USA Election 2024

She’s also a habitual liar but so is he and as you said he’s also a habitual cheater… so that’s a wash. But even if it’s true, I mean … will it matter when so little else has? Don’t get me wrong, I won’t mind if it loses him support, but there would be something … not poetic, something darker … if inspiring bomb threats against children doesn’t derail his campaign but him having an affair does. A nation’s gotta have priorities.
I misread initially.
Also this.. this guy is legit nuts. He may be in some hot water over this… he’s already facing crippling debt from pending civil litigation. Now he may have more lawyer fees.

And for what? Trying to interfere in elections while he insists others did the same.

The difference here is those he's reaching are already in his camp. Those she is reaching are actually registering to vote for the first time. He only stands to lose in a culture war with her, they can scream about polls until they're blue in the face but come election day when they see lines of young voters a half mile long they'll be singing a different tune.

BTW this image was taken after she performed a song about a young cancer victim.

Well, hopefully this was not a big deal…

Oddly enough, the West Palm Beach golf course touches the corner of a development called "Gun Club Estates". And, naturally, the street up the middle of that development is Springfield Drive.
Unless he announces he’s running again, and nothing would surprise me at this point, this is his last go-around, and he’s doing it his way, on his terms, and as expected, he’s ramping up the rhetoric as we get closer to election. His sell-out gaffe machine JD Vance is happy to go along with the lies. Both Byron Donalds and JD Vance stumbled in the press when responding to the, Donalds by trying to defend Trump and saying “it’s a minor issue” (which he immediately regretted and when called out, told the press to “let him finish) and Vance by saying he has no problem making up stories to get people to pay attention.

Exactly, he has no problem making up stories to point to so his dumb followers can get riled up.

So it’s full-on lies and misinformation, and overt racism and xenophobia. He is definitely going to get people killed, arrested, or their lives ruined. He’s twice refused to condemn the threats being made in Springfield and just pivots to blaming immigrants.

He’s going to get progressively worse, imagine him on Election Day.
Also this.. this guy is legit nuts. He may be in some hot water over this… he’s already facing crippling debt from pending civil litigation. Now he may have more lawyer fees.

And for what? Trying to interfere in elections while he insists others did the same.

Election Crime Bureau 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The difference here is those he's reaching are already in his camp. Those she is reaching are actually registering to vote for the first time. He only stands to lose in a culture war with her, they can scream about polls until they're blue in the face but come election day when they see lines of young voters a half mile long they'll be singing a different tune.

BTW this image was taken after she performed a song about a young cancer victim.

Someone plz tell him that she actually made money due to increased merchandize sales
Shooter was 300 to 500 yards away with an AK? I'm not gun expert but even with a scope is that realistic?
Shooter was 300 to 500 yards away with an AK? I'm not gun expert but even with a scope is that realistic?
The wording of the AP article @GermanSuplex posted in the other thread isn't clear, but I read it as, ~400 yards away from the Secret Service agents and Trump was several more holes down from where this took place. So Trump was quite far away? But again, not sure. I don't know if other outlets clarified.

The last shooter was seemingly just a lost boy vaguely pro-Trump politically. For this one, I'm not going to link it because early days and initial readings can be misleading, but a couple of OSInters have said initial readings of the guys social media posts that have to do with politics are all over the place. Just weird stuff. This guy was captured alive so maybe we'll get a better sense of his motives if he had any coherent, I won't say rational, ones to begin with.
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trump needs to hire better assassins that even make it work somewhat real.
At this point I wouldn't speculate like that. I'm not saying it's impossible but there are so many crazies in our society with access to firearms who aren't even political. Reagan was shot by a guy in love with Jodie Foster, or rather her character from the movie Taxi, and wanted to impress her. Now that there was one shooter who got famous, famously dead doesn't matter, shooting at Trump even the simple act of copy cat could be enough. Trump has been stoking the fires of violence - that either leads to his unfortunate victims, his opponents, or himself being targeted. It just raises the level of violence period.

Being captured alive might mean we get a more definitive answer this time, but the motive could be anything from an actual political statement, to yes corruption as you suggest, to something completely off-the-wall.
Well, it’s what I said before, this type of violence isn’t limited to one ideology, or any ideology. Unstable people can be unpredictable, and Trump is really fanning the flames. It’s not going to just have an effect on his enemies and nobody else. We saw these threats against republicans during the speaker showdown.