USA Election 2024

I don't think he can be blamed for this. This wasn't a screw up. A screw up is a bad decision. The only bad decision here was agreeing to the debate in the first place.

He didn't just agree to it. It was his idea. DOH! The nearly insurmountable hurdle is getting people to try to believe that nothing like that will happen again in the next 4.5 years. The best thing that is happening for him is he's running against Trump. :ROFLMAO:
Wait, you mean to tell me you're not voting for Biden and you suddenly have concerns? Hey, is "he done for sure" this time" too? We all await your expert opinion on the matter.

:ROFLMAO: <-- Not laughing with you, definitely AT you.

For the rest of us here, we've called out Biden and Trump both over the years on this site, we've earned the right to be taken seriously. You're free to have your opinions but it's the same old shit every time.

No, I have had these concerns for months. The rest of you just got caught up to what some of us had been seeing for a while.

Laugh AT me all you want. I was right about this.

Regardless, it was uncomfortable to watch.

He didn't just agree to it. It was his idea. DOH! :ROFLMAO:

Was it really? Why so early? Maybe because someone knew this would happen sooner or later and decided sooner was better than October. Can you imagine the scramble had this not happened until a few weeks before the election?
Was it really? Why so early? Maybe because someone knew this would happen sooner or later and decided sooner was better than October. Can you imagine the scramble had this not happened until a few weeks before the election?

Apparently the Biden campaign was alarmed that trump was close/leading (within statistical error margins) in the polls. And that having an early and positive for Biden debate would move the polls towards Biden leading, and would encourage mega-donors to donate more money to the campaign.
No, I have had these concerns for months. The rest of you just got caught up to what some of us had been seeing for a while.

Laugh AT me all you want. I was right about this.
As we, a bunch of juries and millions of Americans were about Trump and you've done nothing but defend him. My point is you are selective about your outrage, how exactly do you expect anyone to take you seriously with that in mind?
No, I have had these concerns for months. The rest of you just got caught up to what some of us had been seeing for a while.
Everyone here was caught up just fine. All men that age have slow moments and worse. However, the issue is that when the time came to perform in the most public way possible, he couldn't.

You're not ahead of the curve in any way compared to the rest of the board. Speaking for myself, I'm scared, Trump mustn't win for obvious reasons.
As we, a bunch of juries and millions of Americans were about Trump and you've done nothing but defend him. My point is you are selective about your outrage, how exactly do you expect anyone to take you seriously with that in mind?

If you recall, I predicted that the jury verdicts and charges would be overturned by appeals courts, ie bogus or improper charges. We are well on our way towards this.

Now you can complain it was because he stacked the courts and you may have a point. But he didn't make RBG stay on until it was too late. And I am on the record here that Garland should have gotten a hearing.

What I was right about was Biden's cognitive decline. My views on Trump have zero to do with this.

Everyone here was caught up just fine. All men that age have slow moments and worse. However, the issue is that when the time came to perform in the most public way possible, he couldn't.

You're not ahead of the curve in any way compared to the rest of the board. Speaking for myself, I'm scared, Trump mustn't win for obvious reasons.

Sorry, not buying that. Every time I made a post about him flubbing or looking lost or wandering off, it was met with comments about FoxNews or other RW media. Sure there were a couple who were concerned about his age, but I don't think even they had any idea it was this bad.

Had the legacy news done their job, there is a good chance the Dems would not be in their current position, there would have been a legit primary and and they would be running a candidate that had a chance to beat Trump.
What I was right about was Biden's cognitive decline. My views on Trump have zero to do with this.
Your views on Trump are only to defend, nothing else. You can be right about anything with Biden and it won't change the fact that you've been 100% consistently wrong about Trump in every way.

Let's put it this way, your only goal has ever been to bash Biden on this site since day one. You think being right on a certain issue once is going to convince everyone to give you credibility? Get real. Additionally, we've all been witnessing the decline of Biden for a while, many of us have been discussion for months and he's our guy, so quit acting like you're suddenly enlightening the masses.
Additionally, we've all been witnessing the decline of Biden for a while, many of us have been discussion for months and he's our guy, so quit acting like you're suddenly enlightening the masses.

So no one was stunned by what they saw?

I was even stunned at just how bad it was.
So no one was stunned by what they saw?

I was even stunned at just how bad it was.
I was but, again, it was more about the moment. He's often risen to the occasion when required. He didn't here.

I'm waiting for you to figure out Trump is malevolent, stunningly incompetent, and the worst possible choice for president. You're unbelievably behind the curve on figuring that out, since you have and will vote for him again.
So no one was stunned by what they saw?

I was even stunned at just how bad it was.
I think many of us were but it wasn’t totally unexpected. The issue is you acknowledging it with such glee, while remaining virtually silent on every Trump issue, makes it incredibly insulting. You only play one side, maybe X is a better platform for that.
Was it really? Why so early? Maybe because someone knew this would happen sooner or later and decided sooner was better than October. Can you imagine the scramble had this not happened until a few weeks before the election?

Yup. His team's idea. It's been reported that many lower level staffers were blindsided by his performance and are pissed off. But I don't think it was a sooner than later scenario. I think it was, like most businesses, sales overpromised with no clue about all the moving pieces involved in operations to pull something off and their calculation ultimately failed. Sales thinks things don't happen because operations is lazy but more times than not it failed because sales are no clue idiots.
If you recall, I predicted that the jury verdicts and charges would be overturned by appeals courts, ie bogus or improper charges. We are well on our way towards this.

Wait? Since when? The only thing that's happened on that front is that sentencing has been delayed until they work out the new SCOTUS BS.
If you recall, I predicted that the jury verdicts and charges would be overturned by appeals courts, ie bogus or improper charges. We are well on our way towards this.

You're right about the charges probably being overturned. But it won't be because of his innocence. The court screwed him there. He'll never be able to prove his innocence now. The courts aren't saying he didn't break the law 34 times, they're just saying that it's ok that he broke the law 34 times. It's not that he did no wrong, it's that he can't be held accountable for doing wrong. That's completely different than an appeals court ruling that he is in fact innocent.

If he had won in the appeals process, history would likely have remembered him as the president falsely accused of some crimes. Now he'll be remembered as the president who was allowed to get away with doing some crimes.
You're right about the charges probably being overturned. But it won't be because of his innocence. The court screwed him there. He'll never be able to prove his innocence now. The courts aren't saying he didn't break the law 34 times, they're just saying that it's ok that he broke the law 34 times. It's not that he did no wrong, it's that he can't be held accountable for doing wrong. That's completely different than an appeals court ruling that he is in fact innocent.

If he had won in the appeals process, history would likely have remembered him as the president falsely accused of some crimes. Now he'll be remembered as the president who was allowed to get away with doing some crimes.
I doubt Trump cares as long as he gets away with it. It’s not like his followers really care about his guilt anyway
Wait? Since when? The only thing that's happened on that front is that sentencing has been delayed until they work out the new SCOTUS BS.
It they’ll find a way, being convicted fairly by a jury of your peers in a court of law means nothing when you have a SCOTUS who will overturn it.

My hope is that this eventually balances itself out through the will of the people. Right now it’s a totalitarian Conservative stronghold and they’re all fighting to get their lips around Trump’s old stinky wrinkled up dick.
It they’ll find a way, being convicted fairly by a jury of your peers in a court of law means nothing when you have a SCOTUS who will overturn it.

My hope is that this eventually balances itself out through the will of the people. Right now it’s a totalitarian Conservative stronghold and they’re all fighting to get their lips around Trump’s old stinky wrinkled up dick.
I think the only thing that stops Trump is death, even if he is in a bed with dementia he will still run. Plus the same idiots will deny him even being in that bed.
I lived it through my Dad. From its beginnings to its end. It's true Biden is getting old but he is no where near the dementia I experienced.

And I'll bet you saw good day and bad days and no way to tell what kind you were going to get.

Sorry you had to do that though. It sucks.