The Trump Indictment Thread

Trump don't need no handlers, what's the worst that could happen?


The whole Trump saga is like a great 80’s or 90’s schlock movie, full of stereotypical characters. B*tchy, evil female lawyers, bumbling male lawyers, a head villain who’s cartoonishly stupid (and cartoonish looking)..

Like, if Damon Wayans made a sequel, “Blankman Goes To Washington”, this is the cast of characters he would be up against. It’s that surreal.
Well, since I watch none of those..........

Sorry, but skipping the traditional Superbowl interview is a huge red flag. It is a softball interview so what was he (or his handlers) afraid of?

And now that CNN and the NYT are willing to cover this issue, I don't think it is going to get easier for him.
You've gone to great lengths to call attention to what you perceive to be Biden's unsuitability as a candidate and his team's attempts to keep him out of the spotlight. But to what end? Even those who would rather Biden had stepped aside recognize the chances of that happening are as low as the Republican party suddenly coming to its senses and abandoning Trump. So we, collectively, are left with a choice as stark as any we've experienced in our lifetimes.

I know each subsequent election keeps getting billed as the most consequential ever, but this time it's true. In 2016 and 2020, we didn't know to what lengths Trump and his allies would go to attain or stay in power illegally. Now we do, and that's the choice we voters will have to make. I recently read a social media post by a Muslim who was so upset about Biden's support for Israel that they said they'd vote for Trump, claiming four more years with him wouldn't be so bad. Aside from their failure to recognize that Trump, who wanted to ban travel from Muslim-predominant countries, would be unlikely to adopt policies more favorable to the Palestinians, they ignore or don't comprehend the danger Trump represents that would go beyond a second term.
Obama did pre-SB interviews all 8 years. Trump did 3/4 and Bush did them (At least one (2004 first year of them), can't find any info on 2005-07). Biden has done 1/3. I will give him a pass on last year as it was Fox and was probably going to be a bit hostile. But this year was CBS who would have been a much friendlier interview.
Of course, if Biden had said anything, it would have been proof of the Taylor Swift conspiracy. Damned if ya do, damned if ya don’t.
One side thinks Trump is god, or a messiah (or fit to be president - same side, different on the spectrum). The other doesn’t. That’s how it works.

Each side doesn’t understand how the other’s works because Trumpism is a line you either fall on one side of or the other. If I said “I think Gary Coleman would have made a fantastic leader of the country”, I believe it’s the same thing. There would be people who would accept or even encourage it, and there are people who would be in disbelief. And I could probably make a far better case for why Gary Coleman would have made a better president than Trump, and I’m literally not being facetious here. No offense to Gary Coleman.
Al Bundy had an aversion to paying his taxes as well, but at least he was honest about it.

However, at least Al Bundy’s claim to fame - scoring four touchdowns in a single high school football game - was true.

And no matter how many hooters he ogled at The Jiggly Room, he remained faithful.
Perhaps Joe the President's public presence should be compared to other previous presidents who did not suffer from Crippling Narcisscism Disorder. Has he been less accessible than Obama or W or Bill Clinton? The previous guy was not comfortable unless his weenie was flapping in the wind in everyone's faces. Joe has, I think, returned the presidency to a proper level of public presence. We should keep holding the bar up, no lowering into the fantasy sewer depths where some jerkwater slimebag tells us it ought to be, to serve his pathetic personality defect.

Sure, according to the NYT (as of April 2023)… TLDR, yes, he is extremely inaccessible.

Interviews in first 2 years:
Regan: 106
Bush Sr: 86
Clinton: 132
Bush Jr: 106
Obama: 275
Trump: 202
Biden: 54

Avg “News Conferences” per year
Regan 7 (low number attributed to his assignation attempt.
Obama: 23
Trump: 19.5
Biden: 10

I wouldn’t be surprised if his numbers are even worse by the end of his term.

Clearly it can be debated how accessible the POTUS is based on quality of communication (content, honesty), length of interviews, other types of communication etc (off the cuff Q&A with media, tweets I suppose, etc). But it’s pretty obviously and seemingly unanimously accepted by journalists that Biden is extremely inaccessible.

If we can agree the overwhelming majority of the major media outlets have varying degrees of left-wing bias (and pretty much universally despise Trump). It’s not surprising to see (now and at historically per the previous stats) Dem presidents appear to interact more with the media than Republicans. It’s not unfathomable and pretty obvious Dem’s receive favorable treatment, especially these days with the degree of partisanship and media bias…

So the fact Biden has had so few interviews- in the context of a media that has been overwhelmingly favorable to him (and that is rabidly opposed to Trump) should also say something.

It doesn’t help that his current press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is terrible at her job. Objectively. Especially when juxtaposed with the skill Psakii Kirby is pretty mediocre but at least can pull some of the slack and has improved.

And to make things worse, Biden has said things like “I”m not supposed to answer questions”- maybe a cutsie way of deflection but isn’t considering the circumstances. Then weird things like a person in an Easter Bunny physically blocking Biden from talking to reporters. And this is an administration that has repeatedly been found to pre-screen questions from the media (maybe that’s normal?)

I think it’s a ridiculous sentiment to advocate LESS accessibility of our president. Think about that. That’s how places like Russia and North Korea operate- unless that’s what you’re looking for. Less accessibility ultimately means less accountability, less transparency, and a system where there is not expectation for policies to require justification.

I do believe you are probably getting to a more nuanced idea that the President’s communication also includes the dimension of Quality. While Trump clearly had a ton of interaction with the press, he certainly a lot of that time talking nonsense or worse.

I think the latest poll (ABC/IPSOS) has 86% of Americans feeling Biden is “too old” (I wish these polls surveyed both age and competency since “too old” can mean different things). 3/4 of DEMS (per an NBC poll) have concerns over Biden’s physical and mental health.

If Biden expects to regain the public’s confidence in his cognitive status, he must debate. The Dems already squashed any and all official primary competition and debate (in a manner that’s pretty disgusting). Even though the DNC was not going to allow any challengers, at least debating demonstrates Biden’s capabilities.

Trump has expressed his desire to debate Biden. The Biden campaign has not made a position. If Biden does not debate it reinforces all the negative and extremely damaging assumptions the public has formed. How much do you want to bet Biden (his team rather) will refuse a debate saying some BS like “a debate only gives a platform and credibility to Trump who is a bad man”?

My comments here are not to promote Trump. I don’t want Trump to be president- he’s a sick man and the next 4 years will revolve around him seeking retribution and unprecedented political gridlock.

I have zero interest in the “lesser of two evils” argument. Biden brings his own set dangers in my mind. It’s horrendous that the Democrats did not find a replacement for Biden (and Kamala). Betting on Trump-dislike very well may backfire and their lawfare plan is falling apart (esp in GA which is self/inflicted). I’m an independent moderate and have voted for both D’s and R’s. But DNC has presented such a good weak ticket and consciously inhibited any other Dems from rising up to serve as a strong contender against Trump. If Trump wins it’ll be disastrous and they have no one to blame but themselves.

The Dems say trump’s re-election poses and existential threat (I think that’s a bit dramatic, but frankly I do have very serious concerns), why have all the eggs been put in the basket of a candidate as compromised as Biden?!?
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Sure, according to the NYT (as of April 2023)… TLDR, yes, he is extremely inaccessible.

Interviews in first 2 years:
Regan: 106
Bush Sr: 86
Clinton: 132
Bush Jr: 106
Obama: 275
Trump: 202
Biden: 54

Avg “News Conferences” per year
Regan 7 (low number attributed to his assignation attempt.
Obama: 23
Trump: 19.5
Biden: 10

I wouldn’t be surprised if his numbers are even worse by the end of his term.

Clearly it can be debated how accessible the POTUS is based on quality of communication (content, honesty), length of interviews, other types of communication etc (off the cuff Q&A with media, tweets I suppose, etc). But it’s pretty obviously and seemingly unanimously accepted by journalists that Biden is extremely inaccessible.

If we can agree the overwhelming majority of the major media outlets have varying degrees of left-wing bias (and pretty much universally despise Trump). It’s not surprising to see (now and at historically per the previous stats) Dem presidents appear to interact more with the media than Republicans. It’s not unfathomable and pretty obvious Dem’s receive favorable treatment, especially these days with the degree of partisanship and media bias…

So the fact Biden has had so few interviews- in the context of a media that has been overwhelmingly favorable to him (and that is rabidly opposed to Trump) should also say something.

It doesn’t help that his current press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is terrible at her job. Objectively. Especially when juxtaposed with the skill Psakii Kirby is pretty mediocre but at least can pull some of the slack and has improved.

And to make things worse, Biden has said things like “I”m not supposed to answer questions”- maybe a cutsie way of deflection but isn’t considering the circumstances. Then weird things like a person in an Easter Bunny physically blocking Biden from talking to reporters. And this is an administration that has repeatedly been found to pre-screen questions from the media (maybe that’s normal?)

I think it’s a ridiculous sentiment to advocate LESS accessibility of our president. Think about that. That’s how places like Russia and North Korea operate- unless that’s what you’re looking for. Less accessibility ultimately means less accountability, less transparency, and a system where there is not expectation for policies to require justification.

I do believe you are probably getting to a more nuanced idea that the President’s communication also includes the dimension of Quality. While Trump clearly had a ton of interaction with the press, he certainly a lot of that time talking nonsense or worse.

I think the latest poll (ABC/IPSOS) has 86% of Americans feeling Biden is “too old” (I wish these polls surveyed both age and competency since “too old” can mean different things). 3/4 of DEMS (per an NBC poll) have concerns over Biden’s physical and mental health.

If Biden expects to regain the public’s confidence in his cognitive status, he must debate. The Dems already squashed any and all official primary competition and debate (in a manner that’s pretty disgusting). Even though the DNC was not going to allow any challengers, at least debating demonstrates Biden’s capabilities.

Trump has expressed his desire to debate Biden. The Biden campaign has not made a position. If Biden does not debate it reinforces all the negative and extremely damaging assumptions the public has formed. How much do you want to bet Biden (his team rather) will refuse a debate saying some BS like “a debate only gives a platform and credibility to Trump who is a bad man”?

My comments here are not to promote Trump. I don’t want Trump to be president- he’s a sick man and the next 4 years will revolve around him seeking retribution and unprecedented political gridlock.

I have zero interest in the “lesser of two evils” argument. Biden brings his own set dangers in my mind. It’s horrendous that the Democrats did not find a replacement for Biden (and Kamala). Betting on Trump-dislike very well may backfire and their lawfare plan is falling apart (esp in GA which is self/inflicted). I’m an independent moderate and have voted for both D’s and R’s. But DNC has presented such a good weak ticket and consciously inhibited any other Dems from rising up to serve as a strong contender against Trump. If Trump wins it’ll be disastrous and they have no one to blame but themselves.

The Dems say trump’s re-election poses and existential threat (I think that’s a bit dramatic, but frankly I do have very serious concerns), why have all the eggs been put in the basket of a candidate as compromised as Biden?!?

Dems get better treatment for the same reason a jaywalker gets better treatment than an axe murderer. Hence, the “liberal bias” of the news media.

You have zero proof Biden is “compromised”, ethically, legally or mentally.

You have no interest in a “lesser of two evils” argument. I can see why, it would render half of your post a moot point.

You’re mad the incumbent didn’t debate virtual nobodies when Trump skipped out on every debate? You’re predicting why Biden won’t debate Trump. What are you basing this on? I don’t care if Trump says he “wants to” debate Biden. It wouldn’t be the first time he lied. So let’s see what happens and criticize accordingly? I see no reason to believe Biden won’t debate Trump, and he should. Letting Trump ramble and speak over his opponents while refusing to condemn white supremacy will be good for Democrat voter turnout.

What is the best, unbiased way to report a former president selling shitty shoes to pay his business fraud and rape fines, btw? How would an unbiased news organization best cover an undemocratic narcissist with a low IQ and fascist tendencies, who will tell you from his own lips he has no real issue with dictators?
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Sure, according to the NYT (as of April 2023)… TLDR, yes, he is extremely inaccessible.

Interviews in first 2 years:
Regan: 106
Bush Sr: 86
Clinton: 132
Bush Jr: 106
Obama: 275
Trump: 202
Biden: 54

Avg “News Conferences” per year
Regan 7 (low number attributed to his assignation attempt.
Obama: 23
Trump: 19.5
Biden: 10

I wouldn’t be surprised if his numbers are even worse by the end of his term.

Clearly it can be debated how accessible the POTUS is based on quality of communication (content, honesty), length of interviews, other types of communication etc (off the cuff Q&A with media, tweets I suppose, etc). But it’s pretty obviously and seemingly unanimously accepted by journalists that Biden is extremely inaccessible.

If we can agree the overwhelming majority of the major media outlets have varying degrees of left-wing bias (and pretty much universally despise Trump). It’s not surprising to see (now and at historically per the previous stats) Dem presidents appear to interact more with the media than Republicans. It’s not unfathomable and pretty obvious Dem’s receive favorable treatment, especially these days with the degree of partisanship and media bias…

So the fact Biden has had so few interviews- in the context of a media that has been overwhelmingly favorable to him (and that is rabidly opposed to Trump) should also say something.

It doesn’t help that his current press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is terrible at her job. Objectively. Especially when juxtaposed with the skill Psakii Kirby is pretty mediocre but at least can pull some of the slack and has improved.

And to make things worse, Biden has said things like “I”m not supposed to answer questions”- maybe a cutsie way of deflection but isn’t considering the circumstances. Then weird things like a person in an Easter Bunny physically blocking Biden from talking to reporters. And this is an administration that has repeatedly been found to pre-screen questions from the media (maybe that’s normal?)

I think it’s a ridiculous sentiment to advocate LESS accessibility of our president. Think about that. That’s how places like Russia and North Korea operate- unless that’s what you’re looking for. Less accessibility ultimately means less accountability, less transparency, and a system where there is not expectation for policies to require justification.

I do believe you are probably getting to a more nuanced idea that the President’s communication also includes the dimension of Quality. While Trump clearly had a ton of interaction with the press, he certainly a lot of that time talking nonsense or worse.

I think the latest poll (ABC/IPSOS) has 86% of Americans feeling Biden is “too old” (I wish these polls surveyed both age and competency since “too old” can mean different things). 3/4 of DEMS (per an NBC poll) have concerns over Biden’s physical and mental health.

If Biden expects to regain the public’s confidence in his cognitive status, he must debate. The Dems already squashed any and all official primary competition and debate (in a manner that’s pretty disgusting). Even though the DNC was not going to allow any challengers, at least debating demonstrates Biden’s capabilities.

Trump has expressed his desire to debate Biden. The Biden campaign has not made a position. If Biden does not debate it reinforces all the negative and extremely damaging assumptions the public has formed. How much do you want to bet Biden (his team rather) will refuse a debate saying some BS like “a debate only gives a platform and credibility to Trump who is a bad man”?

My comments here are not to promote Trump. I don’t want Trump to be president- he’s a sick man and the next 4 years will revolve around him seeking retribution and unprecedented political gridlock.

I have zero interest in the “lesser of two evils” argument. Biden brings his own set dangers in my mind. It’s horrendous that the Democrats did not find a replacement for Biden (and Kamala). Betting on Trump-dislike very well may backfire and their lawfare plan is falling apart (esp in GA which is self/inflicted). I’m an independent moderate and have voted for both D’s and R’s. But DNC has presented such a good weak ticket and consciously inhibited any other Dems from rising up to serve as a strong contender against Trump. If Trump wins it’ll be disastrous and they have no one to blame but themselves.

The Dems say trump’s re-election poses and existential threat (I think that’s a bit dramatic, but frankly I do have very serious concerns), why have all the eggs been put in the basket of a candidate as compromised as Biden?!?
Wait... "TLDR" followed by a doctoral theses where you highlight Biden's mental decline, apparently over skipping debates that he has no intention of skipping? All I can say is thank you for the highlights, who has time to read such a large load of crap.

BTW, as long as you guys only target Biden when Trump has shown himself to be (at a minimum) at least as bad, nobody's going to take you seriously. The real world is not Fox News.
Also, while I’m not backtracking my belief Biden will absolutely debate Trump (which really means acting normal while a lunatic speaks over you), but if Biden - or his “handlers” - determined not debating Trump would be the best course, so be it. It’s not going to happen, Biden will be there.

And “Trump can’t act like an adult and shouldn’t have a platform” is a valid reason. Like I said, not saying I’ll agree if Biden doesn’t debate, but just in the last week or two we discussed how the handshake before the debate would go, or even if it would happen, or if you could even trust Trump to adhere to decorum. Why would I trust a guy who doesn’t respect judges or the legal system to respect a debate moderator? Especially if she’s a woman.

It’s very easy to see why someone who doesn’t want to engage in the “lesser of two evil arguments” takes that stance after spending time ignoring the greater of them and intently focusing on theories about the lesser.
It’s very easy to see why someone who doesn’t want to engage in the “lesser of two evil arguments” takes that stance after spending time ignoring the greater of them and intently focusing on theories about the lesser.

As a voter filling out a ballot, I'll take the lessor of two evils in a heartbeat. As an aside, though, I'd never view Biden as an "evil." I like him a lot and he's done an outstanding job leading the US.

What I'm concerned about is shit happening as it did in 2016, and with the shithead currently leading in the polls. Though polls are often not the last word, that he's ahead of Biden by a few points, or if even, or just slightly behind (he's not), is simply mind boggling. We're living in dangerous times. For me that's an unacceptable risk, considering the potential awful consequences should trump get another run as president. trump in office will be worse than the last time.

Managing risk has always served me well over my years no matter what endeavor. discipline, or challenge I've faced. In this situation it's out of my hands - and that makes me nervous. I would like to have seen Biden take steps to enhance the odds of trump losing.

That's not ignoring the greater evil, rather, it's being acutely aware of the awful unacceptable consequences of that greater evil and wanting to maximize the probability of that never happening.
What I'm concerned about is shit happening as it did in 2016, and with the shithead currently leading in the polls. Though polls are often not the last word, that he's ahead of Biden by a few points, or if even, or just slightly behind (he's not), is simply mind boggling.

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself WHY this is the case.

I mean it's really easy to just blame MAGA idiots, but have you ever tried to see what they are seeing and why they would support him.
That they’re attracted to a wannabe dictator who has no use for the Constitution?

Answers like this are an indication you have no desire to understand. So here is a simple one. This is a Gallup Poll measuring people's satisfaction with their lives.


You can't see the dates on the image, but if you follow the link you can.

So when Obama took office, 59% of respondents were Very Satisfied. Depending on if you choose to end it at 2016 (53%) or 2017 (57%), people were still generally Very Satisfied. But in 2020, 65% of people were Very Satisfied. Now I realize COVID created the big dip from '20 to '21, but people's satisfaction has not gone up under Biden.

It really isn't complicated. People were generally more satisfied under Trump and they will vote that way.
Answers like this are an indication you have no desire to understand. So here is a simple one. This is a Gallup Poll measuring people's satisfaction with their lives.

View attachment 28419

You can't see the dates on the image, but if you follow the link you can.

So when Obama took office, 59% of respondents were Very Satisfied. Depending on if you choose to end it at 2016 (53%) or 2017 (57%), people were still generally Very Satisfied. But in 2020, 65% of people were Very Satisfied. Now I realize COVID created the big dip from '20 to '21, but people's satisfaction has not gone up under Biden.

It really isn't complicated. People were generally more satisfied under Trump and they will vote that way.
So, you think this has to do with Biden?

What about all those people who see their personal lives disrupted due to the Republican war on their personal rights? Roe v. Wade, LGTBQ+, Voting rights squashed, Christian religious rights over any other Faith, persecution of those that look different than an old white man, constant fear of young Americans; Will today be the day I am killed by a gun?

Lots and lots of that all to be blamed by MAGAs cultural wars.
Lots and lots of that all to be blamed by MAGAs cultural wars.

No, it's all your fault. The moment you started arguing for bathroom rights was the moment we knew we had no other choice but to kill.