USA Election 2024

We'll have to see how credible this is but he's cheated on every wife so it's plausible and she definitely seems like the type to brag like this.

She’s also a habitual liar but so is he and as you said he’s also a habitual cheater… so that’s a wash. But even if it’s true, I mean … will it matter when so little else has? Don’t get me wrong, I won’t mind if it loses him support, but there would be something … not poetic, something darker … if inspiring bomb threats against children doesn’t derail his campaign but him having an affair does. A nation’s gotta have priorities.
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She’s also a habitual liar but so is he and as you said he’s also a habitual cheater… so that’s a wash. But even if it’s true, I mean … will it matter when so little else has? Don’t get me wrong, I won’t mind if it loses him support, but there would be something … not poetic, something darker … if inspiring bomb threats against children doesn’t derail his campaign but him having an affair does. A nation’s gotta have priorities.
The Loomer affair works to Trump's favor. I doubt if it’ll change many minds, and it distracts from the many substantive shortcomings that make him manifestly unfit for office.
She’s also a habitual liar but so is he and as you said he’s also a habitual cheater… so that’s a wash. But even if it’s true, I mean … will it matter when so little else has? Don’t get me wrong, I won’t mind if it loses him support, but there would be something … not poetic, something darker … if inspiring bomb threats against children doesn’t derail his campaign but him having an affair does. A nation’s gotta have priorities.
She could pull his diaper down and give him a hummer in the middle of 5th Ave while flipping Melania the bird and he would still gain 2 points in the polls. Couldn't agree more.

What blows my mind is the idea she would be public about it. Let that sink in for a moment.

When something is too good to be true, it usually is.
I think she's as much of an attention whore is she is of the sexual nature.
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We'll have to see how credible this is but he's cheated on every wife so it's plausible and she definitely seems like the type to brag like this.

well, all we have to do is look for the orange ring around her lips. even this won't stop the Christians from voting for him, how pathetic is that?
Holy meltdown, that gets him nothing.
At the same time it’ll energize her active base of millions who are already registering to vote in record numbers, this will cost him.

As I said, they know exactly what they’re doing.

And he had the nerve to get all huffy over being fact checked and truthfully told his inflammatory lies were connected to the spate of bomb threats since the debate:

Saying that he condemns the violence while continuing to encourage it is less honest than Donnie refusing to condemn it. They are encouraging domestic terror.

Of course this is the problem, we, including perhaps especially me on these forums and everyone in general, spend so much time on how awful Donnie and Vance are … and they are, we have so little energy/bandwidth to talk about Harris. They suck up all the oxygen and Vance is right about one thing, lying about this gets the press to talk about the issues they want to bring up.

And, as brought up by others here already like @Eric and @Roller with Loomer, being irredeemably awful doesn’t hurt them, anyone paying attention knows they are irredeemably awful and their supporters want them anyway, some even more so. I dunno. I’d like to think if our media blitzed them with this story and used accurate language to report on it like terrorism and lies and racism and just plain nuts then we’d be better off - it would certainly make for a nice change of pace. But the cynical, depressed part of me wonders if it would matter at all. We’ve normalized their behavior so much … plus except for a few spasms like above I’m not sure the once vaunted institutions of press are capable of holding them to account. It’s all very depressing.
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Wasn't it a longstanding bipartisan mantra that the American electorate was intelligent?

If enough of the population can be induced to vote to get this scum elected, I would have to disagree with the above.
Wasn't it a longstanding bipartisan mantra that the American electorate was intelligent?

If enough of the population can be induced to vote to get this scum elected, I would have to disagree with the above.
Not amongst the politicians who cared a lot less about winning. You don’t win by telling people that they are stupid or deplorable even if it’s true. There’s a famous, possibly apocryphal Adlai Stevenson quote:

That's not enough, madam; we need a majority!
  • Supposed response to a woman who called out to him: "Governor, you have the vote of every thinking person!" during one of his presidential campaigns.

As I said, they know exactly what they’re doing.

And he had the nerve to get all huffy over being fact checked and truthfully told his inflammatory lies were connected to the spate of bomb threats since the debate:

Saying that he condemns the violence while continuing to encourage it is less honest than Donnie refusing to condemn it. They are encouraging domestic terror.

Of course this is the problem, we, including perhaps especially me on these forums and everyone in general, spend so much time on how awful Donnie and Vance are … and they are, we have so little energy/bandwidth to talk about Harris. They suck up all the oxygen and Vance is right about one thing, lying about this gets the press to talk about the issues they want to bring up.

And, as brought up by others here already like @Eric and @Roller with Loomer, being irredeemably awful doesn’t hurt them, anyone paying attention knows they are irredeemably awful and their supporters want them anyway, some even more so. I dunno. I’d like to think if our media blitzed them with this story and used accurate language to report on it like terrorism and lies and racism and just plain nuts then we’d be better off - it would certainly make for a nice change of pace. But the cynical, depressed part of me wonders if it would matter at all. We’ve normalized their behavior so much … plus except for a few spasms like above I’m not sure the once vaunted institutions of press are capable of holding them to account. It’s all very depressing.

In more positive news:

Watching all these Republicans continuing their support for him on the morning shows is sickening, these people would sell the souls of their own mother's to protect that piece of shit.
Also, the media has some responsibility with the attacks on Haitian immigrants and federal offices in Springfield, CNN gave JD Vance half hour to sit there and spread his lies, then has the nerve to say "why is there so much hatred against these immigrants?".