The Trump Indictment Thread

trumps team is two firms one with 5 and one with two or three people. one lawyer is a witness in another one of trumps cases. Trump has screwed himself into a hole with not paying them and causing them to be charged with crimes. no one wats to represent him. such a sad state of affairs.
trumps team is two firms one with 5 and one with two or three people. one lawyer is a witness in another one of trumps cases. Trump has screwed himself into a hole with not paying them and causing them to be charged with crimes. no one wats to represent him. such a sad state of affairs.

Rudy is complaining and sweating in public, and reports are swirling Trump hasn’t helped him out at all, despite Rudy begging in person.

How the hell do people fall for this? Rudy may be able to rationally plead insanity if he thought Trump was going to pay his bills.
Rudy is complaining and sweating in public, and reports are swirling Trump hasn’t helped him out at all, despite Rudy begging in person.

How the hell do people fall for this? Rudy may be able to rationally plead insanity if he thought Trump was going to pay his bills.
Rudy gave up everything for him too. This shows what a horrible person Trump truly is, we all knew it, it's a shame Rudy didn't.
Rudy is a vile and detestable person, and has been for quite some time. "A shame" is exactly the opposite of any bad thing that happens to him. He has earned it.

Watched the Painkiller docudrama on Netflix about the totally legal Sackler drug cartel family behind Oxycontin and a half million deaths and counting. It was news to me that Rudy was part of the legal team that secured the deal that they can still remain filthy rich and not be held criminally responsible. The greatest hits keep coming.
Trump cancelled his press conference. I guess the world will have to wait to see his highly-detailed report that’s full of irrefutable evidence.

First smart thing he’s done so far.

spounds like my pillow guy chose not to share. Darn I was looking forward to it.
From one of the people on the grand jury. Maybe @Cmaier can speak better to this but it seems that when people are faced with facts in a jury room it's very different from being a partisan hack on Twitter or something.

Can’t wait to see who’s flipped, who’s going to flip, to see the fingerprinting start (Rudy’s lawyers are fingering Powell, and Trump’s lawyers are blaming all the lawyers). Can’t wait to read the DMs and text messages, hear more audio… what will Trump think when he gets to see Secret Service text messages about him?

What will the jurors think when they see Rudy telling the world Ruby Freeman was handing out USB drives like crack? You don’t think the jury members are going to sympathize with a woman who was targeted for merely showing up to do a civic duty, which is what every juror on the trial is doing? There are so many aspects of these cases where one aspect alone should send people to prison, and there are many such instances.
From one of the people on the grand jury. Maybe @Cmaier can speak better to this but it seems that when people are faced with facts in a jury room it's very different from being a partisan hack on Twitter or something.

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I think it's often more compelling to hear first-hand accounts and see documents for yourself than it is to read a detailed account on paper. This applies in many situations. In this case, though, I wonder how many Trump supporters can be swayed. So much of Trump's behavior has been in the open, even if it wasn't always clear how the dots were connected.
I think it's often more compelling to hear first-hand accounts and see documents for yourself than it is to read a detailed account on paper. This applies in many situations. In this case, though, I wonder how many Trump supporters can be swayed. So much of Trump's behavior has been in the open, even if it wasn't always clear how the dots were connected.
This is where jury selection will be key, they would pretty much have to lie when asked if they can be objective regardless of who they support.
Clearly the threats, doxing, and violence are the result of Trump having zero consequences for his words and actions (so far), but here’s the disconnect I don’t get. The DOJ has plowed down all the low level stooges and are working their way up. Even if Trump doesn’t go down, many other high level people will. It takes a special type of laptop patriot idiot to see that and think they are going to be afforded the same perceived immunity as Trump. On the scale from grifter billionaire to animal pelt war paint larper, which one are you closer to?
Lots of incriminating evidence beyond him simply following Alex Jones around on J6…

In a December 2020 email exchange between Chesebro and John Eastman, another architect of the fake electors’ scheme, discovered by the House select committee investigating January 6, Chesebro suggested that “chaos” on January 6 could pressure Supreme Court justices to act before the count could occur. He wrote, the “odds of action before Jan. 6 will become more favorable if the justices start to fear that there will be ‘wild’ chaos on Jan. 6 unless they rule by then, either way.”

From one of the people on the grand jury. Maybe @Cmaier can speak better to this but it seems that when people are faced with facts in a jury room it's very different from being a partisan hack on Twitter or something.

The problem with a lot of people is that they behave like two of the three monkeys, i.e., they don‘t see or hear anything, but hey are very vocal.

I recently saw a short interview with a Trump fan who still thinks than Trump is still president and Biden is not. This is straight up delusional. They simply don‘t want to recognize the reality.
The problem with a lot of people is that they behave like two of the three monkeys, i.e., they don‘t see or hear anything, but hey are very vocal.

I recently saw a short interview with a Trump fan who still thinks than Trump is still president and Biden is not. This is straight up delusional. They simply don‘t want to recognize the reality.
The very people who use drugs or alcohol don’t need drugs or alcohol.
So now that this Kenneth Chesebro creep is known to have been hanging outside the Capitol during the riots, we now have a literal direct line from those storming the Capitol to people in the room with Trump. That’s a literal direct connection, and they probably have enough to charge him with seditious conspiracy, he has to be the top-ranking guy in Trump’s world caught up on both sides of the plot. He’s yet to be indicted in the federal case - how is Trump world going to react if one of Trump’s lawyers says…
