The Trump Indictment Thread

Look, if no one here wants to even look into how the other side thinks, then you are doing yourselves a huge disservice.

I see many posts here that say something along the lines of "why do these people still support Trump" or similar. Why ask it if you don't want an answer?

Note: Sorry I somehow didn't get the link to that poll posted. Here it is:

That poll does cover 2022. 2023 and 2024 as well. Not sure what you aren't seeing. But currently (2024) only 47% of respondents are Very Satisfied. I didn't conduct the poll, Gallup did.

So you may think 47% satisfaction and approval ratings in the high 30's get Biden reelected, I simply do not. I may be wrong, but then again I may be right. Current polling indicates he trails Trump by 3-5%.

Can anyone explain why if Biden has done such a great job, his approval ratings aren't higher. I mean MAGA can't account for that large of percentage of the electorate.
Whatever, its the Republicans that lead the dissatisfaction. "I can't have my way so I am unhappy!" Go in the corner and pout.
"That guy's fucking a chicken."

"I dunno. He could be giving that chicken CPR."

"With what? His dick? I'm pretty definite that guy's fucking that chicken."

"Some people see it as him giving the chicken CPR."

"So? No matter what they think, he's fucking that chicken."

"We're all entitled to our own opinions. And anyway, I'm pretty sure I caught Billy eating a chicken sandwich the other day, and isn't that about as bad?"
Whatever, its the Republicans that lead the dissatisfaction. "I can't have my way so I am unhappy!" Go in the corner and pout.

That poll says otherwise. Follow the link.

In 2024 only 52% of Dems are satisfied.

And the one metric that should concern you is the number of 18-35’s that aren’t satisfied.
That poll says otherwise. Follow the link.

In 2024 only 52% of Dems are satisfied.

And the one metric that should concern you is the number of 18-35’s that aren’t satisfied.
Kinda sick of how you twist the fucking facts. Never answer the question back but then pick on a different point.

Dems +5 from 2023 - 2024
Republicans -10 from 2023 - 2024

Which ideology likes to bitch and moan? The Right!

Why do I care about what a MAGA thinks? They don't accept facts, feed discourse, and won't compromise. Again why do I need to know how the "other side" thinks? Hell you can't even compromise or tell the truth yourself. You claim that you aren't a Trump supporter, but in November when it is down to Trump and Biden, who are you going to cast your vote for? Don't answer your pie in the sky 3rd party hope. You know and everyone here knows that isn't going to happen.

You demand that we look at it from the "other side" when you mean you, and you never take into account any other side than what you believe is the only truth. For instance your ugly stance on Transgender, and you want ME to consider the Right's point of view?
Look, if no one here wants to even look into how the other side thinks, then you are doing yourselves a huge disservice.

TLDR: Trump. Is. The. Problem. With everything. You want to have a discussion, you need to stop the guy with the bullhorn from drowning out the discussion.

You want to have a serious discussion about what republicans think - which I respect - but you will never get to that point with Trump. Its just not going to happen. There is a cognitive dissonance at play here - You take Trump seriously, even if you don't like him and never will. I do not, and can not. Not because I'm a lib, or biased... but because I can't take someone with the IQ of a gnat and the empathy of a komodo dragon seriously.

Do a balance sheet. Mark down all of Trump's accomplishments, and I'll give them all to you without debate. January 6 renders every one of them moot.

You think there's a problem with vaccines? Fine. Pick a different leader who can explain it better. Watching a guy who's selling goofy shoes try to outshine career public servants, scientists and doctors by suggesting shining a light up your ass or injecting disinfectant - on a national stage - is not going to help move that discussion along. Issues with the border? A wall is a simpletons solution to a complex issue. Pick someone who can better explain his policy position. Abortion? Punish the woman - coming from a rapist and a guy who I'd bet the house on having paid for at least a few, and even if he didn't, he's a sleaze. Pick someone else.

Would you want to sit down with me and come to some sort of consensus if I was legit arguing for Kanye West to be president? He and Trump are not that unlike. Would you respect that decision? Kanye at least isn't the reason for hundreds of incarcerations and an insurrection on the Capitol. Or even an unruly visit, if you disagree with the characterization. Trying to convince me on the merits of Trump, or even why anyone would support him, is something that is still a mystery, because none of the answers make any sense. Your reasons for wanting a conservative president or not supporting democrat policies may make PERFECT sense, but it all falls apart when you interject that dimwit into the convo.

Also, what does it say that Americans were presumably happier under Trump and still got rid of him? That's a valid question, right? What do you think the answer would be from the typical Trump republican? "But they didn't get rid of Trump, the dems stole it!"

How do you argue with that? You can keep pointing out the dangers of jaywalking to me as the axe murderer walks into your house if you like.

Whatever, its the Republicans that lead the dissatisfaction. "I can't have my way so I am unhappy!" Go in the corner and pout.

I actually think that's a valid theory on some of these polls - republicans are more likely to lie for their candidate. I believe democrats are more likely to be vocal about their dissatisfaction with Biden and democrat candidates than republicans are Trump or republican candidates. Like, even if republicans and democrats backed their respective candidates at the same rate, I believe some democrats would at least be honest and say "I'm not happy about the job he's doing" but vote for him, while a republican who had their crop rot thanks to Trump's tariffs will just take the government subsidy check and say "MAGA baby!"

Trump is so hated by independents and the left that I believe republicans reactively poll in his favor to combat the negativity.

Just a theory.
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Kinda sick of how you twist the fucking facts. Never answer the question back but then pick on a different point.

Dems +5 from 2023 - 2024
Republicans -10 from 2023 - 2024

Which ideology likes to bitch and moan? The Right!

Why do I care about what a MAGA thinks? They don't accept facts, feed discourse, and won't compromise. Again why do I need to know how the "other side" thinks? Hell you can't even compromise or tell the truth yourself. You claim that you aren't a Trump supporter, but in November when it is down to Trump and Biden, who are you going to cast your vote for? Don't answer your pie in the sky 3rd party hope. You know and everyone here knows that isn't going to happen.

You demand that we look at it from the "other side" when you mean you, and you never take into account any other side than what you believe is the only truth. For instance your ugly stance on Transgender, and you want ME to consider the Right's point of view?
He’ll only see one side and only when it benefits that side. What, is this your first day here?
Dems +5 from 2023 - 2024 Republicans -10 from 2023 - 2024 Which ideology likes to bitch and moan? The Right! Why do I care about what a MAGA thinks?

As much as I dislike what Herdfan is saying, it is worth taking note of. If we basically have 2 options, and there is widespread dissatisfaction, the Party in power is very likely going to soon be not in power. It is stupid and it sucks, but it is how our system (dys-)functions. Efforts by the Democrats should be underway to ease the situation, but I am mostly not seeing them.

As to why you should give a leaping squeeze about what a MAGAt thinks, I would point out that the NSDAP never got more than about 30% in a legitimate election but were able to maneuver themselves into a brutal autocracy that left Germany and many other parts of the world a right mess.
As much as I dislike what Herdfan is saying, it is worth taking note of. If we basically have 2 options, and there is widespread dissatisfaction, the Party in power is very likely going to soon be not in power. It is stupid and it sucks, but it is how our system (dys-)functions. Efforts by the Democrats should be underway to ease the situation, but I am mostly not seeing them.

As to why you should give a leaping squeeze about what a MAGAt thinks, I would point out that the NSDAP never got more than about 30% in a legitimate election but were able to maneuver themselves into a brutal autocracy that left Germany and many other parts of the world a right mess.
I understand your point. The sad matter of the truth is, it doesn't matter. They think in disgusting ways, and my point is that he only wants to point out the negative on the left. Never asks himself why we think that way. If he really wanted me to care about his point of view he would have empathy and understanding himself.

Don't care about his PoV, I know what it is and throughly disagree.
As much as I dislike what Herdfan is saying, it is worth taking note of. If we basically have 2 options, and there is widespread dissatisfaction, the Party in power is very likely going to soon be not in power. It is stupid and it sucks, but it is how our system (dys-)functions. Efforts by the Democrats should be underway to ease the situation, but I am mostly not seeing them.

As to why you should give a leaping squeeze about what a MAGAt thinks, I would point out that the NSDAP never got more than about 30% in a legitimate election but were able to maneuver themselves into a brutal autocracy that left Germany and many other parts of the world a right mess.
TBH I think there is some merit to it, when one side is unhappy the typical problem is low turnout. Right now, however, Democrats have the wind at their backs. Republicans policies are alienating most Americans and it’s costing them, lest we ignore all the warning signs from recent elections.

Unless they turn back Row v Wade and the war on women there’s no way they’ll appeal to those in the middle. Not MAGA or left wing Democrats, but that slice that decides elections. I mean let’s all take off our partisan blinders and explain how this works for Republicans, because a poll for “democratic dissatisfaction” certainly has not flipped that script.
TBH I think there is some merit to it, when one side is unhappy the typical problem is low turnout. Right now, however, Democrats have the wind at their backs. Republicans policies are alienating most Americans and it’s costing them, lest we ignore all the warning signs from recent elections.

Then why is Biden not up by 10 points?

Maybe people care less about general political policies than is thought. Maybe they vote with their wallets or other factors and aren't influenced by social issues as much as we think.

Right now there are 15% more people concerned about Biden's age than Trump's legal issues.

I understand you don't want to hear either of these, or believe them. But they just might be accurate.
Then why is Biden not up by 10 points?
Because nobody is ever up by 10 points when it comes to actual elections, which are nearly always decided by a couple of points.

Since you like to cherry pick polls, I'm going to give you a link to Google where it has this matchup far closer than you appear to think it is. You claim we don't like to look as you have your blinders on with nearly every single post you make here. BTW you are just exhausting on every level on this site, it's either right-wing extremism or nothing for you. Are there no MAGA sites where you can go live in ignorance with your own kind?

Then why is Biden not up by 10 points?

Maybe people care less about general political policies than is thought. Maybe they vote with their wallets or other factors and aren't influenced by social issues as much as we think.

Right now there are 15% more people concerned about Biden's age than Trump's legal issues.

I understand you don't want to hear either of these, or believe them. But they just might be accurate.

No poll is absolute or in a siloh. The only poll that matters is in November, and while only a prediction, I think you'll find one can have good accomplishments and still not be up to snuff. I'm sure companies every day lose their best worker to a major f*ck-up that can't be overlooked. Trump may have been a good president ( :ROFLMAO:) but he was given the boot.

He has a chance to try again. Good luck.

I notice you have a hard time getting into the meat of people's posts, and refuse to engage with things specific to Trump even as you defend him. Whether or not you "support" him in the traditional sense, they only care about your vote, and I'm assuming Trump has yours barring a third party candidate who catches your eye. So why not engage in the substance of what he's been accused of?

Here's an easy question, and I'm not being fecetious: If they unearthed a tape of Trump assaulting E. Jean Carroll, would that alter your view, or are his "policies" too tempting? I ask that not be a jerk, but because I don't know how you can look at the guy's record and seriously argue as if he's just a little brash and nothing more.
Since you like to cherry pick polls, I'm going to give you a link to Google where it has this matchup far closer than you appear to think it is.

3rd choice down from your link:

Swing State of PA.
In a race with third-party candidates considered, Trump expands his lead to nearly 5 points with 41.5% support to Biden’s 36.8%. Independent Robert Kennedy received 7.6%, Independent Cornel West received 1.6%, and Jill Stein of the Green Party received 0.9% with 11.6% undecided.

Yes, there are a few polls that have the separation at 2-3%, well within the margin of error. But don't forget, according to the link I posted earlier, anything less than Biden +3% indicates a Trump EC win and that's the one that counts.

The on thing that is clear is that a very high percentage of voters have concerns about Biden's age. I don't think those are going away unless Biden changes what he is doing.
3rd choice down from your link:
Thank you for making my point, I mean that seriously. There is a lot of information in those links, yet you ONLY chose the one that best fits your narrative.

For once, it would be nice if you could simply admit that you are partisan in your views. What is most infuriating is when you act like it's the ONLY view. Own it man.
Because nobody is ever up by 10 points when it comes to actual elections, which are nearly always decided by a couple of points.

Since you like to cherry pick polls, I'm going to give you a link to Google where it has this matchup far closer than you appear to think it is. You claim we don't like to look as you have your blinders on with nearly every single post you make here. BTW you are just exhausting on every level on this site, it's either right-wing extremism or nothing for you. Are there no MAGA sites where you can go live in ignorance with your own kind?

So I guess I should just leave so you can live in ignorance with your own kind.
So I guess I should just leave so you can live in ignorance with your own kind.
We have plenty of members here questioning the Democratic party and Biden. You ONLY question the Democratic party and Biden, how do you not see that?
We have plenty of members here questioning the Democratic party and Biden. You ONLY question the Democratic party and Biden, how do you not see that?

Not even close to being true.

Go back to the abortion ruling. I was 100% against that ruling. 100%.

I think you take my opinions of how something is going to go as always being for it going that way. In many cases this is true, but not all.

For example, if I say Biden's age is going to be big factor in the election, it is based on people I have talked to, articles I have read and personal experiences. And if I follow it up with a comment about if he keeps making gaffes like confusing world leaders, it is going to make it worse. That is simple analysis.

On the other side, I do think the abortion ruling is going to hurt the R's. They need to take the "L" and move on. I think that is the one social issue that can really hurt them. Again, analysis. I think all the other ones are down the list pretty far.

At then end of the day, it doesn't matter what I think. It also doesn't matter what you think. It only matters what the people that vote think on a single day in November when the votes are counted.
And the one metric that should concern you is the number of 18-35’s that aren’t satisfied.

You seem to be assuming that "dissatisfaction with Biden" = "a vote against Biden". How about, I'm unhappy with Biden, but better him than the devil?

There's a lot of things in life I'm not satisfied with, but that doesn't mean I immediately toss that thing that isn't perfect and go with a worse option.
You seem to be assuming that "dissatisfaction with Biden" = "a vote against Biden". How about, I'm unhappy with Biden, but better him than the devil?

No, but I do think it may cause some to stay home and simply not vote. It can happen to either party if they can't engage the voters and give them a reason to go vote.