USA Election 2024

As a result he's backing out of his scheduled 60 minutes interview. Wow.
That was my main takeaway. And honestly, shouldn't it be a little boring? It's a nice contrast the circus the other guy puts on. I also thought JD did pretty good. But as you said, who cares? No voter will be swayed to one side or the other by this performance.

Yes, I’m glad it was civil, but there’s also a paradox at play here because while I definitely want civility, Vance, it masks the vileness of Trump and MAGA. JD Vance said a lot of things that were reasonable, but Walz should have countered “the problem is, senator, you’re not running for president, your running for VP, and your running mate doesn’t share the same civility as you, and so your professed values here tonight clash with who you’re representing on the ticket.”

Walz did not need to be uncivil, and I really wish these debates were the norm, but it that debate felt off because it stands in such stark contrast to Trump.

Also, while Walz brought it up, he didn’t hammer Vance enough on endangering his own constituents.

I’m glad it was civil, and I don’t think it hurt either side, but it probably helped Vance a little more since he was such a train wreck before last night. Walz should not have allowed Vance to be the wolf in sheep’s clothing, he should have better exposed Vance. But, Walz did fine as well, so it probably isn’t going to move many people. I just think Walz missed an opportunity to really put Vance on the ropes for his flip-flopping and engaging with a racist coup plotter.
With respect to Vance... while my expectations were low going into the debate, Vance ended up exceeding them. He had good optics. And he distanced himself from trump when he needed to. He's still a phony and very slick opportunist who pivots well.

I think he'll add some legitimacy to those on the fence for choosing trump. Especially in swing states. Will it be enough? Day before yesterday I would have for sure said no. Today? I hope not.

Clearly he's running for President in a future election.

I'm just hoping trump will do something incredibly stupid over the next 30 days.
I didn't watch but here's the takeaway from Newsweek:

Tim Walz Gets Bigger Polling Boost Than JD Vance After VP Debate​

According to CNN's instant poll of viewers who watched the VP debate, Walz was at 46% favorable, 32% unfavorable (net +14%) before the debate, while Vance was at 30% favorable, 52% unfavorable (net -22%). After the debate, 59% had a favorable view of Walz, with just 22% viewing him unfavorably (net +37%), while 41% had a favorable view of Vance, with 44% viewing him unfavorably (net -3%).

So while Vance did have an increase in approval after from debate (from -22% to -3%), Walz actually went from +14% to +37% net approval after the debate! His increase in favorability was actually bigger than Vance's! So much for all the takes from the media that Walz somehow did poorly in the debate.
I’d bet a month’s pay on that. I’m sure he’s doing something stupid as I type this.
Probably should create a Bingo card for ALL the stupid things he'll say/do between now and November.
I didn't see this heavily reported, or at least I didn't pay attention to it with all the turmoil in the Middle East.

Seems like there has been more of an uptick in threats and or attempts on Trump. In this case, the individual in question is obviously struggling with mental illness. Wonder how many of these don't get reported in the news against Trump or Harris?

I didn't watch but here's the takeaway from Newsweek:

Tim Walz Gets Bigger Polling Boost Than JD Vance After VP Debate​

According to CNN's instant poll of viewers who watched the VP debate, Walz was at 46% favorable, 32% unfavorable (net +14%) before the debate, while Vance was at 30% favorable, 52% unfavorable (net -22%). After the debate, 59% had a favorable view of Walz, with just 22% viewing him unfavorably (net +37%), while 41% had a favorable view of Vance, with 44% viewing him unfavorably (net -3%).

So while Vance did have an increase in approval after from debate (from -22% to -3%), Walz actually went from +14% to +37% net approval after the debate! His increase in favorability was actually bigger than Vance's! So much for all the takes from the media that Walz somehow did poorly in the debate.
I doubt if the debate changed many minds: At this point, people mostly tune in to validate their existing choice. Vance was smooth and polished, as I expected him to be. He was better than Walz at relating information about a variety of topics. But he still lied repeatedly, especially when he said Trump presided over the transfer of power peacefully and then refused to say Biden won in 2020. In some ways, he's more dangerous than Trump because he can seem reasonable.

According to Trump and Vance, the "open border" and immigrants are responsible for all this country's problems. As nonsensical as that is, it's all they have. I also get tired of them claiming Harris had four years to fix everything, as if any VP can do that. Unfortunately, the Harris campaign can't push back too hard because they want Harris to take credit for some of the administration's accomplishments.

Meanwhile, Trump sounds more off the rails every day:

According to Trump and Vance, the "open border" and immigrants are responsible for all this country's problems. As nonsensical as that is, it's all they have.

That’s all far right politics ever offers, a never ending parade of ethnic minorities to blame all problems on. Toss in non straight people too for some reason. The end result is always violence and war which solves nothing.

I'm less worried about the politicians than their armed knuckle dragging supporters who think their candidate winning is a mandate to attack minorities and turn women into domestic slave baby factories. The Nazi party didn't get elected into office on a WWII and holocaust platform but that's what the electorate got.
Who knew? Comforting to know that if he's elected, he'll abolish NOAA.

He’s a manipulative moron with a bunch of little morons in trail. Any regular person who thinks Trump cares about them, deserves him. The thing is, the majority does not.
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JD Vance held his own. This was far more of a normal debate, minus Vance constantly going on about migrants.

It was interesting, but somewhat boring. Obviously, I think Walz came across as more believable, but I don’t think this moves anyone in any direction. It also didn’t hurt either opponent, though I almost couldn’t take it when Vance credited Trump with saving the ACA and his remarks on J6.

As is usual with these things, I think team Trump wasn’t hammered hard enough. But I understand Walz is trying to help change the tone with Harris. And to his credit, is is Vance. But that just makes it more infuriating, and I’m surprised Walz didn’t at least one time say to Vance “how can you be so polite and run with a POS?”

He also got off light on his comments about women.

I think Walz won here, but Vance did enough for his side to claim he won. Which they would do anyways, but at least it has a semblance of believability this time.
Vrump came across as a slick con man, smooth but evident when listening to the words that came out of his mouth.
  • He said The Head Moron Is the populist who will bring back manufacturing jobs back. Remember the Wisconsin photo op ground breaking for a Foxcon LED factory (I think) that was never built? He brought zero manufacturing back. The idea of being a populist is so laughable, but it’s not funny.
  • White washed 6 Jan, Trump peacefully turned over power on 20Jan after the coup attempt soft and hard failed.
  • Refused to admit that Trump lost the 2020 election.
He’s as sleazy as they come, a lying Trump Mini-Me shit bag… 🤬