USA Election 2024

Not really.

If he resigns, Harris becomes President and the incumbent for 2024 making it harder to bring in someone else. Plus that would be his legacy for sure.

If he simply drops out, he finishes his term, but the DNC has more freedom to pick someone else for 2024.
Plot twist, he makes an official executive order to imprison Trump and disband the SCOTUS, then lives out the rest of his days somewhere cozy and lets the chips fall where they may.
Not really.

If he resigns, Harris becomes President and the incumbent for 2024 making it harder to bring in someone else. Plus that would be his legacy for sure.

If he simply drops out, he finishes his term, but the DNC has more freedom to pick someone else for 2024.
Correct. Biden would never resign unless he suffered some medical crisis. And if Harris took over, she'd have no VP, since Congress would be highly unlikely to confirm anyone. (Mike Johnson would be second in line, which would be really scary.)

If Biden stepped aside as the 2024 candidate but remained as President, Harris or someone else could run, but with all the Harris-related issues we've discussed here. However, Harris would have to choose a running mate, and someone like Newsom could make the ticket even more electable. I think it's all moot, though, since Biden won't bow out unless he has another "debate moment" in public or his poll numbers tank.
Right-wing theory: He is referred to as Jacked-up Joe when he is like he was at Friday's rally. Pump him full of stimulants and turn him loose. Can't do that for a debate.

My parents are in their early 80’s, are on some kind of medication cocktail which is normal at their age, and they aren’t trying to run the country. It’s preposterous to think neither Biden nor Trump are on anything, not least of which would be performance enhancing.

With the current Republican party being nothing if not accusation confessors, when drug testing was put out by their side I wouldn’t be shocked to find out Biden’s team took him off literally everything while Trump doubled his dosage.

Having said that, that’s still not a COMPLETE EXHONERATION! of Biden’s performance on the debates.

Interesting survey for the generic “I like his policies” dullards. When not knowing which candidate is behind which policies it appears Biden’s are way more popular.
And Whitmer herself is saying Michigan is winnable. Maybe that's because none of the Biden's potential replacements (Whitmer, Newsom, especially Harris) will acknowledge the need to change the top of the ticket publicly. Regardless, it's all just chatter unless the Biden campaign sees some horrible poll numbers or other data, which they haven't yet.
Hand them a mirror. The voters too.

There’s a million and one reasons Trump wouldn’t win, no real mystery there. I want to know what the Democrat establishment is going to blame if Biden doesn’t win. If he stays in the race they clearly don’t think his age related performance is an issue.
I have no religious faith, but I can’t be bothered to think about Biden’s age right now when he’s running against Trump. I already did that in 2020, I was vetoed, and dems chose Biden. And he has surpassed my expectations, I’ll take a tired elderly grandpa over a deranged dumbass hyperbole lie machine. That’s where I’m at, that’s where I’ll be until Election Day. If all the same people who have voted for Biden months and weeks ago in the primary are now demanding something else, that’s just laziness on their part and wanting the establishment to do all the work for them.

It is what it is at this point, I’m not resigned, I still think Biden will win, and even if he doesn’t, the hard work is trying to snap people out of this cult. It’s not like we won’t be pissed off and aggravated if Biden wins, because then they’ll just start up the Big Lie 2.0 and then we’ll be having that fun dance of stupidity again.

The GOP is a full-fledged cult, you’re either in it or you’re not.
If all the same people who have voted for Biden months and weeks ago in the primary are now demanding something else, that’s just laziness on their part and wanting the establishment to do all the work for them.

While I understand what you are saying, many independents are shut out of primaries. So they didn't have a chance to vote for him and even if they did, who else was on the ballot to vote for. I know you said (pretty sure it was you ;)) your ballot had other candidates to vote for. Who may I ask? Anyone of substance? I doubt it because the DNC didn't want real candidates to challenge him.

So you can't hold it against people who really weren't given a choice. Also, do you not think people might feel duped? How long has this been hidden from the public?

Lots of questions need to be answered before you can blame the people who checked the box for Biden in a meaningless primary.
While I understand what you are saying, many independents are shut out of primaries. So they didn't have a chance to vote for him and even if they did, who else was on the ballot to vote for. I know you said (pretty sure it was you ;)) your ballot had other candidates to vote for. Who may I ask? Anyone of substance? I doubt it because the DNC didn't want real candidates to challenge him.

So you can't hold it against people who really weren't given a choice. Also, do you not think people might feel duped? How long has this been hidden from the public?

Lots of questions need to be answered before you can blame the people who checked the box for Biden in a meaningless primary.

We have a general election, get a campaign going for a write-in. It worked for Murkowski a decade ago.

I’m done man, it’s Biden and Trump and it’s not like Americans had it foisted on them. I’m sorry, I disagree.

Also, the GOP is a cult. I had to say it twice for effect.

I mean, is this normal, for a former president to re-post your drunk conservative uncle’s (who wasn’t in the military) militant garbage? It’s a cult.

But, I’m sure he’s joking and it could never happen.

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As for his comments on Liz Cheney - absolutely that’s what he wants to do. That’s what Putin does, after all - just jail your opponents and anyone who has the temerity to disagree with you publicly.

Plot twist, he makes an official executive order to imprison Trump and disband the SCOTUS, then lives out the rest of his days somewhere cozy and lets the chips fall where they may.
I really like this. And as Trump is under indictment and already has 34 federal convictions, Joe could say he’s doing it to save the country from a would-be dictator who’s out to kill democracy. 100% true.
As for his comments on Liz Cheney - absolutely that’s what he wants to do. That’s what Putin does, after all - just jail your opponents and anyone who has the temerity to disagree with you publicly.

I really like this. And as Trump is under indictment and already has 34 federal convictions, Joe could say he’s doing it to save the country from a would-be dictator who’s out to kill democracy. 100% true.

The problem is, he won’t. The idiot democrats will remain the level heads in the room up until their death this November.

The more I read about this decision, the more I realize that the America we grew up in is over. We had a good run, but the Republic is dead. All we can do now is wait for the bullet.
I really like this. And as Trump is under indictment and already has 34 federal convictions, Joe could say he’s doing it to save the country from a would-be dictator who’s out to kill democracy. 100% true.
Word has it Trump is going to try and get it overturned with his new special powers. Who knows, maybe paying off a porn star before taking office will be deemed an "official" act. At this point, why not?
I remember back in 2022 when Judge Luttig (a conservative and brilliant retired federal judge I have a ton of respect for) testified before the January 6th Committee. It appears what he predicted could happen going forward is coming into play today. Hold onto your seats.
The problem is, he won’t. The idiot democrats will remain the level heads in the room up until their death this November.

The more I read about this decision, the more I realize that the America we grew up in is over. We had a good run, but the Republic is dead. All we can do now is wait for the bullet.

Seems to me ordering protesters be shot would fall under an official duty. And maybe the first subordinates would refuse the order but then they’ll just be fired and/or imprisoned and replaced with loyalists who will follow the order. Maybe Trump won’t win the election but down the road there will be somebody just as bad or worse bolstered by the violent retribution caucus that is already welcome at the table protected by free speech and the 2nd amendment. I really don’t see a legislative or peaceful way out of this mess.

If nothing else maybe we should reflect on our assumptions and judgements on how these changes occurred elsewhere in the world. Maybe it’s karma for the century of relative comfort we’ve gotten from the suffering of others.