The Trump Indictment Thread

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself WHY this is the case.

I mean it's really easy to just blame MAGA idiots, but have you ever tried to see what they are seeing and why they would support him.

TLDR: You are not going to be taken seriously with Trump as your leader, period. He’s the problem. Unleashing the bull into a China shop is a very quick way of getting people to stop listening to you and instead focusing on ending the damage the bull is doing.

I would try that tactic if they had someone sane and not a f*cking dolt. I will admit, maybe I’m wrong. I know the question wasn’t aimed at me, but it’s a good question. I did these things in 2012 when I strongly considered voting for Romney. What pulled me away was that Romney wasn’t able to run as Romney, he had to run to the right, which involved downplaying racism in his party, propping up the corporations, and backtracking on his previous stance on abortion (safe, legal and rare).

I have tried this tact before, but it’s always been under the umbrella of sanity and reason. The Tea Party squashed that, and Trump pissed on the debris. I have spent a lot of time listening to the arguments of Trump supporters. Some are reasonable. Some are not. Most are not, in fact. And the problem all lies directly and squarely with the person they have lined up behind. I don’t care what their reasoning is, they lose their justification when they choose a cartoon character,

I don’t care what reasons people have for still visiting psychics and faith healers despite all the evidence in the world it’s hogwash. A good reason for turning to hogwash will not stop me from calling hogwash for what it is.

This would be a discussion to have about Biden and Nikki Haley, or Chris Christie, or even someone like Mike Johnson, who I disagree with intensely but at least find him to not be a psycho in the traditional sense, beyond thinking he’s got Jesus on speed dial.

I have another theory about why they’re turning to Trump, and it loops back to your point about blaming it on MAGA idiots - I do believe I see what they’re seeing. They are seeing a country that used to be dominated by their culture, and it no longer is. It’s mostly their fight against a secular nation, which I hate to tell them, is constitutionally mandated, and has been for a long time, even if not in practice. It’s a sect of people who take it as a personal insult when they are told “Your right to make other live by your standards, morals and religious doctrine is over.”

It’s not a new thing to say, but some people feel controlling others is their right, and feel their rights are being taken away, when they’re really just being given equally to others.

I would like to point out to my Republican friends, nothing liberals or progressive laws have done ban straight white people from marrying straight white people, having white babies, going to a church of their choice, what books they can read, etc. So I fail to see what the inconvenience is for the religious right when those same freedoms are extended to others, and why they feel personally attacked. It’s because religion tells people it’s not only important to live a certain way, but they have a duty, a mandate, to make you do the same. A lot of these grievances would not exist if not for religion.

Plus, I’m not going to take opinions about things like affirmative action seriously from a guy who ripped all of his students off, and accepted them all. I guess that’s Trump’s version of equal opportunity. And I really don’t care what racists and bigots think, and there’s a disproportionate amount of them in the GOP compared to the democrats. I wasn’t always a liberal, I was pretty conservative when I was younger because of my religious beliefs, which were stronger than my politics. The GOP left me a long time ago, and made me far more liberal in the process.
It really isn't complicated. People were generally more satisfied under Trump and they will vote that way.
Wait, this is in jest right, I didn't see the LOL icon so I'm just assuming.

If your life is happy or sad based on the current president sitting in office then that's on you. I mean not that I don't want to blame Biden for my shitty cruise experience but I booked it and chose to go. The party of personal responsibility has become the party of finger pointing and whining.
Wait… that chart coincides with COVID. People were the happiest they’ve ever been during the height of lockdowns in 2020? Wow… you definitely could’ve fooled me.

So Obama’s election and COVID lockdowns did it. Maybe that 2020 spike was Trump losing?

*I looked up the data, the spike happened in Jan. 2020, just before COVID. So there is no question Trump managed a great number in 2020.
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Answers like this are an indication you have no desire to understand. So here is a simple one. This is a Gallup Poll measuring people's satisfaction with their lives.

View attachment 28419

You can't see the dates on the image, but if you follow the link you can.

So when Obama took office, 59% of respondents were Very Satisfied. Depending on if you choose to end it at 2016 (53%) or 2017 (57%), people were still generally Very Satisfied. But in 2020, 65% of people were Very Satisfied. Now I realize COVID created the big dip from '20 to '21, but people's satisfaction has not gone up under Biden.

It really isn't complicated. People were generally more satisfied under Trump and they will vote that way.
Trump is evil, and that's obvious. People that vote for him have decided they're ok with an evil man. He's not going to "improve their lives" significantly compared to Biden, and they probably know that, too. They're cool with the racist, thieving, rapist, and that obviously includes you. I reckon this is alot more about stupid culture wars than believably improving their lives.
No. From my experiences with the cultiest of the bunch, they're entirely convinced that he's their savior sent from on high, here to save us from the evil of the deep state, and their pedophile cult of democrat politicians.

Donald Trump was indicted for our sins.
When’s the public crucifiction and resurrection into another realm? I’d be willing to spare him the spectacle if he promised to get straight to the ascension part.
When’s the public crucifiction and resurrection into another realm?

I dunno when the resurrection happened, but among the faithful, his moving to another realm is generally considered to be the moment he decided to make Florida his home state.

Sorry. The catechism is still kinda vague on Trump's apotheosis.
My comments here are not to promote Trump. I don’t want Trump to be president- he’s a sick man and the next 4 years will revolve around him seeking retribution and unprecedented political gridlock.

I have zero interest in the “lesser of two evils” argument. Biden brings his own set dangers in my mind. It’s horrendous that the Democrats did not find a replacement for Biden (and Kamala). Betting on Trump-dislike very well may backfire and their lawfare plan is falling apart (esp in GA which is self/inflicted). I’m an independent moderate and have voted for both D’s and R’s. But DNC has presented such a good weak ticket and consciously inhibited any other Dems from rising up to serve as a strong contender against Trump. If Trump wins it’ll be disastrous and they have no one to blame but themselves.
If you consider Biden and Trump to be "evil" in the sense that they're both flawed candidates, shouldn't you pick the one you think will be better (or less bad, if you will) for the country? No amount of complaining by any of us will alter that. If you truly believe your statement about Trump, you should do whatever you can as a voter to prevent him from winning, even if that means voting for Biden.

The only caveat depends on where you live. If you're in a blue state where Biden will surely prevail, you can vote for an independent or nobody and your vote probably won't make a difference, thanks to the horrible electoral college. (Actually, I think winning the popular vote is still important for what it symbolizes.) But if you're in a swing state, how you and others choose may be highly consequential in determining whether we become an authoritarian country.

Personally, I don't think Biden is as weak a candidate as you claim. He cares about the country and has done a remarkable job in his first term, given what he's had to work with. But even if you don't accept that, he's not a sociopathic revenge-seeking monster like Trump. There's a good reason Putin will do anything he can to get him elected.
Answers like this are an indication you have no desire to understand. So here is a simple one. This is a Gallup Poll measuring people's satisfaction with their lives.

View attachment 28419

You can't see the dates on the image, but if you follow the link you can.

So when Obama took office, 59% of respondents were Very Satisfied. Depending on if you choose to end it at 2016 (53%) or 2017 (57%), people were still generally Very Satisfied. But in 2020, 65% of people were Very Satisfied. Now I realize COVID created the big dip from '20 to '21, but people's satisfaction has not gone up under Biden.

It really isn't complicated. People were generally more satisfied under Trump and they will vote that way.
How on earth does that answer your original question “Why?” and Citysnaps’ perfectly reasonable response “How about they’re attracted to a wannabe dictator who has no use for the Constitution?” Which you didn’t accept.
Wait, this is in jest right, I didn't see the LOL icon so I'm just assuming.

If your life is happy or sad based on the current president sitting in office then that's on you. I mean not that I don't want to blame Biden for my shitty cruise experience but I booked it and chose to go. The party of personal responsibility has become the party of finger pointing and whining.

I'm not talking happy or sad. I am talking about people who can't afford to feed their families. Pay their rent, get a new car. Is all that on Biden, no. But people also know they could afford these things under Trump. Again, not complicated.

So, you think this has to do with Biden?

What about all those people who see their personal lives disrupted due to the Republican war on their personal rights? Roe v. Wade, LGTBQ+, Voting rights squashed, Christian religious rights over any other Faith, persecution of those that look different than an old white man, constant fear of young Americans; Will today be the day I am killed by a gun?

Lots and lots of that all to be blamed by MAGAs cultural wars.

Thing is, going back to my previous point, if someone can't afford to feed their family, they don't give a damn about all the social issues.

Personally, I don't think Biden is as weak a candidate as you claim.

It's not just me claiming it. And not just FoxNews. Nate Silver just came out and said it. CNN and the NYT are saying it.
I'm not talking happy or sad. I am talking about people who can't afford to feed their families. Pay their rent, get a new car. Is all that on Biden, no. But people also know they could afford these things under Trump. Again, not complicated.

Thing is, going back to my previous point, if someone can't afford to feed their family, they don't give a damn about all the social issues.

It's not just me claiming it. And not just FoxNews. Nate Silver just came out and said it. CNN and the NYT are saying it.
Thing is how is Trump going to fix that? Trump doesn't even know how a grocery store works or how people buy food. Anything he would say would be the usual ramblings of an old crazed, out of touch, white man.
Thing is how is Trump going to fix that? Trump doesn't even know how a grocery store works or how people buy food. Anything he would say would be the usual ramblings of an old crazed, out of touch, white man.

I think you are missing the point. It isn't that he is or isn't going to be able to fix things. It's that they believe things were better when Trump was President.
I think you are missing the point. It isn't that he is or isn't going to be able to fix things. It's that they believe things were better when Trump was President.
My point is how? We did four years of Trump already, and it wasn't better it was worse.
I think you are missing the point. It isn't that he is or isn't going to be able to fix things. It's that they believe things were better when Trump was President.
yes well they also believed the panic was fake and such. and that cost republicans 4 times more death. you cant fix stupid really.
I'm not talking happy or sad. I am talking about people who can't afford to feed their families. Pay their rent, get a new car. Is all that on Biden, no. But people also know they could afford these things under Trump. Again, not complicated.

More people voted for Biden, and the biggest crash and biggest spikes in prices happened under Trump. COVID was still going strong when Biden took office.

There are these strange blinders people put on when it comes to the Trump years. It's like "well, if you ignore COVID, everything was great."

It wasn't COVID that I pin on Trump - I actually thought it was the easiest re-election gift he ever had. All he had to do was come out a few times a week and say "We're working on it, we've got the best team, yadda yadda, here's the experts."

But no, we can't have experts and scientists and doctors anymore. Let's run this up the chain to the all-knowing, all-wise Trump - the man literally knows more than anyone, about everything. The guy could **** up a free lunch without trying.
I'm not talking happy or sad. I am talking about people who can't afford to feed their families. Pay their rent, get a new car. Is all that on Biden, no. But people also know they could afford these things under Trump. Again, not complicated.
Yes, because Trump is nothing if not a friend to the poor with his policies favoring the filthy rich. Nobody votes against their best interests like rural Republicans.
I think you are missing the point. It isn't that he is or isn't going to be able to fix things. It's that they believe things were better when Trump was President.
Cherry picking one poll taken during time before COVID. Ask that same group the exact same question in 2022. In fact, I took a look at Google and can find a dozen of them stating the obvious on page one but won't waste my time trying to show a MAGA warrior something he will never raise his head up to see.

Anyone else here trying to argue with Herdfan based on facts, you're just wasting your time.
Look, if no one here wants to even look into how the other side thinks, then you are doing yourselves a huge disservice.

I see many posts here that say something along the lines of "why do these people still support Trump" or similar. Why ask it if you don't want an answer?

Note: Sorry I somehow didn't get the link to that poll posted. Here it is:

Cherry picking one poll taken during time before COVID. Ask that same group the exact same question in 2022. In fact, I took a look at Google and can find a dozen of them stating the obvious on page one but won't waste my time trying to show a MAGA warrior something he will never raise his head up to see.

Anyone else here trying to argue with Herdfan based on facts, you're just wasting your time.

That poll does cover 2022. 2023 and 2024 as well. Not sure what you aren't seeing. But currently (2024) only 47% of respondents are Very Satisfied. I didn't conduct the poll, Gallup did.

So you may think 47% satisfaction and approval ratings in the high 30's get Biden reelected, I simply do not. I may be wrong, but then again I may be right. Current polling indicates he trails Trump by 3-5%.

Can anyone explain why if Biden has done such a great job, his approval ratings aren't higher. I mean MAGA can't account for that large of percentage of the electorate.
Look, if no one here wants to even look into how the other side thinks, then you are doing yourselves a huge disservice.
Wait, did you just say this with a straight face? Get real, we have some hard core lefties here that are nothing compared to you and your constant barrage of MAGA chanting. You have never one (and I mean never) looked at any of these issues through a lens that isn't 100% Fox News MAGA tinted. If you want to debate your side, that's one thing, but you've never made a more hypocritical statement on this site and that's saying something.