USA Election 2024

The House Speaker (who is from Louisiana) refuses to call the House into session to vote on hurricane relief until after November 5th, because, that might help the Democrats.
Jesus what a horrible Christian. when he knocks on the heavenly doors there will be a big T on it. and instead of god opening the door it will be the devil with a trump mask.
Can you spell dereliction of duty?
The Dems should be running ads around this by showing how the Republicans' failure to fund disaster relief is affecting Americans as another hurricane bears down on Florida and massive cleanups are underway in North Carolina and elsewhere.

I'd also like to see ads driving home how the Trumplicans' Project 2025 playbook will affect people. Show women being forced to wait until they're dying because they can't get abortion care. Show an elderly couple talking about how their Social Security will be cut and what that will do to them. Show violent storms hitting Florida and other red states as climate change gets even worse under Trump, while he and other wealthy Americans evade the effects.
The Dems should be running ads around this by showing how the Republicans' failure to fund disaster relief is affecting Americans as another hurricane bears down on Florida and massive cleanups are underway in North Carolina and elsewhere.

I'd also like to see ads driving home how the Trumplicans' Project 2025 playbook will affect people. Show women being forced to wait until they're dying because they can't get abortion care. Show an elderly couple talking about how their Social Security will be cut and what that will do to them. Show violent storms hitting Florida and other red states as climate change gets even worse under Trump, while he and other wealthy Americans evade the effects.
It also needs to run on Fox, only for the reason that if Trump wins, they cannot then claim "well I didn't know .... when I voted for him."
Luckily, nobody is on truth social. We’re four weeks out, any converts his lying convinces this late in the game probably weren’t winnable anyways.

*Harris was just on the tarmac giving comments to the press. She had a press blitz lined up this week. She did excellent, but the sad thing is, she didn’t say anything profound. The former president is irresponsible. He’s lying. Listen to your local officials and listen to their advice and warnings.

This is very good for her. Put the politics aside and put the people first was her message, while making sure to point out how irresponsible the other side is by lying.


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Kamala was asked about DeSantis refusing to speak with her and she took the high road, talking about coming together for the better of everyone and putting politics aside, then spoke about the best way forward for those in need is to talk to their local sheriffs. This is the right approach IMO.

BTW It's typically the job of the VP to help with natural disasters, I'm sure it will be viewed as political a month from the election but it's not outside of the norm.
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as usual with trump every accusation is a confession. he was the one that took forever to help Puerto Rico and then it was all corrupt tried to not help California and one other state got one percent of the money they asked for course is a blue state.
Trump whiffed a softball interview with Laura Ingraham. Even softballs - “you aren’t going to be a fascist, right? You’re not going to weaponize the DoJ are you?” You can imagine, his answers weren’t “of course not”. The opposite.

She also had to fact check him a few times, so if Laura Ingraham is fact checking him, maybe those ABC moderators weren’t all that bad.
Looks like Trump is refusing to take the security briefings because he is afraid he will be accused of giving up the information so in other words, another confession to ignorant what's going on
Looks like Trump is refusing to take the security briefings because he is afraid he will be accused of giving up the information so in other words, another confession to ignorant what's going on
Considering that he’s still talking to Vladdy Daddy, probably a good thing that he isn’t getting those briefings:
