USA Election 2024

Its a new day. And I'm still processing what occurred last night.

It would have been great being a fly on the wall during Biden's debate preparations with his advisors and coaches. I'm wondering if his wife Jill was part of that group and what her input was. This morning Newsom put a positive spin on Biden's performance.

What was irritating last night was trump *continually* sneaking in responses to *previous* questions, rather than the question currently in play. One time...OK. After that his mic should have been muted.
Not watching on TV I just followed a few threads here and there and the consensus was how bad it was for Biden. However, just watched the local news for the first time and they painted a much more even picture of it, giving the edge to Trump but equally critical of both candidates.
In substance, the only thing Trump accomplished was appearing closer to normal and less like the lunatic that we all know he is, and the rules that were set inadvertently helped him accomplish that. He said little or nothing of value.

I could run up 4 flights of stairs and be less winded that Biden appeared to be from the effort of answering questions. I’d really love for him to withdraw. He’s done his part extricating that dickhead from the Oval. He’s not the only politician who could beat Trump. I don’t understand why he’s so determined to stay. The people surrounding him are letting him down.
Not watching on TV I just followed a few threads here and there and the consensus was how bad it was for Biden. However, just watched the local news for the first time and they painted a much more even picture of it, giving the edge to Trump but equally critical of both candidates.

It's worth watching if you can find a video. Many times Biden seemed lost, unsure, slow, appearing unaware of his surroundings occasionally, and often just out of it. His occasional stuttering wasn't a big deal in comparison. It was very sad.

trump... I did catch him telling a truth a couple times. His constant lying and exaggeration was expected. In comparison, for me, he came off very energetic, strong, robust, aware, and very quick to respond (even though it was usually laced with BS).
Problem is, if Trump prevails, we won’t go back to business as usual in four years. We’ll be in the midst of Project 2025, with a VP who will run in 2028 and win because the apparatus will be in place to assure it. They’ll just continue what Trump started as the useful idiot he is.

This. ⬆️ Exactly this. We could elect a brown paper bag to office and it would be better than letting Trump back into the Oval.

What was irritating last night was trump *continually* sneaking in responses to *previous* questions, rather than the question currently in play. One time...OK. After that his mic should have been muted.

I blame Tapper for that, since he told Trump he could say whatever he wanted to, it was his time. Trump ran with it.
In substance, the only thing Trump accomplished was appearing closer to normal and less like the lunatic that we all know he is, and the rules that were set inadvertently helped him accomplish that. He said little or nothing of value.

I could run up 4 flights of stairs and be less winded that Biden appeared to be from the effort of answering questions. I’d really love for him to withdraw. He’s done his part extricating that dickhead from the Oval. He’s not the only politician who could beat Trump. I don’t understand why he’s so determined to stay. The people surrounding him are letting him down.

Agree 100%.
Not watching on TV I just followed a few threads here and there and the consensus was how bad it was for Biden. However, just watched the local news for the first time and they painted a much more even picture of it, giving the edge to Trump but equally critical of both candidates.

Didn’t watch, but from what I’ve seen from every news source left, right, and center thrown at me it sounds like the only thing that could have gone worse for Biden is if he dropped dead of heart attack on stage. But at least then the Democrats would be forced to find another candidate. Instead, we’re going to get President Trump and everybody is just warming up to that. Then there’s just hope enough Democrats will win enough down ballot races to keep the one remaining lug nut on the wheel.

Any analysis other than that is eye squinting damage control, but that isn’t going to work on “most people are too busy to pay attention to politics” voters. What they’re not too busy for is getting bombarded with concerning video and images from this debate. And on that end, Trump provided nothing new to advertise and probably through realizing his literal freedom is on the line, has been more restraint as of late.
Didn’t watch, but from what I’ve seen from every news source left, right, and center thrown at me it sounds like the only thing that could have gone worse for Biden is if he dropped dead of heart attack on stage. But at least then the Democrats would be forced to find another candidate. Instead, we’re going to get President Trump and everybody is just warming up to that. Then there’s just hope enough Democrats will win enough down ballot races to keep the one remaining lug nut on the wheel.

Any analysis other than that is eye squinting damage control, but that isn’t going to work on “most people are too busy to pay attention to politics” voters. What they’re not too busy for is getting bombarded with concerning video and images from this debate. And on that end, Trump provided nothing new to advertise and probably through realizing his literal freedom is on the line, has been more restraint as of late.
The only coverage I've seen is from the Fox affiliate KTVU and they painted a much more even handed picture, that's all I know. Everyone online is acting like it was armageddon for the left, which it may very well have been, just sharing what I saw.

Frankly, I don't have enough interest to watch two old men battle it out in a race to see who's the least senile and couldn't think of anything I would like to watch less. Give me DeSantis and Newsom and I'll tune in.
One thing about this coverage, it should be proof democrats aren't as out of tune with reality as republicans. Every debate Trump has ever had should have garnered this same type of reflection - including this one.

The upside is I don't see indepedents or undecided commetns about how great Trump did. Most seem to think Biden may be too old and Trump is a liar - I don't think it did either candidates a favor.

That said, as has been mentioned, Trump "won" this debate because Biden lost to himself.
Even if the Democrats ran another candidate and that candidate loses I don't think anybody who lives outside the DC bubble would go "Shit, we should have stuck with Biden."
Exactly, sounds like it's now or never for the party to take a stand and push him out. He'll most certainly be advised against another debate. Democrats should be walking across the finish line but are totally hamstrung with Biden, the same thing happened with Ginsburg and look at where that led.
I suspect the only person who could convince Biden to step aside is Jill, and she doesn't seem at all inclined. So no matter how much hand-wringing we do about Biden's performance or how much we wish someone younger was running, it's probably still going to be Biden vs. Trump in November. Call it choosing the lesser of two evils if you want (though Biden doesn't deserve that characterization), but that's how it is.

I blame Bash and Tapper for not doing more to moderate last night. Every damn time Trump didn't answer a question, they should have interrupted him and then muted his mike. They also should have called Trump out on his most bald-faced lies, such as when he claimed he didn't call U.S. soldiers who died "suckers and losers," or that Ralph Northam advocated killing newborn babies.

Trump's constant lying and talking about something other than what he was asked made it harder for Biden, but he should have done far better. He was at his worst when he tried to quote numeric details about the economy and jobs. Instead, he should have stuck to qualitative pushback against Trump's lies.
Exactly, sounds like it's now or never for the party to take a stand and push him out. He'll most certainly be advised against another debate. Democrats should be walking across the finish line but are totally hamstrung with Biden, the same thing happened with Ginsburg and look at where that led.

A lot of this type stuff going on right now. While suggesting there is a Biden cult is preposterous, the Democrats do tend to have a meritocracy cult within the party and a bit of a geriatricy. They’ve earned it and can stay as long as they like.

A lot of this type stuff going on right now. While suggesting there is a Biden cult is preposterous, the Democrats do tend to have a meritocracy cult within the party and a bit of a geriatricy. They’ve earned it and can stay as long as they like.
If there was a filthy sock standing in the corner that was running against Trump I would be in the filthy sock cult.
One advantage the Dems have is they’re not a cult of personality, unlike their opponents. That‘s a card they can play that the GOP absolutely cannot. This acceptance that it can only be Biden is pissing me off.
What was irritating last night was trump *continually* sneaking in responses to *previous* questions, rather than the question currently in play. One time...OK. After that his mic should have been muted.

I don’t remember if it was during the instructions or a bit later, but Tapper told them they could use their response minute however they liked.

In some ways it feels like Biden shafted us by staying in, selfish unfair to everyone in his party and the country as well. Maybe Dems best bet is to challenge it but yeah, it's hard to say how they would pull it off.

Not sure you can lay all the blame on Biden.

The DNC basically anointed him as the nominee. Maybe had there been a real primary, things would be different.
I don’t remember if it was during the instructions or a bit later, but Tapper told them they could use their response minute however they liked.

Not sure you can lay all the blame on Biden.

The DNC basically anointed him as the nominee. Maybe had there been a real primary, things would be different.
To be fair the same thing happened with Trump, they had a slew of better and more qualified candidates. It’s like each party just laughingly said “let’s just pick our worst possible candidates from the geriatric ward and see what happens”.
It's worth watching if you can find a video. Many times Biden seemed lost, unsure, slow, appearing unaware of his surroundings occasionally, and often just out of it. His occasional stuttering wasn't a big deal in comparison. It was very sad.

Why did his staff during prep not insist he keep his mouth closed when he was not talking. The open mouth certainly contributed to his “lost” look.
Why did his staff during prep not insist he keep his mouth closed when he was not talking. The open mouth certainly contributed to his “lost” look.
The dude is like 150 years old and probably just trying to breathe without an oxygen tank. He is simply not physically up to the task and this can only get worse for him. Dems better re-think their options here.
Why did his staff during prep not insist he keep his mouth closed when he was not talking. The open mouth certainly contributed to his “lost” look.
Agree, though this isn't the first time he's done that.

On the other hand, I wish Trump had kept his mouth closed when he was talking.