USA Election 2024

The voters knew his age, just like many republicans are lying to voters across the country by knowing exactly how dangerous Trump is. It’s not Trump’s job to stop himself, and if democrats didn’t want Biden, the time for that was in 2020 and again last year or before the primaries this year, not four months out from the election.

I really like what David Frum said today….

This most recent debate has taught the danger of spectatorship. The job of saving democracy from Trump will be done not by an old man on a gaudy stage, but by those who care that their democracy be saved. Biden’s evident frailties have aggravated that job and made it more difficult, but they have also clarified whose job it is. Not his. Yours.

The problem is there is a scary amount of people who equate democracy with why their life sucks and within that group there's another set of people who don't think another option is going to actually solve any of their problems but instead is going to make life worse for groups they aren't a part of and don't like.

Broad strokes here, but after decades of voting for Republicans that didn't in fact improve their situation it's all about retribution now. They don't see things actually improving. They just want to drape themselves in the flag and be part of the community meting out punishment.
I do because I have been seeing clips of similar behavior for months. KJP wants to call them AI fakes, but last night was not AI. And it wasn't fake.

You may want to say he had a bad night. I would say it was exactly what I expected.

Yes, but you have to admit, you guys have ran with many out of context and indeed edited (fake) videos.

Also, I find it quite funny you’re here critiquing what Biden said (about the soldiers) - which he added context to if your were listening - and none of Trump’s lies. He was asked three times about the cost of childcare and didn’t say one literal word about it, immediately said “I want to go back to the general”. He made plenty of blunders himself, but he does it with vigor so no big deal?

**** that, he was just as hot a mess as usual, we’re just all used to it by now.

You are not a casual spectator like many, who I agree Trump was the “winner” with. You have to know 90% of what he said was a lie. What you’re pointing out doesn’t compare to Trump EMPHATICALLY stating everyone wanted Roe v Wade overturned. THAT was the lie of the night, not anything Biden said.
You may want to say he had a bad night. I would say it was exactly what I expected.
To be fair after the STOTU we would’ve expected the same response, but instead Biden nailed it and we didn’t hear a peep from you. Funny that.

In any case, this is making the rounds. Take from it what you will.

He made plenty of blunders himself, but he does it with vigor so no big deal?

A quote attributed to Bill Clinton (no idea if he actually said it):

Voters prefer Strong & Wrong to Weak & Right.

Looking back at all the Presidential elections since 1980 and the stronger personality usually wins. Clinton, W, Obama, Trump (2016).
A quote attributed to Bill Clinton (no idea if he actually said it):

Voters prefer Strong & Wrong to Weak & Right.

Looking back at all the Presidential elections since 1980 and the stronger personality usually wins. Clinton, W, Obama, Trump (2016).

Clinton did say that.

Not being able to merely acknowledge child health care costs doesn’t come across as tough to me. Nor does being a presidential candidate who refuses to acknowledge or condemn white supremacy. Or someone who attacks a teenage climate activist but looks like he’s a gimp around Putin.

“Strong” is a relative term, but I agree with the notion.
I do because I have been seeing clips of similar behavior for months. KJP wants to call them AI fakes, but last night was not AI. And it wasn't fake.

You may want to say he had a bad night. I would say it was exactly what I expected.

With as much crap as you take, I'll accept that. A week ago I would have called you crazy. After last night, I'm willing to admit there's a chance you're on to something. I'm still not on board of course. I'm just not as firm in my convictions as I was a couple days ago.

Regardless he gets my vote. As horrible as that is to say, it's the truth. If he was in a coma I'd still vote for him because the alternative is too scary.
Just remember, four months is a long time in a presidential election. This is the worst reality show ever, and I doubt it’s ending regardless of who wins.

All I’m asking for is a sane republican who isn’t a racist or lover of dictators. Biden - mouth agape and all - is better than that pig, because he’s surrounded by Kamala Harris and Ron Klain and sane senate and house republicans. Trump is surrounded by Roger Stone, his indicted co-conspirator Walt Nauta who helped shuffle top secret government documents around Trump’s dumpers, Mike Flynn, etc.

We get who we vote for, and we deserve who we get. I will take the apologist tone, the issues with Biden pale in comparison to Trump. It’s not that they aren’t serious, an ear infection is serious, but not when you’re bleeding profusely from your arse.
Most people probably couldn’t tell you who either of those people are, let alone have an opinion of them. It’s easy to say we should get some magic candidate, it’s a lot harder to say who it should be. I’m not going to disregard it, but it feels like a knee-jerk reaction as well, it’s kind of useless if you’re not going to really lay out what you think should happen.

This is the problem with American voters, they want to be handheld to a magical, perfect candidate that doesn’t exist, then blame everyone else when they end up with the people they themselves picked at the ballot box.
What is really getting to me is that Biden's terrible performance is drowning out the real take home message, starkly evident from T's nonstop torrent of lies and truly horrendous agenda items on full display.
How many are stopping and thinking what electing this man would actually mean?
First poll I’ve seen… essentially, it did nothing. We need to see some aggregates, but so far, this particular poll is matching up with the various articles and video clips of different focus groups I’ve come across.

However, while Biden’s hoarse and stumbling delivery immediately sent many Democrats into a panic about their chances of winning in November, our poll also found that the debate didn’t change many voters’ minds about either candidate. Read on for full details.

First poll I’ve seen… essentially, it did nothing. We need to see some aggregates, but so far, this particular poll is matching up with the various articles and video clips of different focus groups I’ve come across.

However, while Biden’s hoarse and stumbling delivery immediately sent many Democrats into a panic about their chances of winning in November, our poll also found that the debate didn’t change many voters’ minds about either candidate. Read on for full details.

Yeah, all the doom and gloom I'm seeing online doesn't match up to what the MSM is reporting, outside of cable news I mean. Still, it could be a week or two before we see a slip in the polls for Biden, TBH I don't see how it can go any other way.
Also, ouch.
