USA Election 2024

Anyone else noticing how few Trump flags we're seeing this time around? His people are still out there, they just no longer want it to be known.


This past weekend I was in Hollister about 2 hours south of SF visiting my parents. We went to breakfast and there was a guy there who had on a shirt with a caricature of Trump wearing aviator glasses with the US flag in the reflection while waving 2 middle fingers in the air. I don’t see tons of that type thing locally but if I do it’s usually in Hollister.
This past weekend I was in Hollister about 2 hours south of SF visiting my parents. We went to breakfast and there was a guy there who had on a shirt with a caricature of Trump wearing aviator glasses with the US flag in the reflection while waving 2 middle fingers in the air. I don’t see tons of that type thing locally but if I do it’s usually in Hollister.
Which part of the bay do you live in again?
Watching Steve Kornacki on Chris Hayes’ show tonight raised my BP. Not his fault, but it’s clear how close the election will be because of the damn Electoral College. Harris has to win Pennsylvania unless she can offset it by winning a couple other states. Georgia is also extremely important.

Looking at the electoral map, there's many paths for both, but its harder for me to envision Trump doing what he needs to do to pull off an electoral win - for instance, if he loses PA, he can win Georgia, Nevada and Arizona and still lose the election. If he loses Georgia, he can win PA but still lose if dems win in Nevada.

There's a lot of these paths for both candidates, but when you go to an interactive map and look at it, it just doesn't seem like Trump can do it at the rate he's going. If there's any surprise wins again in Georgia or another state like NC, that would probably be near-fatal for Trump unless he peeled off a blue wall state or two, even if he won some of the others like GA and PA.
"it just doesn't seem like Trump can do it"

Don't disagree, but if the orange menace takes GA & PA, which is certainly possible, it gets really dicey for Harris.
"it just doesn't seem like Trump can do it"

Don't disagree, but if the orange menace takes GA & PA, which is certainly possible, it gets really dicey for Harris.

If Harris can pull off flipping North Carolina - which does seem possible, even the Biden admin were trying to do it - and win Nevada, she doesn't need either, assuming she wins in MN, MI and WI.

I played around with the map looking at different scenarios, and it seems more likely to me Harris has multiple paths that seem more plausible, whereas Trump's path needs suppressed democratic turnout and high republican turnout. A lot can change in two months, but that doesn't seem like where we are heading.
If Harris can pull off flipping North Carolina - which does seem possible, even the Biden admin were trying to do it - and win Nevada, she doesn't need either, assuming she wins in MN, MI and WI.

I played around with the map looking at different scenarios, and it seems more likely to me Harris has multiple paths that seem more plausible, whereas Trump's path needs suppressed democratic turnout and high republican turnout. A lot can change in two months, but that doesn't seem like where we are heading.
I sure hope you're right. Dem turnout will be so important given the efforts to prevent them from voting. Of course, this probably wouldn't be a problem if we didn't have the abomination called the Electoral College. The closest the country came to amending the Constitution to abolish it was during Nixon's term. He actually endorsed it, but it died in the Senate. An alternate proposal, the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, has more of a chance of reaching the required threshold, but would certainly face many legal challenges and is probably not practical.
Liz Cheney has endorsed Kamala Harris.

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CouchBoy 'called his dogs “idiotic” for howling at ambulances passing by.' (via Xwixxex). Could this guy find some way to be more of a PoS than he already is?
This past weekend I was in Hollister about 2 hours south of SF visiting my parents. We went to breakfast and there was a guy there who had on a shirt with a caricature of Trump wearing aviator glasses with the US flag in the reflection while waving 2 middle fingers in the air. I don’t see tons of that type thing locally but if I do it’s usually in Hollister.
Same t-shirt as the dude who was removed from the plane. Nobody understands the message on that t-shirt.
"it just doesn't seem like Trump can do it"

Don't disagree, but if the orange menace takes GA & PA, which is certainly possible, it gets really dicey for Harris.

I don't think she did herself any favors in PA with the change in her fracking stance. Those who are in favor of fracking don't believe her and don't think she has changed. But those who are against fracking absolutely believe her. So she just alienated both sides of the issue.
I don't think she did herself any favors in PA with the change in her fracking stance. Those who are in favor of fracking don't believe her and don't think she has changed. But those who are against fracking absolutely believe her. So she just alienated both sides of the issue.
In the CNN interview, Harris said that fracking can be done as we transition to a clean energy economy. Did her need to win in Pa enter into it? Probably, but I wouldn't expect any politician to admit that. Personally, I wish fracking could be banned, but I understand that compromise is necessary to move forward.

Regardless, this is nothing compared to Trump, who changes his stance moment by moment depending on where the wind is blowing, as he did recently on the abortion question in Florida. But you keep pointing out every one of Harris' perceived faults while refusing to acknowledge Trump's historically massive failings and his Project 2025 plans, despite his feeble attempts to disavow them.
White supremacist Nick Fuente’s latest attack against Trump is for admitting he lost to Biden by a hair and therefor the MAGA cornerstone of the stolen election was a complete waste of everybody’s time and the DOJ charges are completely justified. He had his accounts frozen and put on the no fly list at one point for his part in supporting stop the steal. Now he thinks it would have been nice if people knew that Trump didn’t believe the election was stolen. Could have saved a lot of headaches and legal consequences for thousands of people. “People are more willing to tolerate losing than a total betrayal.” :ROFLMAO:
But you keep pointing out every one of Harris' perceived faults while refusing to acknowledge Trump's historically massive failings and his Project 2025 plans, despite his feeble attempts to disavow them.
Trolls be trollin’, that’s how they do. Had him on ignore for awhile now.