USA Election 2024

From Mastodon today:
"An American presidential candidate using his party’s nominating convention to express admiration for foreign dictators — and to tout their endorsement of his campaign — seems pretty noteworthy to me. ...

Yet Trump’s praise for Orban is entirely absent from the New York Times’ news coverage of Trump’s speech. A search for the words 'Trump' and 'Orban' on the Times’ website since the speech yields only two results…."

#Trump #Republicans #unity #media #MediaFail
“2 died of Ebola: They said Obama should resign.

4 died in Benghazi: They had Hillary testify for 11 hours, held 33 hearings, and launched a 4-year probe.

881,776 Covid deaths, an armed insurrection & theft of classified documents: They cheered, and want Trump as dictator.”
You could not write the Trump story if you tried. The man does have God on his side, if there is one, as nobody this dense should be in his position. It’s so transparent, fake and phony, and his followers can’t get enough.
I feel like I picked “The Sinking Ship” scenario when I signed up for the Earth Simulator. 😳
What I really like about Raskin's letter to Biden was its depth. It's beautiful, heartfelt, and honors Biden with a ton of credit for his service. And likens Biden’s predicament to a major league pitcher facing his arm giving out, and thus helping to depersonalize the situation.

Not sure if it's enough to change the trajectory but it's something. I guess women don't like to be told what they can and can't do with their own bodies, who knew?

Trump now bleeding support in GOP-dominated state as more women voters gravitate to Biden
Have a feeling Harris is going to come away as the Dem presidential candidate (to keep things tidy). Wouldn't mind Buttigieg or Raskin being her VP, giving them some time to ascend to being a future presidential candidate (likely running against Vance).
Have a feeling Harris is going to come away as the Dem presidential candidate (to keep things tidy). Wouldn't mind Buttigieg or Raskin being her VP, giving them some time to ascend to being a future presidential candidate (likely running against Vance).

Would nominating Harris actually improve Dems chances in the election? From the polls I’ve seen she is not doing any better than Biden right now.
Would nominating Harris actually improve Dems chances in the election? From the polls I’ve seen she is not doing any better than Biden right now.

That's true, within the MOE. Though if she were the candidate, I suspect her numbers would increase as the election draws closer (dems and some independents and Rs neither wanting a failing Biden, or a criminal trump).
Jeeeez... Watching the national news right now, I just saw trump at a rally say, "I took a bullet for democracy." :(

And a few minutes later Elizabeth Warren was pushing for Harris should Biden step down.
Secret service flagged as world's richest man shares AI video of 'Trump murdering Biden'
No. Absolutely not. And I’m a big Hillary fan.


Personally, I feel the panic after the debate was overblown. I understand every side of this argument and can’t disagree with a lot of folks here, I’m just a big fan of perspective, and Biden’s debate - while one of the worst and most consequential - truly wasn’t bad that bad compared to the other guy who lies through his teeth while the other guy is just stumbling on his fact-based arguments. I wish we had seen it as more of a bump or bruise than a nail in the coffin.

Politically, I get it - Biden lost big time. I’m just not sure if this hand-wringing helps, and the funny thing is when reporters ask “Are you happy with Biden?” and they say “not really, I think he should step down”, the follow-up is “who should step in?”. The answer is usually “Uhhhhh…”

Trump’s RNC speech was not good. I don’t think many people watched, and I think Vance is a good choice for the MAGA base (he’s a grifter, a liar, an extremist… all the things the far-right love and see as good qualities in a candidate). But I think he’ll hurt the republicans with women.

Nick Fuentes attacked Vance for not having a white wife. Wasn’t he the guy Trump invited to dinner with Kanye West when Kanye was in the middle of his “I hate Jews” tour?

The whole party is a joke, and whether it’s Biden or someone else I believe they (Trump/Vance) can be defeated, but not until the dems situate themselves. I’m too tired to care what happens beyond Trump losing at this point, you guys figure it out and I’ll join in, lol. One thing is for certain, we need to figure this out before campaign season next time.

One thing about all this, if Trump wins - and I’m far from convinced he will - he will face immense scrutiny over his age as well, especially after Biden’s presidency. Trump has known less in his life than Biden forgets in a day, and his slips and inane ramblings probably won’t get better if he assumes office and passes the 80 year mark. Then again, skipping work to watch TV and golf probably helps slow the aging process.

Imagine a Supreme Court with five Trump justices… if that alone isn’t enough to get a bag of moldy bread elected over Trump, then democrats deserve to lose with whoever the candidate is.
One thing about all this, if Trump wins - and I’m far from convinced he will - he will face immense scrutiny over his age as well, especially after Biden’s presidency. Trump has known less in his life than Biden forgets in a day, and his slips and inane ramblings probably won’t get better if he assumes office and passes the 80 year mark.

The difference is, imo, trump Rs aren't really fussy as long as a set of MAGA talking points are uttered. Instead of his inane ramblings being intelligently criticized, they're viewed as delightfully endearing.

While most Ds are fussy, believing Biden was an outstanding President before his accelerating decline. But now believe it's time to pass the torch (66% according to today's AP poll).
At this point, it seems to me that Biden should stay, his Administration has been competant, it‘s record stands for anyone who pays attention. I have no qualms with Harris taking over for Biden. Trump’s Administration was a freaking disaster and Chapter 2 if allowed to happen will be 100x worse, for us and the world. Yet we’re surrounded by millions who want Trump’s poison. I’m so angry, “you assholes will deserve this”, but the rest of us will have to suffer to prove the point.

If it happens, I’ll consider this as fate, the fate that follows failure, and we‘ll collectively deserve it. 😔
… Or it’s The Sinking Ship Scenario, unavoidable.

Anyway, the Democrats, they’ve got to push left, as said previously, throw off Corporate shackles, find someone younger that 70 to run for office, recapture their working class roots, and stop making compromises that has led us to where we are today. Yeah, talks cheap and easy… I don’t have a practical methodology to accomplish this other than say, vote! 😳
The difference is, imo, trump Rs aren't really fussy as long as a set of MAGA talking points are uttered. Rather than his inane ramblings being intelligently criticized, they're viewed as delightfully endearing.

While most Ds are fussy, believing Biden was an outstanding President before his accelerating decline. But now believe it's time to pass the torch (66% according to today's AP poll).
We’re in a pickle…😳