Trump & donors plot and plan for 2022 and 2024

Thomas Veil

Aug 13, 2020

Yesterday, America's political mafia gathered at the Four Seasons (the correct one this time) and Mar-a-Lago to plot their next moves against us. Here are the low lights:

Trump went through an extensive recounting of debunked claims the election was stolen from him, including detailed complaints about individual states, and insisted the results were rigged, the person in the room said.
Yadda yadda yadda. I wonder if at this point people actually buy this or they just listen politely to the large fool in the large suit.

In addition to insulting the Republican Senate leader -- which received huge applause -- the former President was highly critical of Dr. Anthony Fauci and once again took aim at former Vice President Mike Pence, whom he said had failed him in certifying the Electoral College results, according to the same person in the room.
Fauci at this point couldn't care less what this idjit thinks of him, but it'll be interesting to see how it shakes out between McConnell/Pence and the Trump zombies. If the two sides end up going against each other in 2022 I don't particularly see that as an advantage. It's sort of like asking someone if they'd rather have their hands cut off or their eyes gouged out.

He also, according to the person close to him, went hard against President Joe Biden.

"With an agenda this unpopular, it is no wonder that Joe Biden is the first new president in modern times not to address a joint session of Congress within his first few weeks," Trump would say, according to prepared remarks.
Uh, yeah. Ignore the fact that Biden is 14 points more popular than you were at this point in your term. Reinforce it by drawing a correlation with something totally unrelated.

"Saturday's speech will be welcomed words to the Republican donors visiting Mar-a-Lago to hear directly from President Trump," said Jason Miller, a senior adviser to Trump, said ahead of the remarks. "Palm Beach is the new political power center, and President Trump is the Republican Party's best messenger."
Nice PR. Let's hope it's just as true as the rest of Trump's PR.

Most of the donors attending the retreat were both staunch Trump backers -- one was spotted on Friday walking out to the Four Seasons pool deck donning a blue "Make America Great Again" ballcap -- and faithful Republicans looking to build the party back.
Because nothing says "we're not the elite" like wandering around the pool at the Four Seasons.

The potential candidates include three of Florida's top elected officials: Gov. Ron DeSantis and Sens. Marco Rubio and Rick Scott. South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem and Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton, both of whom may also run for president, spoke at the retreat too.
Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who has been making moves that suggest a White House run, was scheduled to appear but did not...
The special guest list for the closed-press retreat, obtained by CNN, shows a slate of speakers firmly in Trump's camp of the Republican Party, including House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, and former Trump White House aide Kellyanne Conway.
Also there to gladhand with donors were former acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf and two rivals for the GOP nomination for US Senate in Ohio -- Jane Timken and Josh Mandel, both of whom have been touting their pro-Trump credentials.
God, what a rogue's gallery.

Meetings like this prove Antifa is not a threat, because if they were, they'd pull a January 6th on this kind of gathering.
I think they'll have a tough time unseating Biden with those numbers and the longer Republicans continue to allow Trump to run their party by proxy the worse it will be for them. Right now it's a good time to be a Democrat, let's hope that carries to the midterms.
I think they'll have a tough time unseating Biden with those numbers and the longer Republicans continue to allow Trump to run their party by proxy the worse it will be for them. Right now it's a good time to be a Democrat, let's hope that carries to the midterms.
Agree, Trump doesn't stand a chance, unless we are looking at his chances of destroying the GOP.

I already see him losing a lot of traction through losing the limelight, and again, without the intelligence community, Trump has to rely on his own intelligence, which is hilarious on its own.

Yesterday, America's political mafia gathered at the Four Seasons (the correct one this time) and Mar-a-Lago to plot their next moves against us. Here are the low lights:

Yadda yadda yadda. I wonder if at this point people actually buy this or they just listen politely to the large fool in the large suit.

Fauci at this point couldn't care less what this idjit thinks of him, but it'll be interesting to see how it shakes out between McConnell/Pence and the Trump zombies. If the two sides end up going against each other in 2022 I don't particularly see that as an advantage. It's sort of like asking someone if they'd rather have their hands cut off or their eyes gouged out.

Uh, yeah. Ignore the fact that Biden is 14 points more popular than you were at this point in your term. Reinforce it by drawing a correlation with something totally unrelated.

Nice PR. Let's hope it's just as true as the rest of Trump's PR.

Because nothing says "we're not the elite" like wandering around the pool at the Four Seasons.

God, what a rogue's gallery.

Meetings like this prove Antifa is not a threat, because if they were, they'd pull a January 6th on this kind of gathering.
It's an interesting presidential primary roster:D
The Q-ish types claim that Individual-ONE actually won the 2020 election, right? So that means that, according to the 22nd Amendment, he is not allowed to run again.
Beeeep. Wroooong! Remember, he’s eligible for a third term after all. He said it himself.

“We are going to win four more years,” Trump said. “And then after that, we’ll go for another four years because they spied on my campaign. We should get a redo of four years.”
I suppose all that’s standing in the way of Trump ultimately running for more than two terms is 50 Secretaries of State willing to certify his candidacy in their respective states…no matter what the Constitution says.

As we saw on 2020, those SoS were honest about counting the November ballots…but you know and I know that the GOP will try to find a way to replace these people with more cooperative Trump supporters. The slow-moving coup is not over.
This is trouble.

They tried to overturn the 2020 election. Now they want to run the next one.

Trump supporters who back his claim that the 2020 vote was rigged are running to become the top election officials in key states.

Republicans who sought to undercut or overturn President Joe Biden’s election win are launching campaigns to become their states’ top election officials next year, alarming local officeholders and opponents who are warning about pro-Trump, “ends justify the means” candidates taking big roles in running the vote.
Now, they are running for secretary of state in key battlegrounds that could decide control of Congress in 2022 — and who wins the White House in 2024. Their candidacies come with former President Donald Trump still fixated on spreading falsehoods about the 2020 election, insisting he won and lying about widespread and systemic fraud. Each of their states has swung between the two parties over the last decade, though it is too early to tell how competitive their elections will be.
The campaigns set up the possibility that politicians who have taken steps to undermine faith in the American democratic system could soon be the ones running it.
“Someone who is running for an election administration position, whose focus is not the rule of law but instead ‘the ends justifies the means,’ that’s very dangerous in a democracy,” said Bill Gates, the Republican vice chair of the Board of Supervisors in Maricopa County, Ariz. “This is someone who is trying to tear at the foundations of democracy.”

We got lucky in 2020. The GOP Secretaries of State were honest enough that even they wouldn't fix the election for Trump or his acolytes. What do you think will happen if some of these delusional people get in?

The mainstream media “keeps using this term ‘baseless,’” Finchem said on the Redpill show. “I hate to break the news to you, but just in case you news people haven’t been paying attention, there’s a lot of evidence that’s already out there. … We’ve got the proof, we’ve got the receipts,” he continued, calling the press a “propaganda machine.”

😱 The slow-moving coup picks up speed.

Trump and his donors strategize for the upcoming 2022 and 2024 elections, aiming to leverage their resources and support base. With a focus on key battlegrounds and messaging that resonates with their base, they're shaping a formidable political strategy. The moves signal a continued influence of Trumpism within the GOP and raise questions about the party's future direction and the broader political landscape.