USA Election 2024

If you aren’t “very worried” you have no business being in politics. In fact you won’t find any prominent Democrat saying otherwise, they’ve been saying this for the last 2 years and are right to do it.
If you aren’t “very worried” you have no business being in politics. In fact you won’t find any prominent Democrat saying otherwise, they’ve been saying this for the last 2 years and are right to do it.

I don't recall the same level of concern and worry in the 2020 race, with Biden leading in the polls.
I don't recall the same level of concern and worry in the 2020 race, with Biden leading in the polls.
Every election and both parties, regardless of who is leading. Maybe we’re hyper aware of it now but it is politics as usual. It always comes down to a point or two.

I would advise every Democrat to not give up this easily.
I would advise every Democrat to not give up this easily.

I don't think there will be many true dems giving up. But I can see many voting R in swing states up and down ballot.
I don't think there will be many true dems giving up. But I can see many voting R in swing states up and down ballot.
Wait, Democrats are actually switching sides over this? Just want to make sure I'm reading this correctly and if you could provide credible sources that would be great.
Wait, Democrats are actually switching sides over this? Just want to make sure I'm reading this correctly and if you could provide credible sources that would be great.

Democrats or even capital R Republicans, or people not a member of a party, who are on the fence for a variety of reasons (the economy, for example, or not voting for a convicted criminal, or one who assaults women) and could vote either D or r, depending on who they *believe* will benefit their current situation
Democrats, or people not a member of a party, who are on the fence for a variety of reasons (the economy, for example) and could vote either D or r, depending on who they *believe* will benefit their current situation

Then they better switch parties before it's too late!
But the upcoming General Election is totally open, right? You can vote either candidate.

Yes. The primaries, at least as it relates to casting votes for President are over.

My primary is July 30th. But we had a “choose the President” election back in March or April.
Democrats need more than "we're not Trump". They need to articulate a grand plan for the future and stop gaslighting everybody on how great everything is going.

This is a thing I have been saying for some while. Remember when Joe mistakenly called his VP Individual-ONE recently? He pays way too fucking much attention to the ShitGibbon. He has to stop doing that. He needs to regard the ShitGibbon as a fleck on top of chicken droppings. He needs to make the election about Joe, not about stopping the blorting menace. The only way to approach Individual-ONE is to present the impression that he is insignificant, that we (America, all of us) should not take him seriously. Joe is not the alternative to the ShitGibbon, he is the guy we should elect. Any other strategy is folly.
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If you can’t afford groceries, do you really care about the indictments?
You should care even more in the face of a lifelong conman who has only ever operated in his own interest - what would make you think he would do anything for you?
Don't answer that - it's clear that class of people does not have the bandwidth to separate information space wheat from chaff as long as they can barely keep up with the daily grind.
Kind of my position since day 1.

If you can’t afford groceries, do you really care about the indictments?
Short of those who are really poor, who do you really know that can't afford groceries? I ask because this is a very Republican trope and the only time they ever truly legislate around poor people it's to take away their rights. Free lunches, food stamps, less taxes for those making smaller incomes, these are things would make it easier to "afford groceries" yet they're actual targets to be cut for the Republican party.
Short of those who are really poor, who do you really know that can't afford groceries?

Living not far from Silicon Valley, I personally don't know any. However... I am very sensitive to people who are not as lucky with children to feed holding down several minimum wage jobs and find it tough to make ends meet.

Sadly, that's not that unusual, and goes *far* beyond the hollers of Appalachia.
Living not far from Silicon Valley, I personally don't know any. However... I am very sensitive to people who are not as lucky with children to feed holding down several minimum wage jobs and find it tough to make ends meet.

Sadly, that's not that unusual, and goes *far* beyond the hollers of Appalachia.
And Republicans will do everything in their power to ensure these people do not have access to services they need. So forgive me if I yack whenever I hear them act as if they care about who cannot afford their groceries.
And Republicans will do everything in their power to ensure these people do not have access to services they need. So forgive me if I yack whenever I hear them act as if they care about who cannot afford their groceries.

I agree. And was only answering the question you posed.
Then they better switch parties before it's too late!
It’s too late. Primaries are long over - which is why we cannot replace the duly elected candidate. And you can vote for whomever you wish in the general.
If you can’t afford groceries, do you really care about the indictments?
They need to understand that not being able to afford groceries is no fault of the president. Blame should be laid heavily at the feet of the CEOs of corporations who are earning millions upon millions while their own employees can’t even afford their products. THAT is the message we need to get out.
It’s too late. Primaries are long over - which is why we cannot replace the duly elected candidate. And you can vote for whomever you wish in the general.
Right, and the notion that all of these Dems are going to change their allegiance to Trump is frankly laughable. I think worst case you get people who just won't vote.
Right, and the notion that all of these Dems are going to change their allegiance to Trump is frankly laughable. I think worst case you get people who just won't vote.

The 2016 election was not that long ago, and vividly remember George Stephanopoulos, ashen faced, barely being able to talk, breaking the news around 10pm on television that trump had won the presidential election.

Regarding the current election... trump is leading Biden in all seven swing states. I don't find that laughable at all.

EDIT: Also... I find trump appointing Vance as his VP an incredibly shrewd move, having excellent optics and with a background that crosses over multiple demographics. Strategically, a *far better choice* than trump choosing Pence back in 2016.