Why if I might ask are you unwilling to disarm criminals first? Or actually punish them for gun crimes?
First? What the hell kind of option is that? Humans are complex enough to handle more than a single issue at once.
Also, if I did have to order them (which is absurd), how on earth could
anyone say that it's more important to disarm criminals than to put an end to children being slaughtered?
And where did I ever suggest criminals shouldn't be punished for their gun crimes?
Just so we're on the same page, I'm talking about school shootings. Not about criminals with guns, legal gun owners, hunters, fishermen, people shooting in the Olympics or Olympia beer. I'm talking about kids being killed. It's a problem. They probably don't tell you that on the news you watch, but it's out of control and something needs to be done. That's going to require gun owners to buy a set a balls and be willing to do something about the problem and stop screaming about people taking their guns. Your side has been so programmed by the NRA you don't even realize how dumb you look always jumping to "they want to take my guns". You're the only side that ever brings that up. Instead of working with us to make guns safer, your side fights tooth and nail to resist the slightest changes. Honestly it mystifies me that any responsible gun owner isn't in favor of common sense changes to some gaping holes in our guns laws. Your side should be screaming the loudest about irresponsible gun owners, yet you do everything in your power to keep them armed and with as little oversight as possible. It makes no sense to me.
I will give you credit for being willing to talk. As you correctly pointed out, that's more than most gun people will do. But you lose that credit for placing restrictions on when that conversation can happen. You lose that credit for implying that there are more important issues to worry about than children getting killed in school. You lose that credit for not being willing to do something now without any strings attached.
We shouldn't be arguing about where "children getting gunned down at school" falls on the list of important societal issues. If it helps convey how horror struck dead children make us, think of them as over-developed fetuses who need to be saved at any cost. I'll be doing what I can to send people to Washington who think the way I do. That NOW is the time to do something.