USA Election 2024

The other guy. BTW everyone from any other country in the world pointing and laughing at us, we get it.


He also followed it up by complaining about electric boats that sink. They don’t float!

Some more polls.. concerns are increased, but not changing votes. That said, these were done shortly after the debate and things need to simmer to see how it plays out.

He also followed it up by complaining about electric boats that sink. They don’t float!

Some more polls.. concerns are increased, but not changing votes. That said, these were done shortly after the debate and things need to simmer to see how it plays out.

At this point I'm throwing in the towel, Biden is simply not fit to maintain this office IMO and I think a lot of others will feel the same way, his staying in is selfishness on another level and has forced us into another 4 years of the dumpster fire shit-show that is Donald Trump, who I don't even blame for this. It is what it is, time to start looking forward to 2028.
Except, if we fail here, there will be no 2028. If the screaming mass of incoherence gets back into the WH, all bets are off. It would take 3 long decades to claw our way out of the mess he makes of the country.

Maybe that's what we really need. A total fucking shit show to illustrate exactly how good we had it, that we took it all for granted, were swayed too easily by bullshit, and now we're getting what we really deserve?
At this point I'm throwing in the towel, Biden is simply not fit to maintain this office IMO and I think a lot of others will feel the same way, his staying in is selfishness on another level and has forced us into another 4 years of the dumpster fire shit-show that is Donald Trump, who I don't even blame for this. It is what it is, time to start looking forward to 2028.

I disagree, but that’s why we’re not a cult.

That said, I still maintain voters should take responsibilty.
That said, I still maintain voters should take responsibilty.

While I agree 100%, the voters need to be given a choice. They basically weren’t.

Did the WH and DNC really have no idea he had failed this badly? If they knew and not only kept this information from the voters and also rigged the primary to discourage any one from running against Biden.

My guess is they figured they could limp him to the finish.

TBH I don't see how it can go any other way.

Unless this was already baked into the polls. Like I have said, I have been seeing this for months. The videos where he wanders off, says he spoke to leaders who are long dead, etc. and every excuse was made. Not just here, but by the media as well.
While I agree 100%, the voters need to be given a choice. They basically weren’t.

What party operative made someone vote for the chosen candidate at gunpoint?

There were tons of democrats on my primary ballot, and I had a choice of any of them.. or someone else entirely.

I’m 100% in favor of a discussion about the parties and money, but not in the name of deflecting blame. We have Biden because that’s who the American voters chose, and the same is true of Trump.

Carlin said it best - “maybe it’s not the politicians who suck. Maybe the the public sucks.”
Maybe that's what we really need. A total fucking shit show to illustrate exactly how good we had it, that we took it all for granted, were swayed too easily by bullshit, and now we're getting what we really deserve?
And then what? It's not as if the country will be able to go back to the former status quo after four more years with Trump.
So if they did know and were hiding it, how mad should everyone be?
Unless you know the Biden we saw at the debate was the way he is most of the time and the administration has secretly been run by others behind the scenes, I don't think there was a conspiracy to hide his real condition. He's clearly been aging and increasingly slow for the past few years, but I still feel he's accomplished a lot.

Despite that, I'd prefer to see Biden step aside, and I wish he'd done it way before now. But Bari Weiss ends her piece with "Replace Biden" without offering any suggestion on how to accomplish that. All the questions of what would happen with VP Harris still hold true. As much as I dislike it, I still expect a Biden-Trump choice.
Carlin said it best - “maybe it’s not the politicians who suck. Maybe the the public sucks.”
As long as they keep voting in idiots like MTG, Boebert, Gaetz, Jordan, Menendez, and a host of others, yes they do suck.
Well, the good news is, after the election, we will either have Trump or half the country even more convinced this election was stolen - this election will just solidify they were right about the last one too if their mental midget messiah loses.

It’s also funny that if Trump loses, he will claim he was leading in every poll and this is a stolen election, but he ignores how he was down in the polls pretty much the entire race with Biden in 2020. But, polls are also wrong too, and they go up and down and are within the margin of error… nobody knows what will happen, unless you predict Trump will win or republicans will refuse to concede. It’s one or the other.
Unless you know the Biden we saw at the debate was the way he is most of the time

I can’t make a judgement on how he is most of the time. I can say that I wasn’t surprised at his performance.

There are plenty of videos out there of him displaying similar tendencies. Of course the WH is calling them AI fakes, but after the other night, that narrative falls apart.
Except, if we fail here, there will be no 2028. If the screaming mass of incoherence gets back into the WH, all bets are off. It would take 3 long decades to claw our way out of the mess he makes of the country.
And not only for US but for the whole world that count on US as a leader
We feel for you so much and wish something good can happen to fix this terrible mess.

History teaches that to get out of dictatorships there has sometimes been a war or other countries have never managed to return to democracy. Look at Russia.

You absolutely need this not to happen.
Act, call your representatives, demand what is right for you and your country!
A close and longtime friend of mine is a psychotherapist with a practice going back 25 years.

This morning I bounced this off her (paraphrased): Could Biden's debate behavior (seemingly out of it like he was in another world, with mouth halfway open most of the time, slowly rotating his head back and forth, looking a little lost) have been caused by him being medicated or over-medicated?

Her response: Yes, possible. Including some cold medicines.

Not saying nor should I say that was the cause. But think I'll keep that in mind going forward.
Except, if we fail here, there will be no 2028. If the screaming mass of incoherence gets back into the WH, all bets are off. It would take 3 long decades to claw our way out of the mess he makes of the country.
A Dallas friend sent me this link yesterdsy with a "time to move!" message.

Lost in all of this is the fact that the yowling ShitGibbon is currently older than Joe the President was when he took the oath of office. We should elect an old man whom we already know is deeply defective to begin with, in place of an old man who has a fairly functional brain? Both parties should be fucking ashamed of themselves (though, we know that feeling shame is an alien concept to Republicans).

A Dallas friend sent me this link yesterdsy with a "time to move!" message.

The reach of the influence of the US will foul the rest of the world the way a rotting corpse makes your whole neighborhood difficult to abide. Running away will not help. I think it is best to stay and fight the nazis (but, I am old enough that if I die fighting them, at least I lived a long-ish life).
Except, if we fail here, there will be no 2028. If the screaming mass of incoherence gets back into the WH, all bets are off. It would take 3 long decades to claw our way out of the mess he makes of the country.
Historically speaking I think we tend to rebalance the scales every so often. They're swinging so far right that there will be a reckoning that will right the ship again, it will just take some time.
Her response: Yes, possible. Including some cold medicines.

Not saying nor should I say that was the cause. But think I'll keep that in mind going forward.

If he truly had a cold, why was he in a crowded Waffle House right after the debate? Doesn't seem very responsible does it?