USA Election 2024

Yeah, all the doom and gloom I'm seeing online doesn't match up to what the MSM is reporting, outside of cable news I mean. Still, it could be a week or two before we see a slip in the polls for Biden, TBH I don't see how it can go any other way.

If the media coverage continues spreading panic like it does now, I definitely see Biden slipping in the polls. It’s an irresponsible thing.
Possibly, but they are going to have to get her to 1) stop cackling - it is off putting and 2) Force her to read what is on her card and stop her word salad.

I don't think anyone in the party will have an issue because for them the goal is to win and the end justifies the means, but there are certainly going to be some voters who will be pissed and possibly stay home. Or go over to Trump if he picks someone like Tim Scott or Byron Donalds. Won't take much of a shift to make a huge difference.

I don’t know how you go from Harris to Tim Scott or Byron Donalds. Because they are black?

Also, I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about with Harris’ “cackling” and word salad. That’s not what I see, but to each their own. If anything, you would think ranting incoherently would endear her to Trump supporters, at least if she had white skin.
Starting to sound like the dam is cracking, in the last 24 hours...

Biden to discuss future of re-election campaign with family on Sunday

Looks like things are about to get interesting.
Starting to sound like the dam is cracking, in the last 24 hours...

Biden to discuss future of re-election campaign with family on Sunday

Looks like things are about to get interesting.

What a mess.

Here's another peek behind the curtains:

What's really sad... is if Biden had stepped up months earlier acknowledging his situation, and somehow created a smooth path for another qualified candidate to step in, he would have been greatly admired for putting the United States first over himself.
What's really sad... is if Biden had stepped up months earlier acknowledging his situation, and somehow created a smooth path for another qualified candidate to step in, he would have been greatly admired for putting the United States first over himself.
To be fair he really seemed on top of it with the State of the Union, putting to bed a lot of the Fox News rhetoric. But he has slipped so fast over the last several months that I think even his most hardened supporters are now worried. When you look at any president it's always amazed me how fast they age, even Obama in 8 years made him look 20 years older lol. Stressful job! But I don't think anyone believes Biden can handle it now, let alone for the next 4 years.
Eh, the panic and pundits are not always where the people lie. Again, we nominated him twice. If voters don’t take responsibility, they’re going to end up right back here again. I believe I voted for Mayor Pete in the primary and Biden in the general. I’ve seen no indication the job Biden is doing is being affected, nor in all this madness about deterioration have I heard or read reports or rumors that he can’t function in the job. The obvious problem is a man who doesn’t instill confidence in his abilities at 82 years old and the ability to handle another four years. From what I’ve seen, he has the job itself down but being the public-facing servant - which is admittedly half of the job - is where the issue lies.

All of this soul-searching is late in the game.
To be fair he really seemed on top of it with the State of the Union, putting to bed a lot of the Fox News rhetoric. But he has slipped so fast over the last several months that I think even his most hardened supporters are now worried.

The above was what had me wondering if he was suffering from some kind medication adverse reaction during the debate. There were a few times when he appeared like he was lost in another world.

OTOH, practicing the SOU address over and over for days before the event, and having a teleprompter a few feet away, probably helps a ton when delivering it. Still... he didn't have that "lost in another world" look back then.
If the media coverage continues spreading panic like it does now, I definitely see Biden slipping in the polls. It’s an irresponsible thing.
Exactly. Aside from some Trump fact-checking right after the debate, all I've heard from the media since then is Biden's unsuitability for the job. Anyone calling for Biden to exit the race should be saying the same for Trump. He lies incessantly, and he doesn't get called out for it nearly as often as he should. I don't expect his crowd, who believe him when he continues to claim the 2020 election was stolen, to change their ways, but the press should be hammering him on it.
Exactly. Aside from some Trump fact-checking right after the debate, all I've heard from the media since then is Biden's unsuitability for the job. Anyone calling for Biden to exit the race should be saying the same for Trump. He lies incessantly, and he doesn't get called out for it nearly as often as he should. I don't expect his crowd, who believe him when he continues to claim the 2020 election was stolen, to change their ways, but the press should be hammering him on it.

Perhaps it's because the liberal press and Dems don't want an upstanding/honest/principled Republican entering the race and potentially becoming the next President?

Just a guess.
Dems don't want an upstanding/honest/principled Republican entering the race

I mean, what is the chance of that? You are describing the Dems trying to run against a unicorn in the race for mayor of Shangri-La.
I mean, what is the chance of that? You are describing the Dems trying to run against a unicorn in the race for mayor of Shangri-La.

There's still some decent R folk, but they too are starting to age out.
Interesting. Could be panicked dems… but money talks.

Biden campaign raises more than $33M since debate with Trump​

The campaign said that nearly half of its grassroots donations came from first-time donors in the 2024 election cycle, noting that Thursday was “our best grassroots fundraising day ever, while Friday was the second best.”

Also… I was wondering why some republican black men not from Atlanta were doing a shop talk with Trump, who called in because he couldn’t be bothered to show up even though he would be in town.

Well, the barbershop owner said he was misled and was told it be a talk about black business, a forum, not a campaign event.

According to 11 Alive, "Jones explained how the event came to be: it started with a text message, followed by a phone call while he was out of the country. He agreed to host what he thought would be a small, private gathering for Black small business owners. Instead, the event turned into a crowded affair, with Trump surrogates like Ben Carson and a surprise phone call from Trump himself."

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Oh hell to the NO.

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