USA Election 2024

Before yesterday you and the western world were worried about Bidenā€™s age and performance.
Thanks to the Supreme Court this problem has become secondary šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«
I can understand some of the rulings of the court - one could view it as also protecting current presidents from the next one.

However, where they abdicated their duty is not speaking to the specifics of the case in front of them, or even providing any clear mediation when a president is egregiously violating the law. Republicans are saying "these doomsday scenarios won't happen." They give no recourse if it does. It's an abdication of duty, to release this incomplete mess on the last day of the court's business for awhile.

Trump is not off the hook, the road is just more narrow. But all of this stuff is going to find its way back up the court again, and they've been ruling almost unanimously for the biggest criminal grifter ever to hold public office.
I can understand some of the rulings of the court - one could view it as also protecting current presidents from the next one.

However, where they abdicated their duty is not speaking to the specifics of the case in front of them, or even providing any clear mediation when a president is egregiously violating the law. Republicans are saying "these doomsday scenarios won't happen." They give no recourse if it does. It's an abdication of duty, to release this incomplete mess on the last day of the court's business for awhile.

Trump is not off the hook, the road is just more narrow. But all of this stuff is going to find its way back up the court again, and they've been ruling almost unanimously for the biggest criminal grifter ever to hold public office.
I really hope you are right
From Heather Cox Richardson newsletter:
But this extraordinary power grab does not mean President Joe Biden can do as he wishes
As legal commentator Asha Rangappa pointed out, the court gave itself the power to determine which actions can be prosecuted and which cannot by making itself the final arbiter of what is ā€œofficialā€ and what is not. Thus any action a president takes is subject to review by the Supreme Court, and it is reasonable to assume that this particular court would not give a Democrat the same leeway it would give Trump.
I really hope you are right
From Heather Cox Richardson newsletter:
But this extraordinary power grab does not mean President Joe Biden can do as he wishes
As legal commentator Asha Rangappa pointed out, the court gave itself the power to determine which actions can be prosecuted and which cannot by making itself the final arbiter of what is ā€œofficialā€ and what is not. Thus any action a president takes is subject to review by the Supreme Court, and it is reasonable to assume that this particular court would not give a Democrat the same leeway it would give Trump.
of course, it would not. showing How being Christian does not stop you from doing horrible things.
In his ruling on April 13th, 2026, Justice Alito wrote,
The part of the President's Oath of Office that says "ā€¦ preserve, protect and defend the Constitution ā€¦" refers to the original parchment document that the Founders wrote in 1787, not the words it contains or the concepts it embodies.
In his ruling on April 13th, 2026, Justice Alito wrote,
The part of the President's Oath of Office that says "ā€¦ preserve, protect and defend the Constitution ā€¦" refers to the original parchment document that the Founders wrote in 1787, not the words it contains or the concepts it embodies.

Is this real? Because if so, Alito should be immediately arrested and tried for undermining the American Democracy.
I can understand some of the rulings of the court - one could view it as also protecting current presidents from the next one.

However, where they abdicated their duty is not speaking to the specifics of the case in front of them, or even providing any clear mediation when a president is egregiously violating the law. Republicans are saying "these doomsday scenarios won't happen." They give no recourse if it does. It's an abdication of duty, to release this incomplete mess on the last day of the court's business for awhile.

Trump is not off the hook, the road is just more narrow. But all of this stuff is going to find its way back up the court again, and they've been ruling almost unanimously for the biggest criminal grifter ever to hold public office.
Agreed. It makes sense that the President is immune from prosecution for official acts such as ordering the killing of Bin Laden. But taking and not returning classified documents after leaving office, or conspiring to overturn an election? You could say the SCOTUS sent this back to lower courts to decide what's an official act and what isn't, but ultimately any decisions a former President doesn't agree with will go back to the SCOTUS, which just means further delay no matter how they eventually rule.

Remember when "used car salesman" was the exemplar of an untrustworthy person? (No offense to anyone here who falls into that category ā€” I've bought several used cars from good salespeople over the years.) I'd wager "Supreme Court Justices" and "Congresspeople" fall even lower in the rankings these days.
Given that it is dated April 13, 2026, I kind of doubt itā€™s real.

Iā€™d feel a lot better if the content proved it was a hoax and not the date.

For instance, ā€œPresident Trump orders AG to arrest Liz Cheney for treasonā€ is something Iā€™d believe until I saw an incorrect date.
This x1000! I tried to watch jake Tapper on CNN but he spent the first 10 minutes just eviscerating Biden's performance without a hint of irony that they let Trump lie like a rug unchecked. It was like something we expect from Fox News.

The Blue Wall is starting to crack.

As of now, 2 Dem Congressmen and 1 Dem Senator are saying he should step down.

Pelosi, after vehemently defending him Friday, now says discussions about his mental health are appropriate.

Will he refuse to submit? Time will tell, but I canā€™t imagine he can withstand it too much longer.
Kind of ironic, really. The Democrats hold their people to a high-ish standard and are not afraid to criticize those in power. The Republicans elevate the most worthless piece of shit they can find, avidly licking his boots. Mitch? I mean, come on. Lamentable that way to effectively run the country into the ground is to be the biggest sack of the stinkiest turds they possibly can.

(yes, "ironic" is not quite the right word, there)
Kind of ironic, really. The Democrats hold their people to a high-ish standard and are not afraid to criticize those in power. The Republicans elevate the most worthless piece of shit they can find, avidly licking his boots. Mitch? I mean, come on. Lamentable that way to effectively run the country into the ground is to be the biggest sack of the stinkiest turds they possibly can.

(yes, "ironic" is not quite the right word, there)

Pretty astonishing, isn't it? Well, at least in a normal world it would be.

I just don't understand why leadership in the republican party are not able to man/woman-up and say no to criminal charlatans bent on destroying democracy and the country. Apparently trump has them all by the 'nads.

Liz Cheney stood up during the January 6th Committee hearings. Were the rest of the repubs born without spines?
Looks like he is going to do an interview with Stephanopoulos this Friday, but it won't be airing live. That won't allay any fears if it is not done live.

And it also looks like the big Dem money is going to be moving to House and Senate races. This will certainly benefit the Dems trying to keep/regain control of Congress.
Looks like he is going to do an interview with Stephanopoulos this Friday, but it won't be airing live. That won't allay any fears if it is not done live.

I would like to see that interview without any handlers around. Maybe a walk around the WH grounds for 45 minutes. Just Joe, George, and a camera operator.
Right-wing theory: He is referred to as Jacked-up Joe when he is like he was at Friday's rally. Pump him full of stimulants and turn him loose. Can't do that for a debate.

I must say the ā€œjacked up Joeā€ talking annoys the hell of me. As someone who specialized in clinical psychopharmacology, I maybe know a little bit about the disease and the effects of pharmaceuticals.

Dementia IS NOT treated with stimulants. Stimulants improve focus, alertness, and energy. It may have some effect on improving working memory (short term, needed to complete tasks). Stimulants do not make you remember things youā€™ve forgotten, it does not repair the physical damage of neurons that is the cause of dementia symptoms.

It also should be emphasized these drugs can also negatively impact other aspects of cognitive performance and induce unwanted side effects. Elderly folks are especially sensitive to side effects, especially psychological side effects. For example, stimulants can increase restlessness and irritability (always symptoms of dementia). They are notorious for causing insomnia, poor sleep throws fuel on the fire or dementia. These drugs also cause cardiac stress and most elderly people already have cardiovascular problems.

Stimulants have been around for a long time and have been studied for dementia. The conclusion is they are not effective- again, why would they be- they do nothing to resolve the underlying damage causing the disease. Methylphenidate may improve apathy in dementia patients, but is not a common practice to use it given the other risks.

The sad reality is that there is really no meaningful treatment available because the Alzheimerā€™s drugs really donā€™t work that well and all they do is slow the progression- basically at best on the order of several months. They merely prolong the inevitable.

My suspicion is that before large events, Bidenā€™s team do as much as possible to keep him unstressed and with plenty of rest. I imagine debate prep was not the only reason Biden spent a week at Camp David. Itā€™s also a fact Biden has had more ā€œvacation daysā€ than anyone, at least in modern times. I think itā€™s evident he performs much better using a teleprompter than having to speak off the cuff with no notes.

What also drives me crazy is when Joe preforms very poorly, then the next day he does fine, and then his supporters exclaim how amazing he was. The nature of dementia is that ebbs and flows day to day and within days, but the disease is always progressive. We see the inconsistent performance and itā€™s clear looking back even 5 years, even 2, he is not the same Joe Biden. I donā€™t see how he could make it another 4 years in office.

Despite the fact I have been vocal about my concerns for some time, I take no pleasure in his illness. I find it disgusting how many on the right talk about this. Dementia is probably the most sinister diseases. It robs the patient of themselves, destroying their mind bit by bit, effectively killing off the person inside while allowing their body to live. For anyone who has ever known someone with dementia, itā€™s devastating to watch. Ultimately all we have in life is our mind, if we lose it to dementia, do we even still exist?

I also find the talk about his family abhorrent. Unfounded conspiracies like Jill must be a power hungry sociopath making her husband stay in office so she can secretly rule. Or Hunter wonā€™t let his father quit because of he did he heā€™d no longer be able to influence peddle for money.

Usually the last person to recognize the symptoms is the person with dimentia. Iā€™m sure Joe has no interest in quitting. Heā€™s clearly not yet so far gone heā€™s totally lost, but this is one of those awful diseases that tells people they donā€™t have a problem. Thereā€™s probably also a faction of people who donā€™t want Joe to quit because then theyā€™ll lose their job and status. Thereā€™s also a massive Dem political machine weighing down on Joe to not let Trump win, especially by default. More than likely Jill is supporting her husbandā€™s wishes as a supportive wife- she seems to genuinely care for him. Not like a Trump-Melania or Bill-Hillary Clinton. I think itā€™s beyond cruel to make such accusations about his family.

Iā€™m not very impressed with the Biden presidency as you know, but I am saddened seeing anyone struggling with dementia symptoms and I find the circumstances Joe is stuck with to be totally unfair for him.
His voice is harsh, but it's his crazy that bothers me.

For all the complaints of Trumpā€™s conspiracy theories (totally valid btw- like that he actually won 2020, Obamaā€™s birth certificate, HRC-Ukraine collusion, etc), from what I can gather there isnā€™t a conspiracy theory RFK wonā€™t buy into. It seems like in his mind everything has a conspiracy behind it. He is on a whole different level than Trump. If you ask me, any leader pushing conspiracies is likely to cause damage to society.

I encourage anyone not aware to read up on this he extent of RFKā€™s wacky views.
Tonight didn't go well for Biden, sounds like we all agree on that but what you've been "saying all along" is nothing but right wing talking points while blatantly omitting any and every gaffe out of Trump's mouth. Sorry, but you've shown yourself to be MAGA all the way on this site, at least own up to it.

You are aware talking points can be entirely and in part factual, even if they come from somewhere other than your side.

My judgements are based on my relevant professional background- not the opinion of an alleged jiournslst operating as partial political hack with no medical or psych qualifications. I donā€™t consume much right wing media and when I do itā€™s not the trash content like Biden falling down on loop. I donā€™t find outrage porn (which is seemingly most of our media landscape!) as informative.

Iā€™m not sure how many times I have to say Trump is mentally unfit for president- though for very different reasons. Plus, his inaction on Jan 6 to stop the chaos should be considered disqualifying and criminal. If that makes me MAGA, then you might be delusional.

How would you feel if I pointed out that you present no different than the actual MAGA people you despise. Congrats! You evidently have no interest in the value of truth- you seem entirely content absorbing your partyā€™s talking points without question, even at the expense of disregarding reality. Policy far less importance than winning against the opposition.

The way some of our countryā€™s media organizations have handled Bidenā€™s cognitive status (seems apparent they were spreading disinformation). This would be no different than Fox promoting voter machine fraud while behind closed doors knowing what theyā€™re saying is BS. This is actually so much worse on an ethical level.
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