USA Election 2024

Just as Individual-ONE wrestles daily with those troublesome word things, this guy struggles with perambulation


Or, maybe, he has just not had enough to drink.
I completely understand that. Same to a degree with gas prices.

But when people look at when they could afford food and gas prices were low, they remember it being when Trump was President. It is that simple.
Which is why it’s important to get that word out. None of the rest matters except voter education.
Which is why it’s important to get that word out. None of the rest matters except voter education.
The local Fox affiliate (not the nutbag cable network) did a story on how Republicans have successfully pinned immigrants as the leading drug dealers for fentanyl even though the data suggests that's it's nearly exclusively American citizens that deal it. Their message, while lying sacks of shit, gets through because they regularly spread it like a disease.
When talking to their own,

Democrats: You used a dangling participle, you need to resign.

Republicans: You said "ugh", excellent, we will promote you.
Gee, I wonder why they think that?

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True, according to Snopes but context matters:
The headline is real and was part of CNN's live coverage of Trump's rally. However, archived URLs prove it was published as media outlets were attempting to figure out what was going on, and before any news outlet could reasonably report that an attempted assassination had occurred.
It does.

But I don't see how anyone watching that video would think that Trump simply fell. In the heat of the moment or not.
As I was watching nobody seemed to know for the first few minutes on social media, it was pretty chaotic all the way around. It started out with reports of hearing bangs and some saying Trump fell but it was all speculation for about 10 minutes or so.
Gee, I wonder why they think that?

That's an absolutely excellent example of the kind of click-bait headlines we live with these days. That kind of stuff is super annoying. But I suspect if a person were to click on that, they would find more details about what actually happened and not just a story about him being ill or something. Hard to say since that's just an image and I can't go to the full article. Also, I never saw any such headline on their site, but for now, I'll just ignore that part. I'll also ignore the photo of him with blood all over him and being surrounded by the secret service agents. I think that's a massive clue that there's more to the story, but we'll skip that part too.

That's entirely different than flat out lying to your viewers. One is bullshit to draw people in and the other leads to massive lawsuits for hundreds of millions of dollars. One is misleading and the other is entirely false.

But if that was an actual headline from CNN, then you're right. It's absolute crap. It's just a different variety of crap than what I'm referring to.
Schiff has been considering how to handle Biden's situation for awhile.

I believe (ie conjecture) what pushed him to call for Biden to step aside was trump picking Vance to be his VP. Vance helps strengthen trump's chances of being elected a ton. He has excellent optics, a background in tech, is relatively young, is highly educated, and speaks well.

Which all goes to strengthening the republican ticket and increasing the odds of a republican victory in November, with Biden losing.

Still... I'm not convinced Vance is full MAGA. I think he's gently pivoting in that direction just enough to become trump's VP in November. Which will put him in a great position in 2028 to run for president, where between now and then he'll drift back close to the center.
But I don't see how anyone watching that video would think that Trump simply fell. In the heat of the moment or not.
Remember, at that point, there was no "heat of the moment" yet.
As I saw it, T turned to his R, grasped his head, and went down, for no clear reason. Then agents rushed to his side in support.
This could easily have been lightheadedness or worse, and no one would have immediately thought of shots fired at T.
This was live coverage, everyone was scrambling to understand what was going on. I heard it on NPR radio and thought he must have tripped on something.
It was after that that there were suddenly reports of multiple shots and people in the crowd down.
No need for more conspiracy thinking here.

Eric below: Exactly.
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Remember, at that point, there was no "heat of the moment" yet.
As I saw it, T turned to his R, grasped his head, and went down, for no clear reason. Then agents rushed to his side in support.
This could easily have been lightheadedness or worse, and no one would have immediately thought of shots fired at T.
This was live coverage, everyone was scrambling to understand what was going on. I heard it on NPR radio and thought he must have tripped on something.
It was after that that there were suddenly reports of multiple shots and people in the crowd down.
No need for more conspiracy thinking here.
Could you imagine if he were to fall and then it being reported that he was shot? It's a tough spot to be in because any outlet wants to report in real time but you don't want to get caught in that sort of speculation. IMO CNN did what they had to, technically he did fall, they just weren't sure if it was because he was hit or not.
Could you imagine if he were to fall and then it being reported that he was shot? It's a tough spot to be in because any outlet wants to report in real time but you don't want to get caught in that sort of speculation. IMO CNN did what they had to, technically he did fall, they just weren't sure if it was because he was hit or not.

I don't think it really matters what the truth is. The fact that it was posted here shows that it's being used as propaganda already. I'm sure it will be shared millions of times without the context because that's how things work these days.
Schumer and Jeffries are now asking the DNC to delay the virtual nomination.

If you remember, the virtual nomination was going to be required to nominate a candidate to satisfy Ohio's ballot rules. But the Ohio legislature changed the law to move the ballot access period back.

So there is no longer a need for the virtual nomination.

It does look like the pressure is starting to mount again after the weekend chaos.
Could you imagine if he were to fall and then it being reported that he was shot? It's a tough spot to be in because any outlet wants to report in real time but you don't want to get caught in that sort of speculation. IMO CNN did what they had to, technically he did fall, they just weren't sure if it was because he was hit or not.

Did he? I thought it looked like he simply crouched down. And then the Secret Service jumped on top of him.
Biden is the candidate. JD Vance was a horrible choice for VP and I wouldn’t be counting on a huge mix-up yet. Dems should tread carefully. There’s people who want Biden out, there’s people like me who want him in. So what to do?

What works for me... I'm leaving it up to Schiff who has far more information, experience, and insight than I do with respect to what's best for trump not being elected and democracy destroyed.

Similarly... if Schiff had said Biden is fine, and he's fit to successfully run against trump/Vance and winning the election, and will be an effective president for the next four years, I would have also accepted that.