USA Election 2024

Kennedy's birthday is 3 days before inauguration day. If by some weird happenstance he was elected, that would make him the second-oldest person to take the oath of office. Come on, people, wtf?
What's really sad... is if Biden had stepped up months earlier acknowledging his situation, and somehow created a smooth path for another qualified candidate to step in, he would have been greatly admired for putting the United States first over himself.

It used to just be a right-wing thing that Jill was the one who wouldn't let him step away, that she loved the power and prestige of being First Lady too much. But that notion is starting to creep into recent stories from non right leaning sources as well.

Anyone who has watched a loved one fail as they age knows there are good days and bad days. Sometimes even great days. It all depends and there is no way to tell until they wake up in the morning what kind of day it is going to be. This just seemed like a bad day for him through no fault of his own.

But I do have a couple of questions.

Why was the debate held in June? Really? I understand that with early voting traditional debate windows need to be moved up. But June? They haven't even had the conventions yet. Did someone know this was going to happen? Wanted it out there early enough to make a change? Or did the campaign just make an error thinking Trump would never agree to the conditions and were f'ed when he did?

Second, who knew what and when. He did not just wake up Thursday morning like this. Had he been as sharp as everyone said he was and then acted like he did, he would be been rushed to Walter Reed for an evaluation. Someone knew. Most likely lots of people knew.

Remember the Hur report? When it came out, all everyone could talk about was that Hur wasn't qualified to assess things like he did. Well, who is is qualified to make that assessment? P_X left, you pay no attention to @AG_PhamD because he is too MAGA. But several of you have made assessment based on what YOU saw. With your eyes and based on your experiences. That is what Hur did. And he got crucified for it.

Then earlier this month the WSJ published an article about Biden slipping behind closed doors. Again, it was labeled MAGA or a hit piece.

It is looking more and more like they were right.
The above was what had me wondering if he was suffering from some kind medication adverse reaction during the debate. There were a few times when he appeared like he was lost in another world.

OTOH, practicing the SOU address over and over for days before the event, and having a teleprompter a few feet away, probably helps a ton when delivering it. Still... he didn't have that "lost in another world" look back then.

Right-wing theory: He is referred to as Jacked-up Joe when he is like he was at Friday's rally. Pump him full of stimulants and turn him loose. Can't do that for a debate.
Very interesting if true...

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Why was the debate held in June? Really? I understand that with early voting traditional debate windows need to be moved up. But June? They haven't even had the conventions yet. Did someone know this was going to happen? Wanted it out there early enough to make a change? Or did the campaign just make an error thinking Trump would never agree to the conditions and were f'ed when he did?

What I've read over the last month or so... it was to improve Biden's polling numbers, essentially being within a statistical tie with trump currently. And to stir up some energy regarding major campaign donations.
Right-wing theory: He is referred to as Jacked-up Joe when he is like he was at Friday's rally. Pump him full of stimulants and turn him loose. Can't do that for a debate.

Just a theory, right? In other words, no evidence. He certainly didn't appear jacked up. Quite the opposite.
Remember the Hur report? When it came out, all everyone could talk about was that Hur wasn't qualified to assess things like he did. Well, who is is qualified to make that assessment? P_X left, you pay no attention to @AG_PhamD because he is too MAGA. But several of you have made assessment based on what YOU saw. With your eyes and based on your experiences. That is what Hur did. And he got crucified for it.

I believe I was careful in how I expressed that. And there's a huge difference between people on an internet forum offering *opinions* of what they *observe on television* and a Special Prosecutor who has the power to indict the President of the United States.
Damn, if you think Joe the President's voice sounded bad, just listen to this guy try to make word noises.

He has a condition called Spasmodic Dysphonia which causes him to sound like he does.

But knowing this doesn’t make him easier to listen to.
And it’s starting:

I think it lends credence to the DOJ statement that said he would come off as a well meaning elderly man with memory problems. The problem Republicans will have is that attacking someone in that state will come of as really cruel and mean because it seems like everyone feels bad for him, so they'll have to walk a fine line with it I think.

Will be interesting to see how it plays out in the coming weeks, I'm still of the opinion he needs to hand it over asap.
Wouldn't that be the same thing?

Not really.

If he resigns, Harris becomes President and the incumbent for 2024 making it harder to bring in someone else. Plus that would be his legacy for sure.

If he simply drops out, he finishes his term, but the DNC has more freedom to pick someone else for 2024.