trump Indictment Thread

It’s a cult. Lindsey Graham is already attacking the judge, and some members are attacking the jury, which isn’t even picked yet.

The Bulwark podcast is doing a multi-episode study on the evolution of the corruption of Lindsey Graham, not because he’s the worst of the Trump supporters/enablers, but because he talks a lot and there’s a lengthy public record of how he’s devolved.
Someone's having himself a hissy fit.

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Oh crap! He's coming after us? Fortunately, I'm not an ex-president accused of attempting to overthrow a valid election. So I'm safe. But I do feel bad for all the other ex-presidents conspiring against the United States government to hoard classified documents. He's coming for you! There must be zero's of people out there scared shitless right now.
Someone's having himself a hissy fit.

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Hmm. At this rate, he may not make it to trial. He also may not make it to the nomination without self-destructing his campaign. It’s his to lose, but so was the last election where he handled COVID poorly.

Trump is guilty, we all know it, and he’s entitled to a trial, but he’s 78, and I have a hard time picturing him handling these serious allegations any better than he’s handled anything else.

That post may be free speech, but it’s a hell of a post to make in the wake of being arraigned 24 hours prior.
Trump has been indicted three times and life is moving on. And if he’s convicted, life will move on. People will protest, but at some point, republicans are going to realize constantly pandering to about 1/6th of the electorate is not a winning strategy.

The crowds - or the few people who gathered in defense and in protest of Trump - were peaceful.

This is why you execute justice. If the J6 folks were rounded up and tried for their crimes, things may be a lot worse now. Trump has a lot of supporters, but not all of them are willing to go to jail for him, or even take time out of their day to show up to a courthouse.

It’s also why democrats must win in 2024 - including the house and senate - so that Trump is not able to escape trial or conviction.

Would be nice if Trump’s insistence on winning means another Republican can’t win and pardon him.

I think for the most part this is true, people will move on and the majority will not try to defend his indefensible nonsense. But it’s that sliver of radical supporters that I fear can create tremendous damage- like those on 1/6.

But hopefully the 1/6 prosecutions has been a good reminder of what happens when you try and interfere with legitimate government processes.

There was something like 2000-2500 rioters who entered the capital (and 1000+ with charges?) and there was surely violence outside the capital… but this is out of tens of thousands of supporters present. But this relatively small number of people has put an awful stain on our country and history.

As much support as Trump appears to have in polling, I believe only maybe only 25% of republicans actually strongly support him. I think most of his perceived support comes from people who believe the other R candidates can’t beat Trump or don’t stand a chance in the general while Trump does. But they are not actually really into Trump personally and his politics are pretty vague on almost everything.

In regards to 1/6, I think Trump should have resigned in the immediate aftermath if he had any shred of honor. I think he should have been impeached, but that the impeachment was a joke given it was know the votes did not exist and a total waste of Congress’ time given the crisis of the pandemic at the time. I thought Trump’s would be too humiliated to run again, but it now appears he’ll be running for effectively his own survival or freedom- which I think poses quite a bit of danger both if he wins and if he loses.
Yeah man, we're going to learn how far he can push a judge I think. There's no way he can help himself.

Judge ordered him not to try to influence the jury. Literally threatening anyone who does anything against him would seem to fall into that category. The only question I have is whether she hauls him back into court right away, or waits to bring it up at the further status conference in 2 weeks. I assume the latter.
He may be doing it to create a sideshow to stir up controversy and anger. If he forces the judges to take action, he can accuse them of persecuting him. If they have to take away his social media access, he’ll claim they’re trying to silence him.

I guess it’s a waiting game to see when enough is enough for republicans.
He may be doing it to create a sideshow to stir up controversy and anger. If he forces the judges to take action, he can accuse them of persecuting him. If they have to take away his social media access, he’ll claim they’re trying to silence him.

I guess it’s a waiting game to see when enough is enough for republicans.
And his supporters will eat it up but at some point he needs to be treated like anyone else with 78 charges against them. He's going to cross the line (as it appears he already has within one day of the warning) with the wrong judge and they'll be within their right to treat him accordingly.
at this point I dont think that will ever happen. they have backed the devil and he has them by the soul
Not a fan of John Bolton but he made a good point today, saying that if none of the other candidates challenge him then he'll steam roll them all. Saying at some point they'll need to come together on a message. This makes sense IMO.
Yeah...that was over the top and broad; a thinly veiled threat meant to be heard by witnesses, potential jurors, attorneys, and judge. One more and he should be locked up for the duration of the trial.
His team is about to get all the discovery so they'll have the names and statements from everyone, there's no question Trump will target them. I fear someone will get killed as a result of his rhetoric.
His team is about to get all the discovery so they'll have the names and statements from everyone, there's no question Trump will target them. I fear someone will get killed as a result of his rhetoric.
Not that it excuses his behavior, but Trump is going to be the mob boss he always was. I wonder, though, if there is any line he can cross that will cause his sycophant Republicans to drop support or at least stop claiming he's exercising his right to free speech. Apparently not. Back in the 2016 campaign, politicians like Graham and Ted Cruz spoke out against Trump, especially after the Access Hollywood tape came out, only to change their tune later.
Not that it excuses his behavior, but Trump is going to be the mob boss he always was. I wonder, though, if there is any line he can cross that will cause his sycophant Republicans to drop support or at least stop claiming he's exercising his right to free speech. Apparently not. Back in the 2016 campaign, politicians like Graham and Ted Cruz spoke out against Trump, especially after the Access Hollywood tape came out, only to change their tune later.
My guess is that this will not be the case in a court of law where they normally have no tolerance for such bullshit. Even Trump's own team is walking it back so they're clearly worried about it, but I don't think they'll ever be able to fully muzzle him.

Not that it excuses his behavior, but Trump is going to be the mob boss he always was. I wonder, though, if there is any line he can cross that will cause his sycophant Republicans to drop support or at least stop claiming he's exercising his right to free speech.

Here's an interesting take in the NYT. I need to read it a few more times and noodle it some more to draw a conclusion about trump's base, and the consequences thereof. But I found this pretty interesting (I'm assuming it's true for the moment):

"Members of our class also segregate ourselves into a few booming metro areas: San Francisco, D.C., Austin and so on. In 2020, Biden won only 500 or so counties, but together they are responsible for 71 percent of the American economy. Trump won over 2,500 counties, responsible for only 29 percent. Once we find our cliques, we don’t get out much."

My guess is that this will not be the case in a court of law where they normally have no tolerance for such bullshit. Even Trump's own team is walking it back so they're clearly worried about it, but I don't think they'll ever be able to fully muzzle him.

I don't think the courts will put up with it either. I certainly don't want anyone to be injured or killed as a result of Trump's rants, but the more he keeps pushing, the more likely he'll suffer real consequences.
My guess is that this will not be the case in a court of law where they normally have no tolerance for such bullshit. Even Trump's own team is walking it back so they're clearly worried about it, but I don't think they'll ever be able to fully muzzle him.

Nope, this walk back is weak af. Screw him, it’s time for consequences for the first time in his life.