USA Election 2024

I’m getting tired of hearing people would be mad if Harris got sidestepped for another candidate. Outside her immediate family this group of angry people doesn’t exist. From what I’ve heard from minority group voters they know the seriousness of the moment and that it’s not the time to fuck around with meritocracy and identity politics.
DeSantis was my preferred candidate.

It doesn't matter who your preferred choice was. That's come and gone and is done now. What matters is who you're voting for. Since you like the Republican nominee best, you're giving him your vote. Thus, that's who you support and want to be president.

Biden wasn't my first choice. But since he's the one getting my vote, I don't go around pretending that I don't support him. I might not be happy that he's my option, but it is what it is.

He might not have been your first choice. But we're past first choices. To continue claiming you don't really support the other guy just doesn't fit with the facts. That's the disconnect we all have. You can't give him your vote AND claim you don't want him to win. That appears to be the line you're trying to walk. Biden has 100% of my support, problems and all. Just admit that you support the other guy. We already know it, so by not admitting it, you just come off as not being as honest as you could be in this conversation.

Also, "He wasn't my first choice" is an extremely lame excuse to vote in a felon.
“Was”. Now Trump”is”. Deal with yourself and your lack of ethics.

Well, he lost in the primaries. You know those elections the GOP had to allow voters to choose their nominee.

To be honest, this might be the first year in a very long time that my vote might actually matter. WV was deep Blue and the almost overnight switched to deep Red. So it never mattered.
No matter what I think, or who I support, the problem the Dems are facing is self-inflicted.

They are in this position because the withheld just how bad Biden’s condition was (the stories are now starting to come out and that will continue) and refused to address it.

Trump should be an easy win. But it isn’t because of decisions the leaders of the party made. Had there been a real primary where Newsom or Pritzker or Kamala had been allowed to run a real campaign the discussions would be very different right now.

Dems have no one to blame but themselves. Hate me, hate Trump all you want. But also look in the mirror as to how your side got to where they are.
And with that Herdfan can no longer reply to this thread and this is only the first step if he continues. He revels in kicking us while we're down while vehemently defending Trump, this is just not the site for him.
And with that Herdfan can no longer reply to this thread and this is only the first step if he continues. He revels in kicking us while we're down while vehemently defending Trump, this is just not the site for him.

Seriously? He might be annoying and very good at ignoring the obvious to point out everyone else's foibles, but he hasn't done anything worthy of a ban.
Well Biden has now made it clear he's remaining in the race. I wish they could have someone younger & charismatic. But I promise you this, Trump (or even DeSatan), will never get my vote. And yes, I know DeSantis stepped down from the Presidential race.
Seriously? He might be annoying and very good at ignoring the obvious to point out everyone else's foibles, but he hasn't done anything worthy of a ban.
TBH it's all I can do not to outright ban him from the site, this is just me wanting to enjoy the discussion amongst fellow non MAGAs. It's like the party has a wound and he just comes in to dump salt into it and I'm not flipping the bill for this site just to deal with his constant Biden bashing. He can go start his own site and do that to his hearts content.

I get no everyone will agree but it stands.
Well Biden has now made it clear he's remaining in the race. I wish they could have someone younger & charismatic. But I promise you this, Trump (or even DeSatan), will never get my vote. And yes, I know DeSantis stepped down from the Presidential race.
It feels really unfair to both the party and the country.
TBH it's all I can do not to outright ban him from the site, this is just me wanting to enjoy the discussion amongst fellow non MAGAs. It's like the party has a wound and he just comes in to dump salt into it and I'm not flipping the bill for this site just to deal with his constant Biden bashing. He can go start his own site and do that to his hearts content.

I get no everyone will agree but it stands.

The thing is, he does have some point. We are here, in part, because Biden refuses to cede his candidacy. He needs to step aside. Everyone's telling him to step aside. He hasn't stepped aside.

Where he's wrong, or at least hasn't acknowledged, is that this is primarily a Democrat problem, and that the Republicans haven't done considerably worse things than float a feeble old man for the presidency in their quest for what's looking more and more like an outright attempt at a dictatorship.
Seriously? He might be annoying and very good at ignoring the obvious to point out everyone else's foibles, but he hasn't done anything worthy of a ban.

Totally agree. While he’s endured a ton of insults directed at him on this forum, I’ve yet to see him throw one at any member here.

He’s just expressing his opinions and views. As do others.
Totally agree. While he’s endured a ton of insults directed at him on this forum, I’ve yet to see him throw one at any member here.

He’s just expressing his opinions and views. As do others.

His one sin is just not acknowledging our side of the argument. It can be obnoxious, but it's not worth the heat he's getting in response.

I guess emotions are just high all around these days.
The thing is, he does have some point. We are here, in part, because Biden refuses to cede his candidacy. He needs to step aside. Everyone's telling him to step aside. He hasn't stepped aside.
I don't disagree and I think it frustrates us all.

Where he's wrong, or at least hasn't acknowledged, is that this is primarily a Democrat problem, and that the Republicans haven't done considerably worse things than float a feeble old man for the presidency in their quest for what's looking more and more like an outright attempt at a dictatorship.
This doesn't matter to me. Most of us have backed Biden and are now questioning him, and it hurts to a degree but we've earned the right. Herdfan is just here to bash and say "I told you so" and it has no place in this discussion, he's always hated him and it's pretty unfair.
Totally agree. While he’s endured a ton of insults directed at him on this forum, I’ve yet to see him throw one at any member here.

He’s just expressing his opinions and views. As do others.
I see what he’s doing as slow trolling. He’s pretending to be upset at Dems propping up Biden while repeatedly posting something suggesting members here should be angry about said propping up. He does it over and over and over again. Subtle, but the pattern is obvious. He’s disingenuous, and if called out he says “Who, me?”
I see what he’s doing as slow trolling. He’s pretending to be upset at Dems propping up Biden while repeatedly posting something suggesting members here should be angry about said propping up. He does it over and over and over again. Subtle, but the pattern is obvious. He’s disingenuous, and if called out he says “Who, me?”

I am angry, as this should have been addressed two years ago. Instead… the US and democracy are now in peril.