USA Election 2024

Wouldn't be so sure about there just being one. Lots of workers make good money from fracking.
So they should be happy, no?

I'm not disputing your analysis on this one point, though I question its overall impact on the outcome. My point was that things like this should pale into insignificance in the current political situation in which a fascist felonious fraud is trying to get elected President.
So they should be happy, no?

I'm not disputing your analysis on this one point, though I question its overall impact on the outcome. My point was that things like this should pale into insignificance in the current political situation in which a fascist felonious fraud is trying to get elected President.

I really don't know how to explain that some people simply don't care about that if it means their financial situation could change for the worse. You can think what you want about them, but it isn't going to make them change.

Don’t think Bloomberg is particularly left leaning but I could be wrong. Regardless, they really slammed Trump’s economic propaganda bullshit in great detail, both in past reality and for his future plans.
Wouldn't be so sure about there just being one. Lots of workers make good money from fracking.

Ok, ten.

My point is, this is such a minor issue in the scheme of things, and Trump can and should maybe press her about her flip-flop (instead of her race, her looks or her name, for instance). But Harris can simply state she recognizes the need for compromise and this is a temporary measure, until we can transfer jobs to clean energy or whatever. Makes sense, is a politicians answer, and is actually - in this case - probably the truth.

This is what normal politicians used to debate until this one jackass arrived on the scene, then it became hand size, golf swings and fawning over dictators.
A little late on this, but I heard a focus group of 2 time Trump voters who have kind of soured on him commenting shortly after the DNC convention. The overall feeling was appreciating the positivity and patriotism, especially compared to the RNC, but there was a couple surprises in there.

One guy who sounded like he was a late middle aged white man said he was upset that the Democrats said Beyonce or Taylor Swift would be there but that didn’t happen. He was really looking forward to it. “Another Democrat lie.” He sounded sincerely upset about that. :ROFLMAO:

Walz putting tampons in the boys bathrooms in schools came up. There was no transphobia response to this. Instead several men said maybe they needed to give them to their girlfriend or sister and they had no problem with that. That was a surprising reason that most people probably haven’t thought of, including myself.
Walz putting tampons in the boys bathrooms in schools came up. There was no transphobia response to this. Instead several men said maybe they needed to give them to their girlfriend or sister and they had no problem with that. That was a surprising reason that most people probably haven’t thought of, including myself.

That is actually a wise way of thinking.

On one hand, I get we have to get through to these people, and progress is progress and you can’t force them, but there’s a part of me that just screams “can’t you debate the nuances once the the republican candidate isn’t a totally inept and insane moron? Can we come together and put the child back at the children’s table at Mar-A-Lago where he belongs, and then have a policy and social debate once we have adults in the room?”

Perhaps it’s to my detriment I can’t put myself in the shoes of someone who - even if they don’t like him - still treat Trump as an adult. “He’s a lunatic and a moron” should almost be above January 6 and the other disgusting things he’s done.

It would be like having a conversation about Elvis and his accomplishments, but never mentioning the music. Like, “is anyone going to mention this guy was a singer and entertainer?” How long do I have pretend with them, or appease those, who think Trump is even a real candidate? Politics is not the place to suspend belief the same way you would for Monday night wrestling.
ANYTHING could swing PA either way.

Absolutely. It could come down to a couple hundred or a couple thousand votes that were decided solely on the fracking issue that end up costing her the whole election. You are 100% correct.

But I'd be equally correct in saying "Fracking might not be an issue for her campaign at all" and then where would we be? ANYTHING could swing PA either way. That includes PA swinging her way because not enough people cared about fracking, right?

We won't know one way or the other for a couple months yet. That's a long time for the situation to change. But I will point out that up until this point, those changes have been in her favor. She's getting more support each week. She's getting tons of people to register. She's drawing bigger crowds. She's raising more money. That doesn't mean we know what will happen next week. But your guy needs to find some traction soon or the fracking issue isn't going to matter. And he needs to do that while JD continues dragging them down and turning people off. To top it off, he's going to have to face her next week in the debate.

Here's another reality you keep ignoring. Some people are struggling to feed their families and believe that Kamala Harris is the answer to that problem.
Meanwhile, here is an odd woman from West Virginia who is hoping to get your write-in vote for President. The big issue at the top of her poorly-formatted page (every line is in center-justification) reads 'Is it UNCONSTITUTIONAL TO FORCE U.S CITIZENS to "REGISTER to VOTE " to have OUR VOTE COUNTED?' followed by a weird scheme to get the National Guard involved in the voting process.

She has other positions that are all over the map, from implementing the first clause of 2A, to abolishing high school in favor of apprenticeship programs, to addressing the single most important pollutant: cigarette butts.

She is not entirely crazy, but I am not going to vote for her.
Here is a linX to his rant, if'n you want freude your schaden all over him.

I'm pretty sure you are joking, but as an explanation for those with less knowledge of German, why this doesn't make much sense.
The literal translation of "want freude your schaden" might be: "want joys your damage"
I'm guessing it should be more like: "want to enjoy your damage", which still doesn't make much sense.

Yoused obviously is playing with the word "Schadenfreude", which means: to enjoy the damage that happens to others.
For example, if someone slips on ice and you laugh that is Schadenfreude. But also if something bad happens to someone who deserves it.
Here's another reality you keep ignoring. Some people are struggling to feed their families and believe that Kamala Harris is the answer to that problem.

I don't think I am ignoring that. In fact I am one of the few that is talking about people struggling. There are posts on this board that the "struggles" are RW propaganda. But with that said, sure there are people who will vote for Harris based on her promises to fix things. But there are also those who are struggling who remember they weren't under Trump. So it goes both ways.
Four years ago COVID was still ravaging the country, and Trump was pushing misinformation and quack medicine, flouting safety protocols and everyone was complaining about prices and lack of availability on some items.

I don’t know how people gloss over that and pretend his term was nothing but low prices, cheap gas and high wages. It was for a while, we can argue whether that was because of his policies, a continuation of the trajectory we were already on, or a combination of both. But if anyone is dumb enough to buy the narrative that we’re a third-world country now (when crime is lower and our economy is the best the world, with the quickest recovery) and COVID didn’t happen - sorry, that’s special pleading.

The inflation and bad handling of COVID predated Biden, and Trump didn’t walk into office with a pandemic and coup attempt, that should count for something.

Here’s Trump trying to talk about the cost of child care, for instance - does this sound like someone who knows wtf they are talking about, or understands how the cost of something like child care is really tough for some people? Although at least he tried, he didn’t even attempt to answer this exact question at the debate in June.

I don't think I am ignoring that. In fact I am one of the few that is talking about people struggling. There are posts on this board that the "struggles" are RW propaganda. But with that said, sure there are people who will vote for Harris based on her promises to fix things. But there are also those who are struggling who remember they weren't under Trump. So it goes both ways.

I'm not sure I recall any posts suggesting that there aren't real people struggling out there. But I could have just missed that. Regardless, I'm not sure we can assume we already know who poor people will vote for. And there's still plenty of time for those people to change their minds one way or the other.