USA Election 2024

Right, "the party" 100% has the say. This is civics 101, not trying to make it personal here but it's like Republicans don't seem to have the first understanding of how these things work.

Ok, but they are not the power brokers in the DNC. They are regular folks involved with the party at the state or local level. Might be a County Commissioner or othe county officer. Maybe an underling in a state department or may just be someone who wants to be involved.

And thanks to Bernie, the SuperDelegates have no vote until Round 2.

My point is the DNC isn’t choosing the nominee. They have to get the delegates to go along with what they want.

So what happens if Harris is polling poorly against Trump? But the DNC backs her anyway. Are you saying the 4000 delegates can’t vote for someone else? I say they are free to vote for whomever they choose.
She's coming out swinging.


Prosecutor vs Felon. All that “law and order” crap the GOP spews should come in handy this year - for Kamala Harris!
I think the Democrats should learn a lesson from Republicans and not be smug and push it. Trump picked Vance out of smugness believing there was no way he could lose to Biden. He’s now regretting that decision with him being MAGA and Vance being MEGA-MAGA. How this applies to Democrats is their VP should be a straight white guy. Don’t blow this opportunity by attempting to be mega-diversity. That’s not what people are looking for right now…and their virtue signaling has gotten stale. We get it. Now’s not the time.
I think the Democrats should learn a lesson from Republicans and not be smug and push it. Trump picked Vance out of smugness believing there was no way he could lose to Biden.

I think Trump should have picked someone from a swing state that could have helped him win that state. He was probably winning OH no matter what. My choice would have been Lee Zeldin. He lost to Hochul by less than double digits in a state where D's outnumber R's almost 2-1. He might not have been able to win it, but he could have forced them to spend money there.
I think the Democrats should learn a lesson from Republicans and not be smug and push it. Trump picked Vance out of smugness believing there was no way he could lose to Biden. He’s now regretting that decision with him being MAGA and Vance being MEGA-MAGA. How this applies to Democrats is their VP should be a straight white guy. Don’t blow this opportunity by attempting to be mega-diversity. That’s not what people are looking for right now…and their virtue signaling has gotten stale. We get it. Now’s not the time.

I just mentioned in another thread I’ve seen the name Mark Kelly being dropped as well, and he’s another excellent choice.
Just wow.

Typical hypocrite. And projection. Musk and R’s accused social media of “cancelling” cons, Musk buys the platform and starts openly doing this.

What a joke, he’ll be getting indicted for something soon I’m sure. It starts with toying about with a social media platform, but he’s starting to sound like Trump with his nonsense.
Typical hypocrite. And projection. Musk and R’s accused social media of “cancelling” cons, Musk buys the platform and starts openly doing this.

What a joke, he’ll be getting indicted for something soon I’m sure. It starts with toying about with a social media platform, but he’s starting to sound like Trump with his nonsense.

Here is what's happening apparently:
Following Kamala Harris’s announcement that she is running for president, users on Elon’s Musk X (formerly known as Twitter) found themselves banned from following the vice president’s political campaign account.

When users went to follow @KamalaHQ, the official rapid response page for Harris’s campaign, they were greeted with a message that said they had reached their “limit” and could not follow any more accounts at this time.

This message usually is deployed to prevent spam or “rate limiting,” for instance if one account is following hundreds of others. But it seems that the Harris account is the one being limited, rather than the users’.
Smug and arrogant retorts by the actual owner of the platform doesn’t make it look good. He knows what he’s doing. Especially since he’s personally attacking Harris on his feed.
I think the Democrats should learn a lesson from Republicans and not be smug and push it. Trump picked Vance out of smugness believing there was no way he could lose to Biden. He’s now regretting that decision with him being MAGA and Vance being MEGA-MAGA. How this applies to Democrats is their VP should be a straight white guy. Don’t blow this opportunity by attempting to be mega-diversity. That’s not what people are looking for right now…and their virtue signaling has gotten stale. We get it. Now’s not the time.
Yeah, flying too close to the sun right now is a truly perilous crash and burn scenario.
How this applies to Democrats is their VP should be a straight white guy. Don’t blow this opportunity by attempting to be mega-diversity.
I understand the sentiment, but I would prefer the best people, whoever they are.

Just saw this on Johns Gruber's Daring Fireball site:

"My top two picks for VP would be Buttigieg and Whitmer. Watch Buttigieg on Bill Maher’s show this weekend, talking about J.D. Vance and why Peter Thiel backs him. He’s so smart, and so good at explaining things.
The knee-jerk reaction to my suggestion of picking Buttigieg or Whitmer is obvious: isn’t a black woman at the top of the ticket already asking a lot? Why go with two women, or a black woman and a gay man? Because they’re smart and they’re sharp and they’re good on TV. If you don’t like their message or platform, don’t vote for them. But if you don’t want to vote for a ticket with two women, or a ticket with gay man as VP, just because, then fuck you. Go vote for Trump, because you’re a bigot, and he’s the candidate for you. There are too many racists and sexists in America, but they’re not a majority."