USA Election 2024

The problem with aging is that past is no longer necessarily prolog.
And what is going on now is the worst possible scenario - self destruction.
It’s over.

President Joe Biden said he is stepping aside from the presidential race in a letter posted to X.

“It has been the greatest honor of my lift to serve as your president,” he wrote. “And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term.”

Biden said he will speak to the nation later this week “in more detail about my decision.”

Ok, let’s give him our gratitude for sparing us from Trump the last four years, and get on with the work of doing it again.
Anyway, the Democrats, they’ve got to push left, as said previously, throw off Corporate shackles, find someone younger that 70 to run for office, recapture their working class roots, and stop making compromises that has led us to where we are today. Yeah, talks cheap and easy… I don’t have a practical methodology to accomplish this other than say, vote! 😳

Very true. But this is a monumental challenge when so many of Trump’s supporters root on the very things they complain about. Trump literally invites billionaires to his country club and says “Give me money and I’ll cut your taxes and regulations”. Well, those taxes being cut out more burdens on working people, and the regulations are things like minimum wage, insurance coverage, making workplaces safe, not dumping toxic chemicals into people’s sources of drinking water, etc.

Each side think their side is for working class people, but one side has definitely proven - through their actions, rhetoric and legislation - that they are definitely not.

It’s the same with ethics - they hired Trump to drain the swamp. Are you kidding me? Lock her up for her emails, but this guy is on tape divulging classified info, hoarding boxes and obstructing the government, pulling his lawyers into schemes, sharing intel with foreign billionaires who visit his golf club…

Good news today guys, buck up. Trump is an evil person and whoever votes for him has no ethics. They must be shamed back into their awfully decorated homes to fantasize about pushing back against “replacement something or other”. Vote. Tell your 18+ kids to vote. If we show up, these trash people will lose.
At this point, it seems to me that Biden should stay, his Administration has been competant, it‘s record stands for anyone who pays attention. I have no qualms with Harris taking over for Biden. Trump’s Administration was a freaking disaster and Chapter 2 if allowed to happen will be 100x worse, for us and the world. Yet we’re surrounded by millions who want Trump’s poison. I’m so angry, “you assholes will deserve this”, but the rest of us will have to suffer to prove the point.

If it happens, I’ll consider this as fate, the fate that follows failure, and we‘ll collectively deserve it. 😔
… Or it’s The Sinking Ship Scenario, unavoidable.

Anyway, the Democrats, they’ve got to push left, as said previously, throw off Corporate shackles, find someone younger that 70 to run for office, recapture their working class roots, and stop making compromises that has led us to where we are today. Yeah, talks cheap and easy… I don’t have a practical methodology to accomplish this other than say, vote! 😳
That said, I’m a 100% behind Harris at the top, plus Buttigieg, Beto, anyone. :D
We stopped at a diner for breakfast and at one point were bantering with the server. She told us her 12-y/o grandson asked, "What's the difference between genius and stupid?" and then told her "Genius has limits."

It kind of summed up this election season for me – and gave me hope for our young people.
Wondering if the 2nd debate is still a go.

If I were Harris I’d demand two more.
I get the sentiment but I have a feeling the party will have nothing to do with him when it comes to the nomination.

You may be right, but the "party" has no say. The almost 4000 delegates are in control. So if he polls better than anyone else, they may go with him. I think he beats Trumps easily and that is the goal right?

It kind of summed up this election season for me – and gave me hope for our young people.

I don't know, give one of them $11 for a $5.95 item and watch them be totally confused. ;)

Wondering if the 2nd debate is still a go.

My guess is no. Trump agreed to the debate with Biden under the rules the Biden team wanted. I think he got what he wanted out of it (perhaps a little too soon). That deal was made with Biden, so not sure why he would agree to those conditions for a different candidate.
My guess is no. Trump agreed to the debate with Biden under the rules the Biden team wanted. I think he got what he wanted out of it (perhaps a little too soon). That deal was made with Biden, so not sure why he would agree to those conditions for a different candidate.

Harris should publicly demand a couple of debates with trump. Would love to see him weasel out with a ton of excuses.

Perhaps bone spurs would still work? :)

Would be great optics for Harris.
You may be right, but the "party" has no say. The almost 4000 delegates are in control. So if he polls better than anyone else, they may go with him. I think he beats Trumps easily and that is the goal right?
Who makes up those delegates again?
Who makes up those delegates again?

Mainly party supporters. They pledge to support a certain candidate, but Biden has released them. So while they support the party, they are free to vote as they choose at the convention.

This could end up being a smooth process or it may end up being a messy process. I think how it turns out will be based on polling between now and the convention. If Harris isn't polling any better against Trump than Biden was, why choose her?

My point is there are almost 4000 people, each who may have their own thoughts on how they want this to go and may vote accordingly.
I get the sentiment but I have a feeling the party will have nothing to do with him when it comes to the nomination.

You may be right, but the "party" has no say. The almost 4000 delegates are in control. So if he polls better than anyone else, they may go with him. I think he beats Trumps easily and that is the goal right?

Who makes up those delegates again?

Mainly party supporters. They pledge to support a certain candidate, but Biden has released them.
Right, "the party" 100% has the say. This is civics 101, not trying to make it personal here but it's like Republicans don't seem to have the first understanding of how these things work.
She's coming out swinging.

Another 76 year old white guy, just what the country needs at this time!

In the past, I may not be opposed, and I don’t dislike Joe Manchin. I just… can’t see it.
Exactly. I have had respect for Manchin's willingness to speak his mind and go against the stream when he thinks it's necessary, though I certainly haven't always agreed with him. But why in heck would we want someone just a couple years younger than Trump when age has become such a central issue? He'd be 80 at the end of his first term. He also left the party and while he could re-join, the Democrat base is not going to get fired up about Manchin.
Exactly. I have had respect for Manchin's willingness to speak his mind and go against the stream when he thinks it's necessary, though I certainly haven't always agreed with him. But why in heck would we want someone just a couple years younger than Trump when age has become such a central issue? He'd be 80 at the end of his first term. He also left the party and while he could re-join, the Democrat base is not going to get fired up about Manchin.
Not to mention he has the charisma of a wet sock.