USA Election 2024

I want one.

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I'm still preparing myself for another Trump victory. She's about to do a Fox News interview, struggling to keep what are normally locked in voting blocs and lobbying for more debates... all things the candidate who is behind typically do. Would love to see her pull it off but I've gone from optimistic to skeptical over the last few weeks.

I think the only way we'll ever be able to truly put Trump behind us is if he keels over somehow.

Did Bill Clinton really just say what he said? Referring to Laken Riley:

"You had a case in Georgia not very long ago, didn't you? They made an ad about it, a young woman who had been killed by an immigrant. Yeah, well, if they'd all been properly vetted that probably wouldn't have happened."

WTF am I missing? This is going to part of a Trump commercial by the end of the day.
Would love to see her pull it off but I've gone from optimistic to skeptical over the last few weeks.

Why do you think this is? Trump hasn’t done anything extraordinary to move the needle, so why do you think her support slipping?
Not chiding, just surprised.
You said, or at least strongly implied, Harris's agreement to be interviewed on Fox was just this side of full panic mode, no? I don't see it that way at all. In a close election, every bit counts. Regardless, I think trying to reach people whose only knowledge of what Harris is proposing for the country and how it compares to the Republican agenda has come from Fox News, Trump, and Vance — most of which are lies — is a good thing. Heck, I'd say it would be appropriate even if Harris were 20 points ahead in all the polls. Isn't that what we need more of in this country?
I was in Sendona AZ about a month ago and during the few times I watched TV there was an excessive amount of political ads, mostly against Ruben Gallego and mostly in reference to the border. I didn’t know what he is running for or who he is running against. It was ads like “veterans against Ruben Gallego.” It wasn’t until recently that I found out he’s running against Kari Lake. It’s as if her campaign and anti-Democrats know she’s so toxic that she shouldn’t even be mentioned in attack ads against her opponent because the takeaway would be “Ruben Gallego is bad, but at least he’s not Kari Lake”, as if they don’t want the shock to hit them until they actually vote. “Well, I know I don’t want to vote for Ruben Gallego. So I’ll just have to vote for…AHHHHHH!”
why do you think her support slipping?
Don't know if it's slipping - the polls are very flaky at this point.
But I am disappointed she isn't running away with it, given the alternative.
I am frankly astounded that you seem to think the 2025 agenda, whatever it will turn out to be in practical terms, is worth the risk of a second Trump coming (assuming that is your rationale).

Why? Hard to fathom (for me) but I suspect a combo of mistaken belief supporters think he is a known quantity, re-inforced by social media bubble isolation from reality. You might argue that pertains to both sides, but even if that is true, what supporters of T are blinding themselves to dwarfs what the dems may be blind to, IMHO.

I am fairly convinced by what has transpired over the last couple of years indicates a second T term would be catastrophically different from the first, which was bad enough for me. And with catastrophic, I mean for me, for you, the US, and the world.
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I’m surprised anyone can take this madman seriously, especially Herdfan. There’s a clear cognitive dissonance. Democrats have to thread every needle and balance every beam, this batshit insane fat-f**k isn’t even trying and is goose stepping his way to the White House without trying, shitting himself and rambling incoherently all along the way.

I’ve tried to see it from the other side, I cannot. Not from day one I haven’t. Let come what may, get the incontinet simp back in there, republicans will suffer under his racist and wealth-socialist isolationist polices too.
That might explain it if Trump were gaining. He isn’t. His support has been 47-48% for a while.

It is her support that is dropping.
Well @Herdfan, if Rump gets back in, you'll have one less snowflake to worry about: Me. I'm not going to list it all out, most here have a pretty good grasp on what another Rump term will be (even if we ever get to vote again as he said we won't have to worry about that anymore). Suffice it to say my quality of life will be negative zero and to me, that isn't worth living.
I'm still preparing myself for another Trump victory. She's about to do a Fox News interview, struggling to keep what are normally locked in voting blocs and lobbying for more debates... all things the candidate who is behind typically do. Would love to see her pull it off but I've gone from optimistic to skeptical over the last few weeks.

I think the only way we'll ever be able to truly put Trump behind us is if he keels over somehow.
I'm afraid I'm generally in agreement with you. Fervently hoping for keeling, any way possible.

Also, we'll still have about 1/4-1/3 the population who believe he's the best option for POTUS. No matter what happens to him, we still have them.
My employer is based in Switzerland, and recently asked for volunteers to go support our site in Visp there. They asked for a year commitment, which my wife and I felt was too long apart; I couldn't talk them down to 6 months. If Trump wins, I may beg them to send me for a year, and start the process to relocate. Another 4 years of him is something I'm not sure I can take.
I'm afraid I'm generally in agreement with you. Fervently hoping for keeling, any way possible.

Also, we'll still have about 1/4-1/3 the population who believe he's the best option for POTUS. No matter what happens to him, we still have them.
Plus the biggest tell is Herdfan started posting in this thread again, something he only does when things start going his way. When Kamala gets a bounce he's nowhere to be found. :ROFLMAO:
Plus the biggest tell is Herdfan started posting in this thread again, something he only does when things start going his way. When Kamala gets a bounce he's nowhere to be found. :ROFLMAO:

Some truth to that, but mainly because it was made clear that most of the posters don't want to know what the other side is saying/thinking. I have known she has had a problem for several weeks, but if you came here and read some of the posts, you would never know it. So why come just for the abuse.

She can't answer a question without a word salad. That is her biggest failing and is probably going to cost her the election.

As for how I knew she had issues while the lovefest was still going on? It's because I read the crosstabs of the polls, not just the results and they have been flashing red for her for 3-4 weeks.
Well @Herdfan, if Rump gets back in, you'll have one less snowflake to worry about: Me. I'm not going to list it all out, most here have a pretty good grasp on what another Rump term will be (even if we ever get to vote again as he said we won't have to worry about that anymore). Suffice it to say my quality of life will be negative zero and to me, that isn't worth living.

I hope this doesn't mean what it implies. I really don't. 🥲

If so, PLEASE talk to someone. PLEASE!