USA Election 2024

Trump has 5 children from 3 different mothers, all of which he cheated on. That's how Jesus would want it.

Megachurch pastor tells congregation to "vote like Jesus" by supporting Trump​

CORRUPT CORRUPT and the rest of Christianity remains silent, complicit. “Vote like Jesus” as the Devil laughs hysterically. Note, I do believe in metaphorical devils. And although I won’t blanketly condemn religion, as an institution it certain has a long bloody, established history. These ass wipe evangicals are happy to prove my point for me. They're so much like Trump, incompetent in their beliefs, vile and manipulative, more than ready to strip your rights as a U.S. Citizen in a Jesus heart beat, for the Vile Halls of a stick it up your ass, Suedo-Trump Theocracy.

To be fair Democrats hold their politicians to a different standard with much higher expectations. Franken took an inappropriate image mocking a women as she slept, he was right to be called on it. Trump literally raped women and they made him a president.

Different party, different standards.
That’s beside the point, overkill in Franken’s case, he was mocking no one, just being inappropriate comedic. A sincere policy should have sufficed.
Nothing to add about Trump doing the geriatric shuffle for 39 minutes

What do you think happened here? Do you know why it happened? Well here is an ABC News (I believe @Eric prefers network news links) story on it.

I tried to get a link directly from ABC, but it would only play for a few seconds and then freeze. But this one actually works better because you can see what Kamala HQ posted vs what the news report states.

Edit: per @Eric's response, here is a new link. Important part at around the 2:00 mark.

So before you saw this, did you believe what you were seeing was:

1) 100% the truth
2) Some truth with some deception
3) 100% false.

Because let me tell you, I don't believe 90% of what the media shows. And that includes FoxNews. Gallup's recent polling on trust in media shows that only 31%

The interesting thing is that Independents are only at 27%. Kind of expect the far right to not trust them, but they have lost Independents as well. And with Democrats at 54%, they are close to going negative with them (lost 16% since 2022). So you may be in the 31% that believes what you are being fed, but the rest of the country doesn't. And this is an example why, but it isn't because Kamala HQ posted it. That is what they are kind of supposed to do, but that spread across the news networks like wildfire. Thankfully ABC News was honest enough to report the actual truth.

So as to the other things, I am not casting a judgement on you for posting them, I simply don't trust your sources. This could be why no one seems to care what Trump has reportedly done: they don't believe it. We have been misled by the media too many times.
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Well here is an ABC News (I believe @Eric prefers network news links) story on it.
Unless users have a Twitter (X) account all they see is a generic "X" that takes them to a login page is all. Musk really ruined it by forcing everyone into an account. You're free to post it, just know that many won't even get the context when you paste the link.
I haven't seen him say anything about Trump's mental condition, plans for the country, or anything else that has so many of us at DEFCON 1.

Aside from not believing what the media is feeding us, I don't recall much concern over Biden's mental capacity. Yes, there were a couple of posters who admitted he was looking old, but for the most part, not a peep. Until he was exposed at the debate. And you can't tell me that his inner circle had no idea, but that is for a book yet to be published at some point in the future. So even after the debate, I think I would be fairly certain that most of you would have voted for him again anyway.

So now being concerned about Trump, not getting any traction with me.

More than once, you've used the term "word salad" to describe how Harris speaks.

Well here is one of her latest.

She was asked by Brian Taff of Philly's Action News 6 how she would bring prices in the US down. Her answer:

“Well, I’ll start with this: I grew up as a middle-class kid. My mother raised my sister and me. She worked very hard,” said Harris, before moving on to greener pastures — but not the economy.

“I grew up in a neighborhood of folks who were very proud of their lawn. You know? And, um, and I was raised to believe and to know that all people deserve dignity,” the vice president added.

If you can figure out where in that she provides a plan to bring prices down........... I would love to hear it.

Even SNL made fun of her long-winded answers to direct questions.
Unless users have a Twitter (X) account all they see is a generic "X" that takes them to a login page is all. Musk really ruined it by forcing everyone into an account. You're free to post it, just know that many won't even get the context when you paste the link.


Better link has been posted. Still shows the ABC News reporter and what he says about it.
What do you think happened here? Do you know why it happened? Well here is an ABC News (I believe @Eric prefers network news links) story on it.

I tried to get a link directly from ABC, but it would only play for a few seconds and then freeze. But this one actually works better because you can see what Kamala HQ posted vs what the news report states.

So before you saw this, did you believe what you were seeing was:

1) 100% the truth
2) Some truth with some deception
3) 100% false.

Because let me tell you, I don't believe 90% of what the media shows. And that includes FoxNews. Gallup's recent polling on trust in media shows that only 31%

The interesting thing is that Independents are only at 27%. Kind of expect the far right to not trust them, but they have lost Independents as well. And with Democrats at 54%, they are close to going negative with them (lost 16% since 2022). So you may be in the 31% that believes what you are being fed, but the rest of the country doesn't. And this is an example why, but it isn't because Kamala HQ posted it. That is what they are kind of supposed to do, but that spread across the news networks like wildfire. Thankfully ABC News was honest enough to report the actual truth.

So as to the other things, I am not casting a judgement on you for posting them, I simply don't trust your sources. This could be why no one seems to care what Trump has reportedly done: they don't believe it. We have been misled by the media too many times.
Oh come TF on, man. Do you mean all the videos where Trump rambles, changes subject, goes off topic, and slurs and has to repeat words are fabricated? If you saw a family member acting that way you'd be understandably concerned about them.

I do agree with you about one thing: I don't trust the mainstream media, but for a different reason unrelated to Trump's cognitive state. They haven't called nearly enough attention to the danger he poses if reelected because of the things he intends to do, as detailed in Project 2025 and by his and his cronies' pronouncements. A day or so ago, Michael Flynn, who would almost certainly serve in Trump's government, said he'd "open the gates of hell" in response to a question about "executing the swamp." You OK with all that, regardless of Trump's mental condition? No worries about him selling national secrets to the highest bidder? No issues with him starting a tariff war, extending the abortion ban like Vance wants, reversing progress on climate change, rounding up millions of immigrants, using the military against U.S. citizens?

Do you have any relative or friends who served in WW II? I do. This is what they fought against. How about people who died at the Nazis' hand? I do. That is why we're so scared.
She was asked by Brian Taff of Philly's Action News 6 how she would bring prices in the US down. Her answer:

If you can figure out where in that she provides a plan to bring prices down........... I would love to hear it.

With all due respect, you have been known in the past to pass along information to us and it's been clear that you didn't read your own source. With that knowledge in mind, I first set out to validate that quote. It was pretty easy actually. It was the opening question. And you're 100% correct that the quote you posted doesn't answer the question at all. I know from experience however (since I just finished watching it), that if one were to stick with it a couple minutes, she does start getting into all those details you seem to think are missing. Might this be another case of believing what you've told and then passing it along without verifying the information yourself first?

I thought we talked about this. It really makes you look silly. You should look into stuff first, then bring it to us. Otherwise it's just too simple to debunk. 🤷‍♂️

Oh, and that "word salad" is what some would call "introducing yourself to the audience". It was in the opening seconds where she starts in with that background information. Which admittedly, does go on for quite some time.

Finally, don't take my word for it, watch it yourself here and while listening, read the article which lists the "missing" details. It's under the heading "On the economy" in big, bold letters.

Not sure I'll post too much more, but I did wanted to offer a special thanks to several - really most - of the posters in this thread. While I haven't been actively involved on this site, I have occasionally done an anonymous "drive-by" and read the messages here, and with rare exception, they've been thoughtful, hopeful, and informative. Like many of you, I can't believe we're here, this close to the election, with a complete buffoon, an incompetent moron, a half-wit man-child, actually still in the running. That's it's not a landslide of reason, that the anti-science, anti-women's rights, anti-LGBTQ+ community, MAGA f***wits might actually decide the course of my country.

Oh, and special no thanks to at least one individual who has continued to diminish my faith in humanity.
No pressure but I hope you'll consider doing more drive-byes. I've missed your posts.
p.s: Your home has a beautiful view. So glad you all survived so well.
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No need for me to talk to someone. My family knows and respects my choice and allow me the dignity to do so. As do my specialists. There's a lot I don't share here concerning my health issues. Since I can't do it myself, I've already researched how someone can help me. It's my choice, my life. But if Rump gets back in, I'll never be able to afford most of the meds keeping me alive. I've lived a good life, I'm 100% okay with this and want to go on my terms.
I don't know you personally , just through what you write in this forums.
Let me say: your life is worth hundreds time more than the Orange guy.😢 😢 😢
No need for me to talk to someone. My family knows and respects my choice and allow me the dignity to do so. As do my specialists. There's a lot I don't share here concerning my health issues. Since I can't do it myself, I've already researched how someone can help me. It's my choice, my life. But if Rump gets back in, I'll never be able to afford most of the meds keeping me alive. I've lived a good life, I'm 100% okay with this and want to go on my terms.

I don't know you personally , just through what you write in this forums.
Let me say: your life is worth hundreds time more than the Orange guy.😢 😢 😢
SP, I would also add that you are among friends here and we're always happy to talk anytime. If Trump wins we'll have a ton of fodder anyway, we can all suffer his term together. :ROFLMAO:
I REALLY hope it will not be the case.
Don't believe in the polls , they have been wrong many times lately.
At least if she does lose it won't be for a lack of trying, I honestly believe that's what cost Hillary in 2016 and Kamala isn't making the same mistake. It's a steep hill to climb as Trump is still viewed as an incumbent by so many.
What do you think happened here? Do you know why it happened? Well here is an ABC News (I believe @Eric prefers network news links) story on it.

I tried to get a link directly from ABC, but it would only play for a few seconds and then freeze. But this one actually works better because you can see what Kamala HQ posted vs what the news report states.

Edit: per @Eric's response, here is a new link. Important part at around the 2:00 mark.

So before you saw this, did you believe what you were seeing was:

1) 100% the truth
2) Some truth with some deception
3) 100% false.

Because let me tell you, I don't believe 90% of what the media shows. And that includes FoxNews. Gallup's recent polling on trust in media shows that only 31%

The interesting thing is that Independents are only at 27%. Kind of expect the far right to not trust them, but they have lost Independents as well. And with Democrats at 54%, they are close to going negative with them (lost 16% since 2022). So you may be in the 31% that believes what you are being fed, but the rest of the country doesn't. And this is an example why, but it isn't because Kamala HQ posted it. That is what they are kind of supposed to do, but that spread across the news networks like wildfire. Thankfully ABC News was honest enough to report the actual truth.

So as to the other things, I am not casting a judgement on you for posting them, I simply don't trust your sources. This could be why no one seems to care what Trump has reportedly done: they don't believe it. We have been misled by the media too many times.

I watched the actual event before I read the news articles.

Yes, what I saw was the truth. I know I shouldn’t believe my lying eyes and ears and only the pro-Trump coalition, but I saw a gassed lying wind bag swaying and dancing poorly, not answering many questions and still managing to make sure he mentioned “nobody is leaving!” while talking about losing weight as an obese man was carted off on a stretcher.

That said, I’ll grant you a pass. Let’s pretend that event was handled well and Trump was concerned for others (more proof you haven’t paid any attention to the guy you’re voting for. He was fine to let his VP be hanged but suddenly is on high alert for people he doesn’t know).

So I’m glad you gave your opinion on that. Seriously, I am. But you started off with the most minor of details and ignored the most serious points.

I don’t need the press - or Trump’s republican allies - to explain to me what he meant, or what was actually going through his head. He said he wants to use the military on citizens and other members of congress. He and Vance have said they don’t care about the status of immigrants - legal or illegal.

And again, I hate to be repetitive, but you’re working backwards. I have no problem with you digging into Harris’ quotes or criticizing her statements. What I do fail to understand, and what is not clear in your posts, is if you think Harris has a problem with communication, how can you not think Trump has a much more serious ailment?

Also, if you have a problem with the press, as many do. Fine. So why does that make you blind to someone who lies ferociously and makes things up out of thin air. Was January 2021 a “peaceful transfer of power” as Trump claimed today? He said it was peaceful, full of love, and of the crowd who went to the Capitol, many were treated unfairly. And before you find one or two people who had their sentence reduced or were acquitted, big deal. Most were clearly criminal, and I damn sure dont see Trump or republicans coming to anyone’s aid when some innocent guy has his brains blown out by some hothead cop. But the J6 crowd? Total victims.

I could keep going.

As for the press, I don’t trust “the press” either. After all, “the press” covers a lot of ground. That doesn’t mean I automatically distrust all news sources either. In the case of the African American polls, I don’t post them as “proof” of anything, but merely to show different sources to yours, and so how do we suss out who is correct? I would say we wait until the votes are counted, but I reckon your side won’t be as quick to accept the results unless they turn out how they want. And even if Trump wins, he will make up his own stats. “105% of the African American vote! Thank you! 🇺🇸” (right under a tweet about how Philly, Detroit, Atlanta and Milwaukee were all corrupt sh*t-holes! No racist intent there!)

Anyways, I’ll end the ranting. I do appreciate your response, but you pick a soft landing topic and avoid the real meat of the issue.

Nothing you mentioned helps me understand how you vote for a demented, dumbass freak.
At least if she does lose it won't be for a lack of trying, I honestly believe that's what cost Hillary in 2016 and Kamala isn't making the same mistake. It's a steep hill to climb as Trump is still viewed as an incumbent by so many.
I also believe that many could not be truthful when answering: they could be afraid to give an honest answer, maybe because they are with friends and they don't know what the others are thinking or they know .
One say: I vote for 🍊, the others follow, at least for not being seen differently or for not loosing face or their friends . SAD!
Also, Trump shouted out to Joe Arpaio in Arizona. Another crotchety, corrupt, criminal asshole felon getting some love from Trump. 🙄

Pardoning a guy convicted for his racist crimes and shouting him out for some applause, what a better way to prove you’re not racist!
Also, Trump shouted out to Joe Arpaio in Arizona. Another crotchety, corrupt, criminal asshole felon getting some love from Trump. 🙄

Pardoning a guy convicted for his racist crimes and shouting him out for some applause, what a better way to prove you’re not racist!
Right, if anyone is looking for Trump to actually help the country and the people they're smoking crack. His agenda will be full of pardons and retribution, he's flat out said that anyway so it won't be any surprise. Too many are not ready to see the country move forward.
Kamala Harris posted this on Twitter -

“DEMENTED DIMWIT DON was asked by the BIASED and CORRUPT hacks at Faux News if he would commit to a Peaceful Transfer of Power. We WILL win this election unless the corrupt and very shady governors like Lyin’ Brian Kemp and Ronny Meatballs help Demented Dictator Dimwit Don RIG and STEAL the election! When I win, we will SECURE our elections from the criminal republican thugs and MAKE VOTING GREAT AGAIN!”

Of course, she posted no such thing. But I wonder how the press would respond if that were a real post. Probably accurately - as if she lost her mind.

So yeah, I get why the press is mistrusted, Trump posts garbage like this (and worse) daily. And instead it’s “Oh, Kamala and her word salad”. Unbelievable.
Kamala Harris posted this on Twitter -

“DEMENTED DIMWIT DON was asked by the BIASED and CORRUPT hacks at Faux News if he would commit to a Peaceful Transfer of Power. We WILL win this election unless the corrupt and very shady governors like Lyin’ Brian Kemp and Ronny Meatballs help

And Yet Kemp is voting for Trump.
And Yet Kemp is voting for Trump.

Don't have much time right now, but do you remember how Biden got elected? It wasn't because people loved Biden, but it was a vote against Trump. That seems to be a lot of the case right now going the other way. Had the Dems run some sort of primary or at least had an open convention where someone who is not as disliked as Kamala was nominated, I don't think it would be close.