USA Election 2024

I don't think I am ignoring that. In fact I am one of the few that is talking about people struggling. There are posts on this board that the "struggles" are RW propaganda. But with that said, sure there are people who will vote for Harris based on her promises to fix things. But there are also those who are struggling who remember they weren't under Trump. So it goes both ways.
Four years ago COVID was still ravaging the country, and Trump was pushing misinformation and quack medicine, flouting safety protocols and everyone was complaining about prices and lack of availability on some items.

I don’t know how people gloss over that and pretend his term was nothing but low prices, cheap gas and high wages. It was for a while, we can argue whether that was because of his policies, a continuation of the trajectory we were already on, or a combination of both. But if anyone is dumb enough to buy the narrative that we’re a third-world country now (when crime is lower and our economy is the best the world, with the quickest recovery) and COVID didn’t happen - sorry, that’s special pleading.

The inflation and bad handling of COVID predated Biden, and Trump didn’t walk into office with a pandemic and coup attempt, that should count for something.

Here’s Trump trying to talk about the cost of child care, for instance - does this sound like someone who knows wtf they are talking about, or understands how the cost of something like child care is really tough for some people? Although at least he tried, he didn’t even attempt to answer this exact question at the debate in June.
I don't doubt many people are still struggling financially, and Harris has acknowledged this and proposed specific solutions to counter price gouging and rent increases. But other than claiming life was so much better when he was his office, which is largely unsupported by the facts, what does Trump say now?

His response yesterday about child care is but one example of his inability to articulate anything remotely resembling a real plan. Remember when an attendee at the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally asked Trump about prices several weeks ago? His rambling response centered around "drill baby, drill" and China.

So, Herdfan, what can the Harris campaign do to convince people who are truly suffering but believe whatever Trump says, whether it's that he won in 2020, that drilling for more oil and gas will solve our economic problems, or that their healthcare will be better if he is elected?

I think most voters' minds are made up, though there are some who can be swayed one way or another. To date, there has been no opportunity to size up the candidates side-by-side, so I'm hoping the debate next week will highlight the stark differences in character and proposals to move the nation forward.

Perhaps a judge should order Trump and his family to stop grifting until after the election….to which Trump’s lawyers will ask a higher court to block as grifting is not only their right but key to their business and political modal.
In the latest election news:

A NC Appeals Court has ruled that RFK Jr. must be removed from the ballot.

And the same in MI:

In the latest election news:

A NC Appeals Court has ruled that RFK Jr. must be removed from the ballot.

And the same in MI:

Once again road kill trophy fanatics lose their opportunity to be represented in the highest office.
Dick Cheney is voting for Kamala Harris, according to Liz Cheney. Liz Cheney will also be fighting to help Colin Allred defeat Ted Cruz in Texas.

Former Republican Vice President Dick Cheney will vote for Kamala Harris, his daughter former U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney said at The Texas Tribune Festival.

Cruz getting the boot would be amaaaaaz-ing. Congresspeople like him with good educations and a ton of Washington experience enabled Trump and his bullshit, k-n-o-w-i-n-g-l-y selling out the country. People like MTG are different animals, dumb like Trump.
I'm not sure I recall any posts suggesting that there aren't real people struggling out there. But I could have just missed that. Regardless, I'm not sure we can assume we already know who poor people will vote for. And there's still plenty of time for those people to change their minds one way or the other.
I suppose he's probably referring to me - although I think I was one of the few voices saying anything close to that and unsurprisingly even that isn't quite what I said. What I actually said was that the number of people struggling and the amount of struggle was over inflated, pun intended, relative to years past and that the way the Media was reporting on the health of the economy was suddenly very skewed relative to the metrics they used at any other time, including under Trump, and putting the blame in the wrong corners. Here's actually one of the few decent articles on it:

Truthfully I wouldn't even blame Trump too much for the post pandemic malaise ... while a Democratic president might've handled the pandemic better as well as not overheated the economy between 2017-2019 we were going to get a shock no matter what and the US is one of the stronger economies to emerge post pandemic.

Also, for what it is worth, generally poorer people vote Democrats for president despite the talking points of "economics anxiety" to the contrary.

I don't doubt many people are still struggling financially, and Harris has acknowledged this and proposed specific solutions to counter price gouging and rent increases. But other than claiming life was so much better when he was his office, which is largely unsupported by the facts, what does Trump say now?

His response yesterday about child care is but one example of his inability to articulate anything remotely resembling a real plan. Remember when an attendee at the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally asked Trump about prices several weeks ago? His rambling response centered around "drill baby, drill" and China.

So, Herdfan, what can the Harris campaign do to convince people who are truly suffering but believe whatever Trump says, whether it's that he won in 2020, that drilling for more oil and gas will solve our economic problems, or that their healthcare will be better if he is elected?

I think most voters' minds are made up, though there are some who can be swayed one way or another. To date, there has been no opportunity to size up the candidates side-by-side, so I'm hoping the debate next week will highlight the stark differences in character and proposals to move the nation forward.

Yup, pretty much.
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How many MAGA's even know who Dick Cheney is/was?

They’re in the cult and wouldn’t care if they did know. They’ve trashed both HW and W Bush - two former presidents, McCain and Romney - their last two f******g nominees, one of whom is a war hero, and they kicked Liz Cheney, one of the most conservative members with name value, to the curb.

That said, this is still important because there is a coalition of conservatives who want someone else - Trump dominated the primaries, but the real story was in the votes he didn’t get. It may be a small coalition, but in these close races, every vote matters.

Who knows, we may get more surprises before Election Day, but the Cheneys may be as good as it gets, because it seems most conservatives who don’t like Trump are more happy to stay silent, and with it being this close to the election, I suspect most are just silently hoping he loses before making any moves.
Wasn’t he “gravitas”?
Jimmy McCain, John McCain's son, a Republican and a military officer, announced he's endorsing Harris. Have a feeling many more Republican endorsements will be coming in the weeks ahead.

Hat-tip to all Republicans who respect the rule of law, the Constitution, and voting for Harris.

Also, for what it is worth, generally poorer people vote Democrats for president despite the talking points of "economics anxiety" to the contrary.

Saw this today in an amazing coincidence:

Trump’s biggest fans aren’t who you think​

“Those most enthralled with Donald Trump were not at the very bottom — the illiterate, the hungry,” she writes. Rather, Trump’s biggest fans could be found among “the elite of the left-behind,” meaning people “who were doing well within a region that was not.”

People who saw the plight of ruralities in cultural and political terms were most likely to support Trump, while those primarily concerned about rural poverty were, if anything, less likely to support him than their neighbors.

Taken together, these findings suggest that the story isn’t simply that economic deprivation breeds cultural resentment. Trump’s strongest supporters in rural areas tend to be angry that their regions don’t set the social terms of American life: that they don’t control the halls of power and that, as a consequence, both political and cultural life is moving away from what they’re comfortable with.

Economics exacerbates this, but at the heart it's cultural.
Saw this today in an amazing coincidence:

Economics exacerbates this, but at the heart it's cultural.

People who are doing well blaming brown people they’re not doing even better.

Or people who do well and aren’t happy unless they can use others as a punching bag. People who sit around whining the country isn’t white enough.

*We are three days away from the debate. WTF is this clown whining about? Does he think Kamala appearing taller or whatever will make him look weak? What a moron.

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*We are three days away from the debate. WTF is this clown whining about? Does he think Kamala appearing taller or whatever will make him look weak? What a moron.

Trump clearly has an inferiority complex, which is why he repeatedly has to claim that he is the best or has the biggest whatever.
Also, when Trump says Comrade Kamala, Harris should counter with Felon Trump. One of those things is actually true…
I would like for Kamala to talk about the numerous people Trump has slandered - some of them for the first time in real-time if he sees them live on TV and sends out a tweet - but hasn’t said a tough word against Putin in 9 years, and never misses a chance to publicly praise Victor Orban.