The Trump Indictment Thread

I’ll never understand why he didn’t just accept the loss, buy a lake house, hunker down, and fuck prostitutes for the rest of his days. He’s unfathomable to me.

It is because of his Narcissism disorder. It seems as though once a Narcissist reaches a certain level of positive attention, reverting to a lower level becomes impossible. It is even more important to him than money at this point.

Also, prostitutes want money. Now. He cannot get away with stringing them along the way he does with everybody. Pay me now.
Did you mean "leniently"?
I mean, he’s so dumb and deranged it is impossible to know if he truly thinks he won the election. I’ll never understand why he didn’t just accept the loss, buy a lake house, hunker down, and fuck prostitutes for the rest of his days. He’s unfathomable to me.

As Yoused writes, one explanation is his Narcism. After he became president, the only way to get even better would be to become Emperor of the Universe (or something like that).

A different explanation is: His presidency brought a spotlight to all his other crimes and he knew he would be screwed. Therefore, he tried everything to become president again, because then he would be untouchable for another four years, during which he would have tried to stay president forever somehow.

The US is lucky that Trump‘s cronies aren‘‘t the sharpest tools in the shed, otherwise this scheme might actually have succeeded.
I imagine if he had real evidence his lawyers would be pretty damn interested in it.

It would have to be admissable evidence. Not the pile of ”a guy knows a guy who overheard someone say…” garbage Trump will fork over,.
Governor Brian Kemp is shitting on Trump’s “report”. 👍🏼

Governor Brian Kemp is shitting on Trump’s “report”. 👍🏼

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I wonder if Trump will tell his supporters at the “news conference” to go to Georgia. “And after this, we’re going to walk down, and I’ll be there with you, we’re going to WALK down, we’re going to walk DOWN TO GEORGIA”

More seriously, I’m glad to see that Kemp is pushing back, maintaining his position and message.
It would have to be admissable evidence. Not the pile of ”a guy knows a guy who overheard someone say…” garbage Trump will fork over,.
but even then it would not do him any good in the case it would not excuse him breaking the law.

Trump expected to be booked at Fulton County jail, sheriff says

The sheriff will now have to negotiate with Secret Service and Trump’s attorneys about the logistics of Trump’s surrender. Defendants who are not immediately arrested upon indictment – as was the case for Trump and his associates – usually negotiate bond if applicable, as well as other terms of release with the district attorney’s office.

I wonder how tough the DA's office is going to be with that negotiation. Coincidentally, I've got "Trump jailed" on my bingo card, what's on yours?
It is because of his Narcissism disorder. It seems as though once a Narcissist reaches a certain level of positive attention, reverting to a lower level becomes impossible. It is even more important to him than money at this point.

Also, prostitutes want money. Now. He cannot get away with stringing them along the way he does with everybody. Pay me now.
Yup. There are two things that scare Trump the most:
  1. Being found guilty for his crimes and going to prison.
  2. No longer being the absolute center of attention. He thrives on it.
In fact, I think the second motivation is even stronger than the first. He’d whither and die if he were ignored.
Ran across this from ten days ago: heading home from a court appearance, Individual-ONE's motorcade became ensnared in a herd of goats. These goats perform a valuable service, allowing him to call the property a "farm", which has a tax levy of $700, as opposed to the $200K tax that a golf course would draw.
Ran across this from ten days ago: heading home from a court appearance, Individual-ONE's motorcade became ensnared in a herd of goats. These goats perform a valuable service, allowing him to call the property a "farm", which has a tax levy of $700, as opposed to the $200K tax that a golf course would draw.
Yeah it turns out he was never under audit (not that the claim ever had any actual basis for not releasing his returns) … and the question largely now is why was he never under audit for this shit? (the real reason he never released his returns)

Apparently the above isn’t completely true he was partially under audit but not under as much as he should’ve have been given the IRS’ own rules and they only ever assigned one person to his returns. And they couldn’t pierce them. Part of this comes down to the republicans successfully gutting the IRS’ ability to audit wealthy people’s returns. The other part was no doubt political considerations and deliberately trying not to find anything.

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Ran across this from ten days ago: heading home from a court appearance, Individual-ONE's motorcade became ensnared in a herd of goats. These goats perform a valuable service, allowing him to call the property a "farm", which has a tax levy of $700, as opposed to the $200K tax that a golf course would draw.
Pretty common tax avoidance, TBH, although I haven’t seen anything as crazy low as $700 for that large a property (are you sure that’s correct?!). In my neighborhood, people keep chickens to get taxed as a homestead. And they even like them! I can’t bring myself to do the same, because chickens are the most obnoxious and dumb animals save humans. Although, every time my cat killed one, I could claim a tax loss and he’d be entertained at least.
if Trump’s numbers drop because he is in court instead of on the campaign trail then his supporters are truly a bunch of needy ignorant assholes. "I don’t like daddy’s new job. He doesn’t play with me anymore." And I don’t believe in the "once they see the facts" pearl clutching. The vast majority of the facts have been in our eyes and ears for years,