USA Election 2024

since trump lied so much on his pics why not?
I understand the sentiment, but I would prefer the best people, whoever they are.

Just saw this on Johns Gruber's Daring Fireball site:

"My top two picks for VP would be Buttigieg and Whitmer. Watch Buttigieg on Bill Maher’s show this weekend, talking about J.D. Vance and why Peter Thiel backs him. He’s so smart, and so good at explaining things.
The knee-jerk reaction to my suggestion of picking Buttigieg or Whitmer is obvious: isn’t a black woman at the top of the ticket already asking a lot? Why go with two women, or a black woman and a gay man? Because they’re smart and they’re sharp and they’re good on TV. If you don’t like their message or platform, don’t vote for them. But if you don’t want to vote for a ticket with two women, or a ticket with gay man as VP, just because, then fuck you. Go vote for Trump, because you’re a bigot, and he’s the candidate for you. There are too many racists and sexists in America, but they’re not a majority."

Unfortunately I don't think the election can be won without the votes of some people who are adverse to too much change. They may just not vote at all if its between Trump and the diversity parade. Republicans achieved a lot of their goals by playing the long game. This isn't an election where Democrats should be playing the short game where its predictable why they would lose.
7/23 from Mastodon:
William Lindsey-
"Trump’s decision to use the most important speech of his campaign to praise Orban and Kim put into stark relief the choice facing voters this fall: Freedom, or fascism.

Or rather it should have.

Instead, it was all but ignored by the news media. The New York Times, for example still hasn’t mentioned Trump’s convention comments about Orban and Kim in a single news report, and it has drawn only brief passing mention in a single opinion column."

#Trump #Orban #KimJongUn #NewYorkTimes
You can call me MAGA all you want, but if this guy is the nominee, I will vote for him. And he will win.

I won’t say MAGA, (nor call you that foul label), but I would call Manchin a former DINO, a Republican mole, who bailed on the party, and he would find very little support from Democrats at the Convention. It’s quite amazing the springboard that Harris has recieved. And I’ll remind everybody that I’m not a Democrat nor have ever been a Democrat. I’m an Independent who chooses the best path forward. Not a veiled criticism of you. :)
Unfortunately I don't think the election can be won without the votes of some people who are adverse to too much change. They may just not vote at all if its between Trump and the diversity parade. Republicans achieved a lot of their goals by playing the long game. This isn't an election where Democrats should be playing the short game where its predictable why they would lose.
I love Buttigieg, but you maybe right. 🤔
And if you don't believe it, just ask Trump.

The MSM are up to their usual clickbait games. CNN's headline this morning: "Harris Faces Warning Signs After Strong Start." The warning signs? Trump's attacks on her, as if they're unexpected. Nobody is saying Harris and her party will have an easy coast to a win, but what's happened in the past few days has been remarkable. You can expect the media to call out every Harris campaign miscue while ignoring Trump's repeated lies and gaffes like this one.

I think Vance is going to be a ripe target for his past statements in addition to his far right-wing stances on abortion and other issues:
Republicans, doing what Republicans do best.

Racial and gender ugliness at its finest. And expected. It's what many live for. I can see the nods and high-fives going around in approval. :(

Today's republican party, in a nutshell.