USA Election 2024

I must say the “jacked up Joe” talking annoys the hell of me. As someone who specialized in clinical psychopharmacology, I maybe know a little bit about the disease and the effects of pharmaceuticals.

Dementia IS NOT treated with stimulants. Stimulants improve focus, alertness, and energy. It may have some effect on improving working memory (short term, needed to complete tasks). Stimulants do not make you remember things you’ve forgotten, it does not repair the physical damage of neurons that is the cause of dementia symptoms.

It also should be emphasized these drugs can also negatively impact other aspects of cognitive performance and induce unwanted side effects. Elderly folks are especially sensitive to side effects, especially psychological side effects. For example, stimulants can increase restlessness and irritability (always symptoms of dementia). They are notorious for causing insomnia, poor sleep throws fuel on the fire or dementia. These drugs also cause cardiac stress and most elderly people already have cardiovascular problems.

Stimulants have been around for a long time and have been studied for dementia. The conclusion is they are not effective- again, why would they be- they do nothing to resolve the underlying damage causing the disease. Methylphenidate may improve apathy in dementia patients, but is not a common practice to use it given the other risks.

The sad reality is that there is really no meaningful treatment available because the Alzheimer’s drugs really don’t work that well and all they do is slow the progression- basically at best on the order of several months. They merely prolong the inevitable.

My suspicion is that before large events, Biden’s team do as much as possible to keep him unstressed and with plenty of rest. I imagine debate prep was not the only reason Biden spent a week at Camp David. It’s also a fact Biden has had more “vacation days” than anyone, at least in modern times. I think it’s evident he performs much better using a teleprompter than having to speak off the cuff with no notes.

What also drives me crazy is when Joe preforms very poorly, then the next day he does fine, and then his supporters exclaim how amazing he was. The nature of dementia is that ebbs and flows day to day and within days, but the disease is always progressive. We see the inconsistent performance and it’s clear looking back even 5 years, even 2, he is not the same Joe Biden. I don’t see how he could make it another 4 years in office.

Despite the fact I have been vocal about my concerns for some time, I take no pleasure in his illness. I find it disgusting how many on the right talk about this. Dementia is probably the most sinister diseases. It robs the patient of themselves, destroying their mind bit by bit, effectively killing off the person inside while allowing their body to live. For anyone who has ever known someone with dementia, it’s devastating to watch. Ultimately all we have in life is our mind, if we lose it to dementia, do we even still exist?

I also find the talk about his family abhorrent. Unfounded conspiracies like Jill must be a power hungry sociopath making her husband stay in office so she can secretly rule. Or Hunter won’t let his father quit because of he did he he’d no longer be able to influence peddle for money.

Usually the last person to recognize the symptoms is the person with dimentia. I’m sure Joe has no interest in quitting. He’s clearly not yet so far gone he’s totally lost, but this is one of those awful diseases that tells people they don’t have a problem. There’s probably also a faction of people who don’t want Joe to quit because then they’ll lose their job and status. There’s also a massive Dem political machine weighing down on Joe to not let Trump win, especially by default. More than likely Jill is supporting her husband’s wishes as a supportive wife- she seems to genuinely care for him. Not like a Trump-Melania or Bill-Hillary Clinton. I think it’s beyond cruel to make such accusations about his family.

I’m not very impressed with the Biden presidency as you know, but I am saddened seeing anyone struggling with dementia symptoms and I find the circumstances Joe is stuck with to be totally unfair for him.

Thank you for your thoughtful assessment. Appreciate it!
Thank you for your thoughtful assessment. Appreciate it!
Now ask him about Trump and his memory and you'll get zilch. Whenever we get these Republicans bashing only Biden, whether it be a memory problems, gaffes, etc. and never criticizing a man who is a convicted sexual offender and a felon with multiple indictments hanging over his head you get nothing. The man was looking for Rudy Giuliani while he was talking with at the same time, he constantly confuses people and facts, and yet nothing from the Republican echo chamber.

If people like Herdfan and AG_PhamD want any sort of credibility, they need to be objective, not partisan. Otherwise, they're just MAGA nuts with zero credibility.
Now ask him about Trump and his memory and you'll get zilch. Whenever we get these Republicans bashing only Biden, whether it be a memory problems, gaffes, etc. and never criticizing a man who is a convicted sexual offender and a felon with multiple indictments hanging over his head you get nothing. The man was looking for Rudy Giuliani while he was talking with at the same time, he constantly confuses people and facts, and yet nothing from the Republican echo chamber.

If people like Herdfan and AG_PhamD want any sort of credibility, they need to be objective, not partisan. Otherwise, they're just MAGA nuts with zero credibility.

It was a thoughtful (and caring) apolitical assessment. I learned a few things as a result. I'll always give credit and thanks when it is due.
It was a thoughtful (and caring) apolitical assessment. I learned a few things as a result. I'll always give credit and thanks when it is due.
ONLY giving the assessment when it's against a Democrat is hardly apolitical, it's hyperpartisan and he's never been anything but on this site. Will agree to disagree here but will always call them on it, if they want any sort of credibility they need to look at both sides otherwise it's like watching Fox News segments.
ONLY giving the assessment when it's against a Democrat is hardly apolitical, it's hyperpartisan and he's never been anything but on this site. Will agree to disagree here but will always call them on it, if they want any sort of credibility they need to look at both sides otherwise it's like watching Fox News segments.

I'd agree if it was loaded with political dogma. But it wasn't. It was simply an assessment that helped me understand what I observed during the debate. For which I'm thankful as I was trying to understand what was happening. Again... I was seeking information about what was happening with Biden (and not trump - I understand him pretty well).

Being neither a Democrat or Republican I don't have a problem with that if the information rings true.
The way some of our country’s media organizations have handled Biden’s cognitive status (seems apparent they were spreading disinformation).

I think the problem is that the truth tends to get lost behind the lies. There have been quite a few times where videoclips have been doctored to make things appear considerably worse than they were, pictures that were Photoshopped and presented as factual, rumors and outright falsehoods floated as rock solid fact. After enough exposure to it, you tend to want to dismiss it outright anytime the subject is broached.

Then, lo and behold, you find out there was some truth among the bullshit.
I was seeking information about what was happening with Biden (and not trump - I understand him pretty well).
Why is it he only ever addresses Biden though, nobody seems to care about this but it's glaring. He's an expert on Biden's condition, only ever talks about Biden, never using those expert assessment skills to call out his own party. His credibility is a joke and it gets tiring reading the diatribes of partisan hacks.

I can assure you if any of these pundits showed a shred of objectivity I wouldn't be so hard on them but they deserve to be called out for what they are.
Why is it he only ever addresses Biden though, nobody seems to care about this but it's glaring. He's an expert on Biden's condition, only ever talks about Biden, never using those expert assessment skills to call out his own party. His credibility is a joke and it gets tiring reading the diatribes of partisan hacks.

I can assure you if any of these pundits showed a shred of objectivity I wouldn't be so hard on them but they deserve to be called out for what they are.

Publicly calling out members on this forum just doesn't interest me. I'll never be doing that. Why? Because there's a very thin line between calling someone out and being insulting or attacking. As soon as the word "you" is used in a sentence it becomes very personal, and potentially escalatory. Watch out on that! :)

While I may 1,000% disagree with him (and others) about a variety of subjects and politics, I'm still curious about their views, and curious about people in general (that may have come from reading Feynman's books long ago :) ). That's why I enjoy hitting up random strangers on the street for conversation (and a couple of photos).
Publicly calling out members on this forum just doesn't interest me. I'll never be doing that. Why? Because there's a very thin line between calling someone out and being insulting or attacking. As soon as the word "you" is used in a sentence it becomes very personal, and potentially escalatory. Watch out on that! :)

While I may 1,000% disagree with him (and others) about a variety of subjects and politics, I'm still curious about their views, and curious about people in general. That's why I enjoy hitting up random strangers on the street for conversation (and a couple of photos).
Sure, as long as they're attacking the president, and not anyone on this forum directly, it's not a "personal attack". Biden deserves to be defended, as does Trump in some cases to be fair. I'm not asking you to agree with me calling them out or not, I'm just telling you they deserve it and it will happen when I see it. Feel free to press the ignore button on me if it's too personal.
Back to the news ;)

Biden has started talking to advisors about getting out. The WH denies this, which probably means its true.
The sooner the better IMO, he's served us well and should be spending his remaining time with his family. He's just not fit for the highest office in the land, I think the same about Trump for different reasons to be fair.
Sure, as long as they're attacking the president, and not anyone on this forum directly, it's not a "personal attack". Biden deserves to be defended, as does Trump in some cases to be fair. I'm not asking you to agree with me calling them out or not, I'm just telling you they deserve it and it will happen when I see it. Feel free to press the ignore button on me if it's too personal.

No worries on that. I enjoy reading what you have to say. And of course seeing your photography!
The sooner the better IMO, he's served us well and should be spending his remaining time with his family.

Agreed. The life of an ex-President should be a nice one.

So I guess the question is if he plans to drop out, should he go ahead and resign to let Harris be the incumbent (and force Trump to get new hats).

Of course, there is great risk and great reward in doing this. She may show people she is 100% up for the job or the exact opposite. Everyone probably should buy stock in Orville Redenbacher as it is probably going to skyrocket. :)
Agreed. The life of an ex-President should be a nice one.

So I guess the question is if he plans to drop out, should he go ahead and resign to let Harris be the incumbent (and force Trump to get new hats).

Of course, there is great risk and great reward in doing this. She may show people she is 100% up for the job or the exact opposite. Everyone probably should buy stock in Orville Redenbacher as it is probably going to skyrocket. :)
She is not my first choice but that's mostly because I am a Newsom fan, that said she's polling the highest of them all against Trump, still under by within the margin of error. Whoever they choose stands a better chance IMO though, I think Biden only hurts the party by staing in at this point.
She is not my first choice but that's mostly because I am a Newsom fan,

I think he is going to wait for 2028. He can have a clean start and run a campaign the way he wants and not get into a rushed 2024 campaign where he may not have things the way he would like them. And possibly lose.
I think he is going to wait for 2028. He can have a clean start and run a campaign the way he wants and not get into a rushed 2024 campaign where he may not have things the way he would like them. And possibly lose.

You keep thinking things will be normal and there will be a normal election. If dems don't keep the presidency that's it. trump and his minions have told us what they will do and Trump has full unfettered power now. so remember if you vote for your own interests you may kiss America as we know it goodbye.
You keep thinking things will be normal and there will be a normal election. If dems don't keep the presidency that's it. trump and his minions have told us what they will do and Trump has full unfettered power now. so remember if you vote for your own interests you may kiss America as we know it goodbye.

I am sorry, but that is just a bunch of hyperbole. Trump does not have unfettered power.
She is not my first choice but that's mostly because I am a Newsom fan, that said she's polling the highest of them all against Trump, still under by within the margin of error. Whoever they choose stands a better chance IMO though, I think Biden only hurts the party by staing in at this point.

Apparently nobody has done more studies on their viability behind the scenes than Gretchen Whitmer. I said before, a popular Democrat governor of a swing state would be a smart move. It should swing that state to the Democrat nominee and I think she doesn’t come with a lot of baggage or assumptions like Newsom does. AFAIK the only possible strike against her from the right is how she handled Covid, or at least that’s all the national media mentioned…and the kidnapping plot against her. And all Democrats are satanic. Maybe she once wore an unsexy power suit. Other than those things I can't think of anything.
I am sorry, but that is just a bunch of hyperbole. Trump does not have unfettered power.
I guess you kind of missed how Republicans have pledged their hearts and souls to him well if they had any. The Supreme Court has said he is immune to pretty much anything so who is going to stand against him? he said he is going to take over all three branches of the government. so who is going to have the power to stand against him? Republicans are corrupting voting fast too and now they will feel eboldened. No court can stand against him and are willing to help him.